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Show .JJalvtttiXy of Ut 1 f: The Coalville Times. YOL II- - OF S'O'NJiLirr IITTEESTS DEVOTED TO THE PATRONIZE HOME INCUSTRY. Ji.2XX MOEQAN SUMMIT COUNTY, UTAH, FRIDAY, JUNE 7 CQALVILLE, COTTHTT ES. THEE, cm AGE OF SILVER, - W CATHERED BY OUR ALERT COR- - at b.rd the other morning and wmr vf ittun An r jot KDtras: awt wftiffthe rhmrjirif. (wiw'ai ng :ir mg ( - RrAaiuf the meula ) Btetaef t'eiumittee ' ELECTRIC SPARKS. ,r'tr but pAILY, U S.T T TO NO. 17- - 95- - 1 THE COUNTY NEvVs- IS urt f t1 .M'l. mil 1'tttib This t itltb 1 II E couhl not legain pa. e Or ttAPPE N INfig AND A I. Hr IT liitl.ll K EG Klennhc American. HJist i lOSS. season Tl hlinnif t . 03T HER REWST5" ! gets hurt. !;rl jairt o the secretary of the Almy Relief . w see made hat is to t An effort Reports frni the Argentine f'zeyuhlic Committee : being Tb. Firiita f Ihr KM-- from N.irjy out citizen will do towards thy fom ltwtiirlaiil Emiti f lb Week ho lhat there is a very a jfbfe a Hr Km. 11, i iw! Mateuient i f 11. E. Morgan, Alt tk la Summit 4'oaaty-- - Wh K.cry Cmriued trine lh telnl Tlai ble pm tv which isagliatiiig pri apvts f a, mile of telephone poles and the erect-- 1 set ret.tr aA in A liny Relief Committee "The TtineaV KrynwatMIvM Ha bound-- 1 trum tier, 1 kr anl w.tr ailh Chile. The A rge mg of them There i no fear but j of Almy, Wyo., show mg all receipts and lliislk boniul l Write About. an i ommiasioners have .rr,icd fiom nriotj hf ,1 y t ig, lint the labor of getting what the pit rt it r, :'igied to peoa will Ever) her ot rnoiiev to Almv and v hsle and rep.Tted aattsfr of e completed on time. Now that the from the-daprogress, "j tne gotibna desi rjtiedJiyjiaeof the old- ntjrr,., t on, the citizens sh uld we At hut the KAMAS. press gentine disaster to the preaelit t enterprise 4cep up the et miners in tlie region, Is verv great. kalurilev, Jan 11 , a. k of war. Witt a as seen At u.e hall the that the ao'k is. finished to completion. date, to-- it . May 27, 1R.. Tlie Y ukou distrii I is remarkablv diffl-- Tno deaths ft om heat in Ne Votk AIM Rtl EllTS noticed other evening. the cult afTtiWs, and a great many adven- improvements Among and M.w.re.V Turtdi) Jwm 4 prosia'ed elsewhete are reJ. TiioinS' urers a lio have started hopefully frotu 7t (0 Kantai hue teen treated to several during the past few dais are: 'r tin r ported. . semur jfm in IVi.iivUinm Juneatt have fade,) even to get near the Murcliant has covered m his laree 2hx40'KJ tnO storms la'.elv. f Kasllni (0 have beeu invade t has put up a Aili.ur Archbishop K tnck of Kt. !auis has gold region, 1 1 is n expensive journey, f leue.gn tLrkehi Tut genial fate of Will Jdck shone on barn; Robert Alien 30 k oiu . f dLwevl by t I be . lieen deposed. a to new picket fence; Orson Wilkins has t i'vt too. Then the tharacler of protel w . . . Iuiriie out streets Monday. thegoliL fiH te. m , . A call has b es issued for a conference erected an.adilmon to his residence and A'Hlholic I hi-v-1 rbut mining and the limitations tuidor which 1 in .. .. Larauue R. iala is John Carpenter and Quince im-, k house. 75 4H0 (, ti.ru ol tit t c u lit of Kansas sil.ver mn. it must lie done have seid many fairly , Representauoe Ui'j continue to preparing tu build a rock nil ft A6 KtYtr sent to the tapilal fruwlay, rimIJ. A. Marchant has put up, an adLaMKitr UiUO sav eilyer must experienced miner latckjn despair. K V'oudert Frederic Vv ard E. IirM i onirtvtfununal rhurchf i'aek, hr., went to baft l.ake dition to life dwelling house. In many districts the Km k ttnnw i M 'i Alva l!ooe wasarree'ed at lterveys-Lirlast week on business for the Co-o-p mill. i I ml., (or rtKftmietiK'um ,rtu yriiue jso tw Decoration Day was appropriately Kt an twenty or mors feetbylow th raping lu Ml tH Miss Martha Iloyt has returned lroni observed here. During the forenoon W it (tCKMllPA!, FvlUt(U surface, and shafts must be sunk to that til W tisdd. zt : F.tn