Show A rnboa alit nit fitly dmru > mwwa + 0170000i Id I ouwaurIYsOLI 10 hirer 40010 rep ttttoot UWY ea You 0400 010 u reM u YD fwoy IS VYYw umto w Lw t lttrt 1 u001 arMo INw u 1WYY Yee ul iureue a uu nlY I = Ipso I rmW tleW ry + YY YarmrltY wWeal 00 LJYIrYwmrr YJ W rowNtYtIU1Y Women too lIy Poker I Poker in all the rage Snot now among I II rf r the younger element u society t0otnen to ahiu ton 101 of course iii pIny J f r f i ed under the rune and only thinethe swim aro permitted to sit at tho Ircen cloth I 1I r0dl If with the seductive r0 II chips Tho ladle play like men that U thee put their I ironey up before h II J rn rlr fat f they sit down and cash In their chip nt tho end of the iaiiic nceurdlug to tho rules and regulations provided There tins Icon n good deal ol eommcnt sad 110011 recently about the stiff games played by bottle ol horse women m fs I predicted I that I Ub the practice keeps up n scandal ol huge proportions jin kJ will bo the resultNow t World Dint Tobacco Spit or Smoke Your life Awa In the Initbful tine Iltmn ef a Ik about NoToIlao hoe haunt guaranteed tobacco tabll euro that truces up nln tin ted nerte eliminate tie nlcollnn iiolwm makes emit loeficaln strength viuor anil msnmoO ion fan bo ihjtltal r financial rick Ii Mo Tattoo t oUI fry Drurglsta elect w here un ler a cuar ante lo more or money reft mint honk ttte AabtrillnltemodyeAk Mew Turk orthleofa I leetrlo IOCIMMOIIM OU > erlor la Steam Scrlbner for May Comparlnf tho electrlu withh the Menu locomotive nn Inechanlsins pure nnd simple there It I n outdo illfTereiiio betivten them an re garbs simplicity On the ono hand wo have an aggregation consisting of boll crs pump cylinders 1 mattes piston nnd connecting rods with reciprocal IIIK motions while on the other hand the electric locnuiotlvo IIIIH but n slnglo innvlng pert too armature having n rotnrv motion It follows that the ri r oll r IIII cost for repaint of n simple mechanism like the rlictrl locomotive would be fur below that of the steam loiomotlto In proof of which wo need milj cite the statement of Mr Alexander Siemens president of the Knzllili Institution of clcctrlo uplnccrs that llio electric lo comotlvesoperating In thin Iondon In tleruround railroad rm 00000 miles without costing n ecnt for repairs Ilrgeecnssoptonr tewllh ClIrln i surr I p UCWktaIh rhw C4 nl In time of wnr rune imta DTO out ot every 1000 of her p ulatlouln tbs Held iennsaeliol ltmaln 111 THE SILVER QUESTION I P J I yr I Do You Wantto Understand the Sclsnco ol Mcncy It U Plainly Told In I COINS FINANCIAL SERIES JoIT raMTrnrtt 10 I olOllr eerlea IItmkrrAtl memo tutu Moo OLTUUtI bv Archbishop WIb 01 nut hal ha-l rcreutyeIght Vogel An ObI unto meet CO I rnt N a1I Coin liAR HOOK tr W It liar try OeaU wllh Ibo elcn inlary prlnclp off trainer anil Kalb Urn leinyslx forest m 10 trnta No 3 COR rllARru lCIIOO ty W II Money Illustrated IW pamn I NI to him h irallons II slmiillnes the Bimuclal autijwl o nunllliarr rliKiUi > y ouul1rroD < lIL II is I time ituitolt 01 Ibrn DlulfIJ roU in is t0 inch and nruro Dna mho most Inloo lptond rulertm9kmr tank > on lute ubJI 01 tmtuer pubiistied Irli ealito r Idll ri r