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Show - AN IMPORTANT CASE. IT COMES .UP BEFORE. THE UNITED STATES COURT. TELE TIUdES " Bt Tbs Tnup Pcbusbusu Oobpast. S UTAH. COALVILLE, A Solt for an Estoppel fhrulnl Company, of La the Trouble. The Fureka Guatemala didnt lick Mexico after Cram klakrs ell. Thats some relief after ail this tremendous strain, The high price of oil is not caused filed .lapels base Lem.. tbo elrri txeecari Ginfr.vt oi Lkconkin, by Tarrant A Krona Huge, Homo Jy new ..allurne fat tb Marlin'Netr-York, to a ChUairtf nd f.atiy, suit for estoppel and damage apalnst 7 cr ' habit cure. The action is brought against a concern called the Eureka Chemical, company, of La Crosse, Nila. The principle involved in these proceedings are of the utmost importance to the proprietary Interests of America in general, and form In many respects, a test case, the outcome of which will be carefully watched by the many other important concerns similarly imitated. Not only the question of imitaform of tion of name, trade-marpreparation and package, enter into the . esse, but also the proposition whether the actual advertising litera-- ture used in establishing the publicity of a preparation can be stolen with imby an imitator. punity, word Infor word, The decision this esse will settle one of the vital points in the I'hlted States trade-mar- k and copyright law. Madi-so- n Democrat, (Wia) 'W oneow-pan- y mitt-iarfma-BtiuaAr- has plenty has.' of oil but no one else rrr In the fierce struggle and conflict of modern life the new woman Is throwing herself into the breaches everywhere. A man was arrested in Chicago last week for making' aluminum pieces. He was probably trying to set- tle the silver question. Milwaukees cat show was a dignified conand serious affair. No back-fenc- e certs were given and the visitor came away without a scratch. Attempts afe being made in New York to form a coffin trust. It Pre sumed that a roan will not be allowed to die unless he Is a subscriber. 1 Peel of the house of commons hope to be elevated to a higher office. He seems to be a statesman after Toro Reeds own heart. er -- IN THE BECINNINC. are found in the earltgit known graves. Button Were used in Troy. Schlie-tnan- n found over 1,8(M of gold. Lamps were used before written history. Thousands of ancient lamps - have bees fou ml. Curtains were employed for bed. speeds in the eleventh eentury; they -- were afterwards transferred to winCombs dows Tea pots were the invention of either the Indians or the Chinese, and are of uncertain antiquity. They came to Europe with tea in HIM. Dishes of gold and sitver used in table service in HOT B. C were found at Troy by Dr. bchlieinatm. Oue of these was about the slse now em- ployed Outer blinds for windows were unknown until the fourteenth century. The Venetian or interior blinds are so called because they were first used la Ven'od, Tapper casters were used by the .Athenians, pepper being a common bondiment They were placed on the table with the salt In England In the . alsteenth century. flocking cradles for babies were used by the Egyptians many cen- turlos before Christ- - Among the pictures copied by llelzoat is one of at) k with her .Egyptian moUsse foot on the' cradle. 1 Tumblers of nearly the samp thane and dimensions as those employed today have been found in great num- bers in 1ompelL Thay were of gold,. ailver, glass, agate, marble and other stones. Lucifer matches were patented in 1834, while friction matches preceded them by thirteen years. The . proved machinery by which matches are how made by the million at a trifling cost were thuinventiourof comparatively recent yesra Coffee pot are an oriental invention, and are supposed to have.coms-froArabia in A. D. 1401 About ths same time they were used in Persia, but they did not eome to France until at-wor- . semi-precio- m ICCJrsndmadeThetrippearanceTo England with coffee la l6iX' WOMEN AND THEIR WORK. tf Margaret Allen fell overboird drowned Jie wJV ark bad not an intelligent pig on board the same schooner raised an alarm , that saved her. . Did you hear that Mm Smith Is You having her picture painted? dont sayt That old thing!" Yes, ed-painted in oii" Well, I nevert .In oil? If she ever waatt a goo! likeness she ll have to le painted in . .. , vinegar. This Is my last birthday," said a " handsomo girl to her alorer. What , do you mean? he exclaimed, clutchYou are not going ing at hi heart to die, are you?" Weil, I should hopi not I'm 51 to day. and man never has a birthday after that, ave Inde- i you ' know, A young Bath, Me., couple, ffew Years eve, at a company, joked each other on tlie fact that neither was wedded. The young man went