Ijirmmt depth through ground frozen solid and Logan, where she has lieen in attend ihe graves were repaired, the ground Sew J. W. War burton has lieen gaot ed report td. im w t WiOS the MiiHPtf wrlioti auce at t'o Agricultural College. lal orion t process. The prot-je- ct an denied up nud everything made readv by a ! of tioeat Jkr.taiu at U T , hot k z' wa ,UNe Wn ,pp0blted 'for ptriuK hole are usually about three and a 1 Mr. John Lemon, Jr., who has been tor the services; but the day being cold Huh , Francisco. ( hevrtine lit S jthe UnitwlMat Cordage Couipsliy. ,ify baf feet wide hr six feet long. Enough absent the pist year, attending sellout it was thought best to hoid the services KnieriuiiiMtut ttt Kramtoii lie . Yeeicnlar was one of t tie fiottelt of the I s of the delegates to the Hli-li- s wood must be cut to cover this' H i nrk i S6) hue returned at.d is glad to le at home in the school house, xhere the people space Ml OS wwsunin iwwiun, It Ijiuitiu 'ftv u.eroai y registering j Democratic silver ronveaUon are for and a rousing fire lie 27 met at 2 eeloi k p m , when the followfor almost hifa jit f MieratHn . kept np again. I fiee WSW W degrees. Mihille Home ltrwmwflr u a whole day liefore the ground is sufcoiwage at It) to ! , ing program w as carried out : Nngmg 1 hlllllis B;i; sr; A matinee ball was given in the epera 2 SO ! , colort-dJim as u Krooman, a hot The Supreme Court bolds the by the burn! ay School clioir; prayer by UiuaMoi ficiently thawed for the miner to get out hou-- e Finlay afternoon. Tlie little ones nii vi .aobai Colvinbin Cziv, K U., for asult- - j judgnicvits of foreign countries w hich do about a foot or a foot arid a half of gravel C .Ml VS , remarks by F. W. March-'liicaeo v,r.h!!-' Kiel were out in full force. In the evening S " f'"1; Jug a cokireJ woman. not recognize the rule of international and soil. One man can burq a bole down 6 (SI the adult enjoved t lie dance away into Ht ; singing by Mrs. A. 1earson (SI z M c M remarks bv irchant The story of tl Jyncluug of three in such matter caanot tie en about afoot a day. The work can be oii'n ; Mis J. recitation comity the mali houns. t)t A t r, Otmiha n don only when alt th surface water is , fluiRwetow John tv tiid this country. Airs, Ijsroesai Maxwell; reading, (neve., iutassiilUhg Andrew Kiiuhail visited the different S frozen, otherwise it would draiu Into the O. F. Lyons; singing bv C. j fake. he a rchj beM by beilakeprwesdo has received been Elegy that lmelligsru-jf merchants of our town Monday, Thty (l w (, lime pro-pe' J10U1. In this regions have Tl. J. West; recitation bv L. Pearson of 2Pth 2iew tween 31st and the R. French the ediwr May Fisk, Fteplien May W M Hraillev J lively gentleman is always welcome, been Ai.J. sunk Marchant. benediction M feet or more, all seventy-fi- v fi t by a. York pur u( singing, Spitit of the Tiuioe. has beeu de- Catholic and English and American mis ' whether 011 business bent or pleasure. X frozen through Tbe citizens then diove to the cemetery Cheyenne Kock Spring and the miners ground, at tbe feated iu hi suit fur divon e. capinnary p ojeriy Ching Foo, Memoiiai Day whs pretty generally where tbe graves were decorated and L. p S ehoirconeert. Evhiluiii tvi (A never got bsdow the frost line. say they of ital of western the Fzechuh, province Frank sun blender Jellrev and Forrev. Wheyeniie l(o0 ' iKiuglas observed in a quiet way, many visiting strewn with Bowers m fondieraembraiwe JH L.C.Tsvl. In other district the work can be tlgUea were hanged at Mvrphyrburg, flL, for China, was destroyed by rioter. The .... our rather unsightly cemetery and of those loved ones who had gone liefore. Janie Bow ft. Aling lli done only In the very brief summer, e ibe are missionaries safe. 4 S Iwucheity f ieported murder James Towle. he graves of their loved from tbs middle of May until about the beautifying Joseph Reeve Although we did not have soldiersgraves W m. Fesruofami dame In