ruverTvocolunrMccDls 1upulurcdl I tloa con bilutl Nit i A rAL > r1wn NAIIOM bvV It Harvey A noiel of HUB pats 1 A loycatorv n11 I ill + I Rita tit hi lory ol Utinoneilullou nnil fenlilslho evIUilrltanit Innurntetlbat t holo viurkMi Ihdetlrucliem ol An erlcrui proapertlv Afaie atltiitand innruun book It bouts II ee icr ohIo wonderful Infirm from brim slur fl Ioiular edition B cenls extra qiill I r Meenia In cloth II to No nAn on of HiLYtn t > y dodge Ilrnn Miller d cidcajo 110 lace A took lullnt to I for all ihouikiful tt the linnet Question l per wily a cents oow 1tW LTjlntfICARUL so 0 lit TO DATS CIIIH UKAKfiAl rieuooi roNTiKDiu by VV II llsr ey lllua r fO NI irated OlmI nor and blo Illuslranons I liliu i lil dry of CDIM the IIIH nnanuwr ni I nee tic IlKerlnif I bli lectun In Chlcaio U 1 la doll ruled lo 1 thin readers of coins I INANCIAI henoou an I anouMonlv f read ty Iboo who home terra tile School I verv loom In me lJI 1 It Dulled thee should rctul It Iopulareillllon tlreniii t tether paper tdlllun W teou clolu After Mar hire all persona orderlncCoin s 11 1 t snttol l School 1 or Up ta lisle Coolas II 001151 school CoIII In rlob will set thin Iwo Iroks n I truth tor aLW coot ostpcll t The two amok s itifceiner moko toot moil rumpiria troatlsu uo the sulijeci 01 money ever I ruled nor Nperlit Offer We send the 11l0lnll hoar books ronpalt fOrftlU JIIrnDIIIb1 In4 MonometIII II I rniirroVriraTio I iltr rout MmfmliUA l I lum roI 11ut i too Nation tint o ill 1h for till 1 Nationt I rb rs t 0t looks lu 11nattU looksa We 11100001001 w 1100 mlh tie it W IIlnlOllIIm a annnmetalttmM to train Cut elnnneini 1 Ilohool Colo 1a Itnnd cent talk eul 1 lon 1o10ITlfoNoD II cent Iltlon Catptcr en bllnr 1IIndllloI snd Ip Io Hate Coin nhlllil hchool CoUn4 21 l hl at tor 1st oNermt the 1 II = t ln t r looks d lu Ibis utoner w yet Nu t nt e took loronJ of the oresolna took or enrr romp Inrtrm n O too ra r or air Oiler toot 3g or tuone huh do awL Wle Irocn tbkl b 11011 cllorr Ya foe lhoiinmr Ib m Midmost dsulhoiinmr cunll CUUII naeaIwRt tat mt CUIOU CklroII DAVIS HAND OR POWER DREAM SEPARATOR Ohl more hit 04 01 WgI1e t onhltm tbsn b brao a tun SAVED MONEY AND LABOR Imroreon Ito 100 rsmbIN Mnlld Ce A int Wsntd PunkA nmltm litho ARO Rr1 t 1 soleksrafsrl nrr CLWoota fig tiltfittMOlt I I I NSI O f I c Py tl II r Pro Irr IJBIo Clplrn 1 Y n tw vet 1 1 110 anal tLtao II JWee PATENTS r int PATENTSt1 ften1a Wanted n + oar Y Yr j elaynyrr1u µ I runot31i4An Tom n Ir IJ Olllllflllio 1113 whet o annrtjji ndm e Itmer0U kindly nnlnn I J Mat lknip bTrup ua u UM le llmna PaM M nrvrrNLL o I I A persistent washing and rinsing In J milk will remove an Ink stain s r jr r f X A1e tl 1 l tb ve I1J 4 0 0 f I r J mrSPVtCO TeMs O 1ronrs cl ll IHSCV lsiT Oii l nw rd lerT 1 Man oIr eta nb ibai rah not u curel bt laklrui halls latarrti llirn Sent fur tcallmgnlslt 10 bold hJ UmjjUti lie I Harper llsiar 11of Stop that Miter Mendel 1 Is 1 sM ttlinl Is tU trouble llsinors He rue tramp a counterfeit dollar and tlio fellow I sited It st Ills store Mrs Detva Lockwood will not be permitted permit-ted to I rocUco sfore the Ireluls supreme curt llateullii tjrnnny ncuit to