home with the maiden and proposed that if ' neither of them found anyone he or she l.ked better during 1S9J that they become engaged to each other next Jiew Year's eve,- - She agreed, and the resuit la awaited with interest A piecevof evidence in a Quebec breach of promise case was a cuff witty an offer of marriage written on 1L One sight while the defendant was bolding the plaintiff a hand and . whispering fervid words, he popped the question In manuscript on the. smooth linen nt her wrist She was sentimental or shrewd enough to keep that article out of the wash, and now it it of practical value. Mrs ElUa A Leach of New Boston, K. II., recently gave a friend a silk quilt, made by herself, of s crazy" pattern, that., is- - decidedly unique In color and design. Intricat) In needle-wor- k I1 t arrange- ' , The price of beef seems Inclined to try to beat the highest record, which we believe, was made when the late Mrs. GooseS cow Jumped over the moon. Pattis salary hag been cut nearly one-thir- d. Dut abe la still able to afford carriage to and from the opera. Her last engagement of sis nights netted her l2,tM0. A remarks exchange philosophic fish never would get Into very serious trouble If It only would keep that a Its mouth kbuLLIlow about the fishermans net receipts? who The Kentucky preacher preached two sermona every Sunday and made moonshine whisky on week days certainly was engaged in spiritual matters all the while. Is becoming the popular There are yellow flower, yellow book Lt yellow Hung Changs yellow jacket, and a lot of politician with yellow reputat: Yellow color. bl!l-pter- a, A New"York boy who was hurt by a gunpowder explosion last Fourth of July haa been patched up with 15,000 piece of akin contributed ' by bia friends. Thats a queer way to hide personal defect. publicly accused A Boston parson Of ON THE VELDT IDEAL SPORT. ovM-It list Drawbacks, Hut t.Vlcosarcs sr Outnumber Them. and ollh hvltlcd Wrolhrr for Hetca Month In the 1 rar, . . 1 ... AGON LIFE IX South Afruan Cj n fi or fw-lDUrl.has, of L JiJ J course. Its draw- n.y dJa--a nil; z- U1 JlitVT. i' about seven months absolutely settled weather may be relied upon. Its pleasure outnumber them fifty to one. To mount ones bright morning, to veldt with a friend pointers, with the blessed feeling that you have not a care in the world beyond tbejnareh of your wagon to the next water; to be absolutely rertadn of some pretty shooting in a wild country Innocent of farms and fences; to return to camp to-ward evening with perhaps ten or twelve braces of birds and a small buck thcae things, to the average healthy male, peem as near perfection as may be found In this vale of tears. It la 8 o'clock on a bright April morning In South Bechuanaland. The air Is full of light, brisk and wonderfully exhilarating. Four gunners have Just breakfasted under the lee of their wagon. Now, havtng mounted their ponies the average South African horse is seldom more than fourteen hands, they ride quietly ' down the hither aide of the shallow valley, "laagte, it is called in these parts, wherein they were out&panned, and climbed the farther rise. It la a picturesque scene. The slopes are clothed with a long growth of waring gr&aa, now greenish yellow after the rains, amid which-gr- eat rock crop up. boulders of dark-re- d Here and there email patches of blue-grebush start out fpro the grassy veldt. Beyond, crowning the valley, begins a thlcklsh woodland of short trees bastard yellow wood, the Boers cfill them which extends for some mile In front, till the great open plains are again reached. As the gunners ride up the further slope, their wagon Is already In motion behind them, starting upon Its days trek seventeen mtlea to the next water. Through the clear, nimble air come the crack of the driver's great whip and his shrill crlss, hurled at the oxen, and the unwleldly hdiqe on wheels crushes slowly through th$'l$ldlng sand. But now the gunners haVq spread out In line and the pointers are already busy, Near some boulder one of xfho .dogs feathers a little, then stands rigid as a figure of bronze. The two nearest gunners dismount They already carry their guns and bandoliers, and ride, as men do In the veldt,' in their flannel with their sleeves well rolled up shirts f the arms. There 1 little to Incumber Breeches, gaiters their movements. and stout boots, a shirt and a shady hat, are all that a man needs in Afen -- , neaota forest Are sufferers. The money authorities and Mayor Strong has just ordered that It be appropriated for use among the poor Armenians .of New York city. In view of the recent Armenian outrages this Incident haa a queer bearing. Every woman who write the mefrom