Almv . Tlie of proceed has tbe Currency ones with flowers. Comptroller middle of Septemlwr, and uzually for , Wsdeastiav, daw ! to decorate, they were not forgotten, FlnlHiid Teuipernce Society, is sA Sgixcu authority fur the organisation of .. .. ... about ninety day. In these reIlKnois convention Our respected townsman, H. J. Janl-boi- i, and a noble tribute was paid to those M Butte The Iemocratlc only E Almv hureh, First National Bank of A Roswell. N. 46 10 ab th ground is not lroxen so deep, has taken to himself a helpmeet. heroes who bad died for our nation, the Cltlsensof IllsmimuvUle, Wj meets gions SVI S5 M. . ParkCitr, Pth ... . , The lady was formerly Mr. Elizabeth remarks of Mr. Marchant Iwiing iq that 146 4 Uamik. Wyo .... .. Colorado cattlemen start out to kill and the gravel and soil cart be washed 4 S ' Nine hundawd and eighty-seve- n ts Cak A pat-ruw from the bed lock. Flumes .must little led of cause to hit b direction and the quiet hnyderville. Snyder the sheep, t' B. employees, Kock Spring were issued this week. This is tbe built from the creeks and the water con .Wsefimi trom Sheridan county, party assemble.! at Mr. Paulsons on the Memorial Iav services, Chilean government is authorized to ducted Wyo to .the claims. The bed rock it number, with two exceptions, coin Wedneaday evening to bid the lady A. W. Maxwell has moved bis family flO.OOO.OtW iu silver annually, " Total 18U1 a week since in from ten to twenty-tbre- e welcome to her new home. . any . feet below theto tbe shingle thill in Weber canyon DlsBCSEHINTS. 'h - I Alcmede Chattel, - the murderer of The?, Wl!! l,, ,, anr ttb Mrface, and all th. overlying soil must Mrs. Lucy Pack met with quite a pain- where lie intends to get out sbiglesof By oah to Almy suHVrori as per' be washed aa ay before the gold "Is ac I tile Jessie Keilii last October, was hang-i- d Memphis silver convention. ht on tile and held, sntiject toI1J5J IS ful accident Monday morning while the best quality. He deserves a liberal lnpectioa fires in were forest The A working Dennsylvania cessible. formurdered Ont. A The fractious cow, evidently at Kiratford, B. R. E. VflR. By eah for merehaudis and supply of water is milking. patronage. a rainstorm. gneds pnrehased sud d'slrite by extinguished obtainable fat attended execution rarely for kicked than ninety the tbe her her in nlore girl's vocation, lady getting nnd under direction of ROCKPOKT to suflerers a per lint .v 'AUiswa DP the face, making an ugly wound. L)r. 4i ffhs teaiu gbbuJCoiitfS)iur..,iAL.P!lBLnal The 4 CmwsjtcW , SZ9 ST hriearnh filed . 6. C.' Laney and family of Kama Cash aifair satisfies the administration, entire seasons are consumed In this on hand, Including couuty lAWTwnr took the necessary stitches a notice saying private telegram sued e AS5R SB warrant spent. Decoration Day in Rockport. work before a and made the patient comfortable. The Porte refuse to accept the Armenfor the island of Formosa cannot be ac- sight of theolu .. Total with is sick S4l 07 Miss May Vickery obtained, and the miner must have quite News reached Kamag on Tuesduy cepted for Kee Lung, Tamsui end Teip-tsf- ian reform' propsuals, and the situation measles. is serious. money as well ae pluck to keep him Report of If . E. Morgan, eecretarv of g evening last of the death of Mrs. Eliza jf until he strike pay gravel. Tbe Miss Adeline Aiibboni is able to be up the Almy Relief Com m it tee of Almy, R head of Coalville. . Quite a number of All arrangements have been made for Mrs. ha rah 8 he II, who has been on gravel needs to lie remarkablv rich to the young ladies prepared to go down to again. Mrs. Nirah Gibbons is now on Wyo., showing receipts and disburse- trial at Canton. n fight to take 0., on the charge of tbe of all ments for the arduous and tedious and list. merchandise, sick morntbe but goods compensate next attend the services, the complicity in the conspiracy to murder plnce at Dallas, Tex , October 