Show Ithanetn CutI HlienimitiimUciiuieil 1 by Incllcacld j In the blood 1 attacking Illirou tliue nllht joint Keep your blood pure and t healthy and you will not havo rhrmmo turn Itorul1 a Snrtnpiirllla I ftIt e It e blond vlUllly uiidrlchnrMamflon i ll whole body neulrnllie Inn iichllty of lkn lilcHxl 1 and tutu CUll rhetmmtlim Jl ula 1 1111atha Wl nflcrdlnner phi nitlit dlguitlon cure headache 1 A Ilritehle r > r > an ltlruitiil a Viiitnlnlitcr Cal March Ll 1814 fome I IIme ago aikenlngonemorn > tr iil I luuml Unit I hud rneunmllim in my knee in badly that ii I remarked lo 1 icy wlfeit would lit liiio lblefor nip lo attend iutlnwi that thy Up ineiiiberliictliut I Irndtonieof Chamber lalnK 1iiln Pnlm In lay lore 1 tent fur II bottle nml rubbed l thu cllllcted part thoroughly llIh II according lo directions direc-tions and llIhlll all hour I wai completely com-pletely toileted Un application hnJ I don the butlneu It U 1 for I bet liniment lini-ment on the market and t mil it aniU r II HMitlv sunrautee U T Haul For tale l by John Povden A Son IIIII 1 fern I il winked kitty eomrnct tlm tiimmer wlllpjem corr iponl with u < iimiieiliaioly Wo it ill hnvo I rum 71 lu ltkt1101 uil in uumtn creek r < mh near Woodruff I tuii wliUU wt Kill atilt lu contract ne a pont t Uml and tote Stock IX ttrMMon Wro 1MB UtJj I rtciCm a UdWttf Powder 10 GoW 54 0155 iM P narY1 Ilaroo whitlM I I a hut at 1 1ep OrG ark Or-G lo rluniin c rIIlllI and t luutumift ami wni IIAYAIhlt l i l rnmrit Ito Ur11 t M I I t I r epnh Oft 1 Liniment Itail l too Wt and Moldpnllammtla 0 < b f gpdsrtroen auto Ott M ff iU b = on ntp hlllI t 1w1M a o KxiiOFUru l In rmiiih unithrr north wit living In ilauii I + location nic fleas Hhletoihu rontiaiUoii of defene I of the klilnt > ii iiil 1 bladder 1n n preventive pre-ventive nnd Ir fur 1Ir ttucutnil I kidney nut liver trouble nt thu vuliinble remedy I Dr J II McLean Ilvtr nnd l Kidney Italm UIKlt I er bottle rlrlur t lat lfol IIn8Pu June t1595 Knitoi Timer l would like tudxu UK fruit grower of thin county I n few timely tttggcHUinii In relation to the wiving uf their fruit Mourn Irum tin fruit It appear 1 to l the thawing out Prow I lit imrii tlmt dour the l greater twin I d I tin jnihlef Xvarlviill iwrtuii who llvti In thin cold cllnmii knuvv tlmt In u Inter tlnif If nu allow our Immln to get nearly iron the loupe thlnf not toiiououM bu to Plate them near Iliu fire ln teiil of ilo Ini tliut 10 liiiiti < them In Ur cold vntcr ivlilrh stun hilnyf out tin frail Nan In rrlutlan III t the bloom It tint horn jirotiii that tu 1llIklt tin tries o lth cold viter liefor unrlii < will pre put thin tree dr I tli tiuin im ray i and wry lutle I II any duin iu will Imvo lfelllo by I lait nUlitV linn front A loofa broun or one oilier eonveiilent device would Hinwcr tlie purfrae Cat Havim utrl clmiuWrUin Coiiuli Itrmwly In lily nnnly mid found to I bun llrttfliiiiirtlelr I Ink ileiiiure t In I I rwxiaimendliii ittoiuy frlendi J V I Boater Wntjioril1 lor < al l bylohii lUiydmi A Kin Awarded lilghHt Honors World4 Fftlri I DR IICfi I REAM I BAKING 1 POW IR I MOST PERFECT MAnE A pure Grip Cream of Tartar Powder Fre I from Ammonia Alum or my other adulterant i JO YBARI THE I STANDARD PeOPleS mercantile 1 Go Have the cost of Everything I I i DOYN Y TO THE MINIMUM IDOWN To double the salvo we take the shortest road towit I I Small Profits Quick Returns Just arrived the latest styles ill Summer Dress Goods II I I Vc always keep n full stock of I Sfaplo ana a Fancy Gmccrics all n complete line of MENS AND BOYS CLOTHING If you want Baled Hay Oats Flour and Stock Salt we have it and for sale ALMA ELDREDGE Manager John Hopkin ECHO Wholesale nttd retail dealer in GENERAL I MerchannisE i I Store AT WAHSATCH Now Open With full stock of I MERCHANDISE Especially Selected l for SneODIItBQ Wants Also full stock of GENTS iFurnishinES I 1 And complete Hue of GROCERIES Finest Line of SHOES In Summit Co JNO HOPKIN Echo i r Utah |