ding to Ibo Ojl llomlnlon II the ilatiy Is cutllui ToIh M tan and w Ih tH4 411 tried on end t Hu KUIUW toom Slat r for CtlUna TxtUx Time 1arliliurst l memorial font i amounts toKVUUU Tbo form of the testimonial has not 1 een decided non jut U Is I resumed re-sumed tiger bids will figure In It ll nioTil ol Tlcltil Joie of III New York Chlentjo tl tl louts lull rosil Nleltfl IUI lliiiil On Mar lot the Chicago cite ticket alike I of the New York Lhlrsso A Bt Ixiuls It I It Nickel Islets l Holdl will U moved to III I Adams urest 1 cj oiUe the roitcV I J CAtAUlI General IIIat The North lirltlh Ilsllwsv rompunr U tmlldlnitn atstlon at UHnUurcb al a lOll ol IISOOOOO Ktit Tim Yon Co Wet Tsk the llurltnzton nont s Ilinck IIIU Montana mad Puget Sound Ma rear lMvssOmshaat4 pm daily nvtett sad bit train to the black Hllli northern Uyomlnr tbe Yellowstone Na tlocsll ark Helena Unite Hjoksne Best U sad 1acomll For rata time table etc sralr tn tli local tlclet scent or writeJ J Foam 0 T it T A Durllojtou Route OmAba Neb rtuinothllllllronrlmiai otCIila > M deities I sro suiionxl i lo lints sn mod tl ully of Iiiuu yero chore Chrlt 000krreoep rloekensdwek oh rmr Uhonr I 7wmt wok na loolle Oelhlel 5 taxi tO the tIloal rtebathneolts and aetrooa ills liver dotliirs lliied In IbOl ors otlh tl 1101 i rach hikers weep uuly H070 rvluedj la diet year ftrnr tn ao roe raw So rrllr Ibsl Mrnro ilea Yd no m rstn par e paLl nw 1st All ibt ww k ol JlmJervoriia Ilo A Sianlb roper la the 1y renew rOlU Itchy enp ends I uUlcatloii In hot wenlhr 1nos Cure for Consumption rllves the mottoUtlnaUconihs Her 1 > llccuuuEir till IAllloltoll Ma Feb 24 V < The ulntlon of time 011 empire Is Incresslufj at the rat of ouuuoa s year Kalloll MIfi Coma fIln 104 II r tteuJ0 Ark y mesLLa < ninltlrll niei IH U hotoirsphr eta I e d ijj la clear vstsr at a depth ollooUI IMO lost w re l KNOWLEDGE Brlnn comfort and Improvement and tends to personal enjovmcnt when tightly used Tlo many who limo Utter Ut-ter than others and enjoy life more with less expenditure by more promptly adapting tho woiliVs best products to the need of physical bring will attest the onion to health of the puro liquid Isxstlro principles embraced In tho remedy Syrup of rigs rci excellence I ofl duo to Its presenting In the form most acceptable and picas ant to the taste the rclrcslilng nod truly beneficial properties of perfect lax alive eflcctuslly cleaning the system dispelling cold headaches and fevers and permanently curing constipation V It boa given satisfaction to millions 1 1 and met with erl1a approval r of the medical profession beaus It nets on the Kid j revs Liver and Dowels without weak suing them and III U perfectly free from every objectionable substance Pyrun of Figs It I for ale ll all druggists drug-gists In Wo and II bottles I but It Is 1 manufactured man-ufactured by the California Fig Byrnp Co only whose name Is I printed every package also the name Syrup of Figs and being well J Informed you will not accept any substitute If ouerod 1 If you have Rheumatism Ge any of I bar gain you fn t ako chance 1B f ftN twenty nl ear ago t a n to 111 nln and IL eon pn nkllllaR ever tiles I |