21t. w htch have come chattels labor of reaching It. under the cold so and verv storinv returned M. on Staker ing proved they Monday E, William Mackey, was her Attorney-GenerOlney and Folicitor-(ienerWhen the claims are worked were forced to give the journey up, much from Lo?an, where he has been attend- control of said committee from tlie date by burnConrad are acquitted. mentioned a pos- ing of its organization to the present date, holes iu the winter, hot to their regret. The great respect and ing school all winter at tke A. C. U. prospect sible successors to tlia late secretary of stater is needed for Tennessees Buperntendent of Flute to-it ; May 27, 18U5. love felt for Pres. Rhead has caused washing th gravel 'Miss Hattie Ftkker of Wilson, Webei state. W. Kirk, who was Rrisons John . when it ij obtained. Usually when tbe RECEIPT many to sorrow that they were prevented county, is here visiting relatives. een donation from 'kmtviHeBnmterM!i,y - hot at. the state cmpttal " Tbe Democratic state executive from thus testifying to their sympathy gravT has-breached Enoch Brown of Hoytsville FtaYe, Utah 30, 000 Andrew Elder last criticise Senator by Brice for Vaughan, hi Wedensday the returns have been handsome. and regret. pounds potatoes, C Along visited the Sunday school here on Sun- 21,300 pounds flour, 10 Case was shooting atT. J. manipulation of the state chairman in Miller Creek In the eggs, 4,000 while Vaughan oast season or two OAKLEY. the interest of the gold standard. day last. He aho addressed the meet- pounds groceries, IKK) pounds bacon, one Davis, died the yield has averaged as much as l or Th ;re were six loads of hay passed ing iu the afternoon. box ef clothing. $1.50 a pan, and claims staked ont two nadav. Jaaa Sad. through yesterday for the Park City Mi-- s ThinStr, Clarise Ftevens of Oakley was in Bark City, Utah 4.200 pounds flour, or three years ago are now held at market--. Khenandoah, Tke la., has a 4 1 00,000 Brel tan Francisco detectives believe Sen- varying from $2,000 to $20,000 each.prices. tTIelaat oFTTieweek, RociTporF guest potatoes and general merchandise. Ralph Maxwell of Peoa passed through of Miss Clara llortin. Union Pacific Hotel Co., Evanston, , The extent of the lbiladelphia reports 105 degrees in ator Buck murdered Miss Harrington. gold belt of north-wo- nt yesterday en route to hie sons, Jl. W. Alaska ahd tbe Canadian oerth- A panic prevails at Jlddah, whore the J. William Welsh, who has just re- by D. S. Pardee 5,100 pounds potatoes. the shade. Maxwell of Boulevard. turned from school at Logan, is spendJustice Barrett of New York fainted in Badouins threaten tojattack th town. west territory is still a matter of specuCasper, Wyo One box of clothing. E. Horton is looking after the fat ing a few days in Rociort. Judge Slaughter, Cheyenne One box court.' He will recover. A treasury official removed for criii. lation. FntimUie information brought of cattle of the neighborhood at pieeent for clothing. The Morning' Call of Ft. Iaul, Alinn., rising the lresideut and Secretary Car- by prospector it is believed that tbe Thre were no services held here on - the market at Iark City. Sweetwater Coal Mining Company, bas belt covers a district from seventy-fiv- e Decora. ion Day. The graves were all lisle. gusjtemled publication. to a hundred miles It is reported that O. O. Olsen will decorated. During the afternoon tbe Mercantile Company and the mines of Tw hundred houses were destored ncminate on tne head waters wide, commencing Kentucky Republicans of the Ilootlinqna commence te make the brick for the boys engaged in a game of baseball with Hopkins, Wyo 4140 pounds dry goods by fire in tbe native quarter ot Iort Bradley for governor and declare against in British Columbia, and followriver, pew ward house at Oakley next Monday. the Spring Hollow boys, in which tbe and groceries. Said. free coinage of silver Rev. T. Thurlway. Green River One ing closely the course . of the Yukon There will be a meeting of the L. D. latter were victorioue, the ecore being Six to an were atoms Illinois Democrats adopted 16 to river to and bevond the Arctic Circle. The persons plown by box of 27 S8. to clothing. The dance in the evening was F. of this place on June 40tJ to elect occurred at Mayer & free coinago resolutions and nrged the distance of about nip hundred toilet-' directors to hold a deed of trust Beeman&Co., Almy, Wyo 1830 in explosion which for the well attended, all the neighboring vilIt Roths factory at Falixford, Democratic National Committee to call gunpowder il probable that dozens of tributary general merchandise; church property. ' lages being represented. national Austria, a convention. streams, as yet unmapped, many doubt- Wyo Seven boxes dry Cheyenne, The bears are doing much damage up WARSHIP. leei unknown, are rich in gold and silMrs. Martha M. Elias was found dead goedsand clothing. the rlver to the sheep. One man lost I Rainfall Increasing? , w eek : One car of oats of bullet wounds In her room on Nicollet AH goods have been disbursed ver. this The yast region is practically unSbiptpents except thirty lambs and three old ones last to Dark? Tribune : The statement 1 frequently explored. The mining at present going City by B. Rigby and fine car of 5,000 pounds flour and 6,000 pounds po- avenue, Minneapolis. An insane eon Thnrsdav night, and another man lost east by G. W. and Robt. Young. tatoes. . is suspected of th murder. on is but nibbling on the edge of the made that the rainfall in Utah g H. E. Morgan, Secretary. about fifty lambs and several old ones a potatoes rich region.' But when the gold "knd and reason ascribed the last For the two our yearly, Danish weeks Count the town has Minister, Peventlow, few nights before. The herder are LAND DECISIONS. silver is of cultivaand trees the mine, are systematically opened, thfl planting presented his lettsrs of recall to tbe presmoving ont of the bills down near tbe been infested with tramp, from five to will be a region for tbe capitaliat tion soil. it and of the Tbe op. in all a and irrigation become from W. ident. wiil Minister He for D. buneh, Fnrauhsdbr Harlaa, Land rustling river on account of them. The cold eight statement 4a not true.- - A record has and not for the individual miner." Denmark to Rouse and Madrid. weather has caused a great tnaay lambs grub, which they generally get supplied - - tarae j , Wsuklaim, D. C. must be exceptionally rich Salt Lake City since 1830. been On application for the survey of an to be left ont on tbe range at nights and witk. I think if the people would show J, M. Iolhemus, secretary of tbe From kept at one or two miner working to 1875 (the record is broken to ax wood an them ana pay ' would island in pile a navigable lake in the state League of the Cuban Republic" in New they become chilled to death. 8, in some of the years) the average yearly for themselves. Withcapital large die not be bothered with them so much, of Wisconsin, the adjacent shore Orleans, are Maceo Marti not and. says PEOA. tricis could be worked in a systematic- and those who really needed help would owners are not to notice, as dead, as reported by the Spaniards. He amount of rainfall was 24.77 inches. John Newman left for Leorin, Idaho, not hesitate to do something for their nnder the law ofentitled 18!K) the 1875 From to way and big profit be realized. From . yearly said state suck owners says Macoa has 6000 men, well equipped. on Saturday, to ieit bis eons who reside food. was 10.45 inches. This all accounts, that is how th Yukon gold. precipitation are without interest. Denver, Colo., June 2. Dispatches reand silver region will be made to give J there. A srvey may be A match game of baseball was played allowed of an ceived here at 1 :20 o'clock state that Mike shows, if anything, that, there is a dfe property to We up its riche. on cided decreae Inprecipitation. Coalville