moirs of Napoleon Bonaparte personal acquaintance relates that at one time the great conqueror tried to throw her on a bed. This seems to a compliment to have been regarded the historian's charms that she could pot refrain from telling. If he did this as often as charged, he would have had no time to win a victory outside of France. Where the deuce ! on a suddene up spring three brownIrds" within-livfeet of the sportsmen. Twenty yards of law, the guns are up, two light reporta from smokeless cartridges and a brace of birds hit the earth. Almost instantly third report follows and the rear gunner ha secured his right and left not a difficult matter with these francolln. But the pointer is not yet contenL Another brace of birds Is found and brought to bag within thirty yards., The partridges are now gathered. They prove to be the email Coqul francolln' "Ngwijnbr". the natives call them perhaps the most beautiful game, birds In the world. As one of them lies in the gunner's palm for a few moments the bright and orange of the head, the clear, hawk-lik- e markings of the breast and the beautiful shape and feathering mark this partridge of Africa aa ' a gem among Its fellows. The bird? are bestowed In' saddle bag and the gunner mount and rlde lnto forcst on the right-han- d side of the wagon road. Meanwhile, their comrades have entered the woodland more to the left hand and their guns can be heard already going. For two hour the sportsmen quietly 'walk their horses through the forest, moving duewest. Once their pointer gets Into a small troop of guinea fowl delving" for Tmlba, andraftef a smart chase, drive three of them Into a tree, whence, as they fly off, the gunners secure them easily enough.-A- t length, after picking up a few butterflies In the forest clearings, for they carry' a net, eur gunners emerge broad, rolling, Upon plains,' covered with long pale yellow grass. Through these they ride steadily hour, after, 'picking up every now and again h head of two of game. Now g It la a brace, of big partridge (Orange fiver francolln); now one of these annoying, yet handsome, game birds, the black and white bustard-s- wart koorhaan. the Boers call him whose very noisy and chiding ways are familiar everywhere In open veldt In South Africa. Now, after keenest search, a leash of tiny, bush quail are flushed and secured,7 one after the other having literally to be kicked tip. A bare and a solitary dikkop thick-knplover are added to the growling bag. nank-ln-yel-lo- An Incubator tor hatching hens eggs under pressure haa been devised by Prof. C. Glacom.-ln-l, an Italian embryologist, who exacts the apparatus to prove a valuable aid In thff ktudy of teratology. Reduced pressure In the early days of development incites various monstrosities, besides retarding growth, but in later stagea embryo are killed unless oxygen 1 added to counteract the effects of the rarefied air. reduced-atmosph- - It .la eric now a well recognised fact, state a medical Journal, that the struccornea tures of the eye, bspeolally-th- e and conjunctiva, are subject to mala-ri- al affections, periodical In character, differing from the usual affection of these parts, but involving .actual tissue change, and amenable to qulnfne or other tatl-malart- al treatment Borne ulceration or abrasion of the cor- neal epithelium may occur, or latra-ocul- ar hemorrhage during the cold , stage of. a parexytem. Live alligator haver been seen In a creek at Cape May. Jersey whliky haa Even always had a hard name. North Carolina moonshine products In their rankest days never .produced anything worse than mere snake ment of its more than 409 parts Each piece is distinct in its shsps and arrangement, no two pieces resembling Aa an example of the value of keepeach other in outline sod very few of like color. Mra Leach is 84 years ing still, look at Oscar Wilde, the old. apostle of beauty and purity. If he had kept atill when accused,no one EXAM PLES OP LEVtTV. would have ever known of the charge Does IUykles understand horse against him, but he rushed Into court He mush I never see him a picture of outraged innocence, and races?" look at him now. at the track." l & of King of &aan Mmdm inrrmbtc bmU baUllitf. Prof.' James A. Keeler, of the Alle- IS President Cleveland of drunkenness. Hia friends demanded time and place, and the parson now publicly and say he made the statement on hearsay. The time Is past When people will accept without inquiry or rica. doubt any statement 'because lt hap- N The reins are thrown over the ponpens to be made In a pulpit Religious ies necks and hangjn front of them gossip In as contemptible as any other and the stags will stand quietly for kind. hours. Now