Show HCIIOOL TIME The aldermen of Manchester Hnir land lime voted 11WO 000 for a Br al technical school Portland claims to pay more per cap hi l > for her schools than any other city Ilutany Is to to Introduced In the Ml mnry school In two years Wisconsin has spent ISO 000 for a taw library IIMOOO 1 for a gymnasium and tISSOOO for a laboratory labora-tory nil tor the State university The plan of sending pupil reports to their parents on postal cards doesn work U has been tried In Auburn Me and the bright lays capture the cards nnd tear em up The new ItdlsdHphU schoolhouio named for George W Clillds Is I ono of the finest In the world though not large The kindergarten Is carpeted and prettily pret-tily pictured and there Is I In the basement base-ment a heap of sand for the little children chil-dren to dig In A lscomdn farmer went to deliver n load of wood nl a Fond du Lao school lie rang tote lira alarm Instead of Uie I door bell and was astonished n second later to see hundreds of boa and girls file past In perfect I order each with books cap and wrap Three boys were recently expelled from a Ilrooklyn public schorl one for whistling In the halt one for im > lnic I did one for producing a match when the teachi asked for one to try to burn n piece of asbestos The request re-quest was only a trick The rule forbids carrying matches In school and the boy was bounced for his j > olltenc s |