H. B. Wright went here between SpriDg Hollow and Coal- - island in a navigable lake where it ap iKfore, w ho attempted to assault A wo .don't know, however that these figure Monday to transact some business be- ville boys and the Wanship nine. The pears that aueh island was in existence A treat Offer. at Gillette, near r PP1 prove young girls fore the county court. Dofsibly in the early anything. score stood at tbe close of tbe ninth in- at the date of the original survey, but The rrtmor has been Crick, We have made arrangement whereby lynched. ' The Peoa baseball club are now ready years the means of measuring andje- ning 15 to 17 in favor of Coalville and was omitted therefrom. 6annot be verified we can furnish Th Coalville Time were the noto precipitation cording club that cornea Spring Hollow. The game would have to play with any .MINERAL tl ecu rate as now ; but the record affords Puttie OjA.mn for $3.75 per year. and 3. lurward, and challenges any club in the been a tie If there had not been a misMnnSaf, Jane Notice of application for mineral a, n the ha'e lhbe take made by the scorers. About the in,fur(u,ltion Miss is on of tbe greatest i of was county. Who takes it np? Jane V.c . GrOgle Philadelphia patent must be posted during the period Roliert E. Maxwell, Robert Root and sixth inning tl.e Wanship men put out of publication in the local office having Albert J. Maxwall have gone up to Idaho four men. Wheu the third man was jurisdiction over the land, and iu the The state department bn been in- fa.t UiHt the ,m.K,ry of the oldest in United hute. It comes weekly and for tbe purpose of taking up land in put out the scorer did not call it until absence of such formed IL William of of the death Bali a posting republication ,l!lbit,nt j, not aUays that state with the intention of making another man went to the bat ; then they ,)10fct roaJe dutt atcor,liarrr ,1lh .was ve-tfat claimed toe it ml a late, a homepermanently g ntorTrequiremenl have been unable to find any rule te j Noti( tnere. of minm, , ppliration t0 one1 But them. bovS the Mansh.p th owner o( the coatu.-jngl- at Tlie pleasant w eatlier during tee past sustain in i in. anti had to patpnt the fourth , notice to hi co owners in the abse n ce 1 alio; were few days has given vegetation a fresh t member 01 that thwculfivation of the soil serve tel The regtl.tr sub'criptiou price iv!,!ih give thc CoalvilJO nnci i r of the Chamb-result toiierve the e (;art. Yb.it with the continued .'ffus j rrrrtr, j PvVie ; Deputies. alre.tziy . tiwre run. Thej $jA0jr year, and our' Warm SnnLi.te of Spring of WL weik anJ-th- e al-- L elm thin of el A - coal j "KE-tbfree The Jui;o Wyo., ,il ihuringof a close and cauT.s Uh. very interesting, w4 this makes the gram ami lucern lm.k j game of the oj podion, tf C Sweep, of the wind, prevtuployed In the Antetofe'inine, jau taenty-Utod plating done on j i Tin i" has ite. . . -thiee Cotnbrina, wa crnbef to death vents ill- - etajiortttion of tnnrh , . L'yh dt-4, r , ouie you tg bovs. who were too yn ;ag Tne i Ll.ha'.ix National Bank at t ik'.J- - and where the1--? two coodit.'oiiS obtain, Brp now nbmVrs to Thc Tw., ""jtimk-- filtiLgrock this lWninffr Thlate Utifortiuiate man i name was tmstave z.j, h-- 'l Our Y.itisUca .t luniih L'in-k- il t r folia mile CixMina, ai.J whose parents yj.t f ;uae. ioi " w for publication this eek, A. hemid should see that they do not, were solvenrv and tranferretl all it bufeifieeu irrigation year. rEspo n dEnts 7 r bcfiire 1 so, eons i T.a j le , u, w pimi , ( t. ''" 1 Cou-ula- te Mo-isl- i . h, 1 g eigfit-year-oi- d mt CSiis'il-tieiiera- 1 Nine-tenth- tht ( 1 1 j -- e ot tir.-n- s .? ib to-da-y, -- , - . eom-mi- Uaually-,lioaLtW- . V-limi- 1 go-in- Corbett-Fitzsiramo- son-in-la- al al eom-mitt- t gold-bearin- g t. Jtstl 4 isjn-creasin- The-groun- 18-Y- -- -- ... . - for-wh- - ich basl-to-ei- vet Ji'-K- to r moi-tui- in-th- e o first-tUc- lat s. 'btig " iPoi-tur- e, J ' " t a d |