the gunners are close the pointer, still standing with The sultan of Turkey sent to New upon tall and outstretched neck. These rigid York 500 pounds for the relief of M!nJ francolln lie close In the long grass. apolo-gize- s, ASTRONOMICAL-DISCOVE- Tb HUNTING dllur and F. M, S' SM.ii, AN IN DARKEST AFRICA. j red-win- ee gheny observatory, has made the im- portant astronomical discovery, which for the first time Is positively demonstrated, that the ring of Saturn la made up of innumerable small bodies of satellites, and that they do not revolve at the same rate of speed about tre- - pfeireL- - mfrKceRr"L iLi" direct proof of this by means of the know !.. Mi, By ciple a line in the spectrum of a heavenly body Is displaced toward the violet of the body In approaching the earth, and toward the red ff the body la receding. If the image of Saturn formed by a telescope Is broughtmpon the slit of a spectroscope and kept accurately In position Tor a sufficient length of time, about two hours the spectra of the planet and the two opposite sides of the ring can be separately photographed on the same plate. The motions of the different parts of Saturn can then be determined from the displacements of the linetFrom such photographs taken by Prof. Keeler it has been found that ihe Inner edge of the ring moves faster than the outer edge, as lt must if the ring Is made-uorsmall satellites. If the ring revolved whole the outer edge would move faster than the inner edge. The motions of the different parts HT the rfngIn miles per second can only be given after the photographs have been aiP curately measured under - the microThis will be done by Prof. scope. Keeler as soon as possible. -- p A DOLLAR FOR CHINA. Hum I'm-l- Made It, l.ut Had to Mop. Odr now rarely seen trade dollar had a predecessor that few of us know anything about. This dollar was intended for circulation in China and Japan. On one side It bore the royal dragon of the Celestial empire, and on the other the sixteen leaved chrysanthemum pf the Japanese. There was besides some Chinese and Japanese characters on the coin, giving lt decidedly a foreign appearance. Natne of them found its way to the Orient, for the diplomatic representatives of these countries protested against the action of the United States government In coining such money. As a result all of them were melted down, and the trade dollar, devoid of the dragon and the floral wreath, came into general user ' Hobic of Representative. Representative Crain of Texas recently told Mr. Reed a new story reminiscent of the Maine man's occupancy of the speaker's chair in the Ftfty-flrcongress. According to Crains account of the incident, a gentleman and his precocious little son were sitting in the galley one day, Who are all those men down there, writing and reading newspapers?" asked the precocious little Those are the speakboy of his papa. ers of the, house of representatives, x answered the indulgent my son, father. Aftera while the little boy asked, Papa, who Is that great, big, stout man in the chair under the American flag? That, my son, said the father, is the house 6f representatives, Tb st No More India Robber. - Owing partlyjtojhe great demand for it, and partly to the crude and wasteful methods of obtaining it. It is said that the trees from which the best India rubber Is got are gradually dying Off. Although processes have been Invented for. extracting. the Juice, they have not come Into general use. Nor as trees perished have others been planted to take their places. The result, therefore, is that uplesa instant steps are taken to preserve the remaining forests and replant on a wide scale, the best Brazilian rubber will cease to exist, for commercial purposes at least II llllll I.IIIHil Thu Cara of the Ualr. Mamie and L. E. C. ask for some - that'wni make the hair grow. The condition of the hair haa much to do with the general health. If the hair Is thin, poor and badly nourished, there is evidently something wrong shout the system. Use tonics, and wash the hair thoroughly with water In which powdered sulphur has bee boiled. The unpleasant odor can be rinsed out the following day. preparatioa Weak Yet. When Mr. Gladstone was In Mentone recently he was met at thenstallon by hundreds of people and listened to an address of the mayor. In answer to the cheers and words of welcome, he stood for eome time with hie head be re, and, replying to a remark to keep his hat on. said: I am not weak from old age yet, dont fear. Karnes t Peris Street. Among the paroea recently given to' new streets In Paris appear Taine, Gounod, Edmond About. Meissonier, Guy de Maupassant and Octave Feull-le- t. . . . It U remarkable hovf 'toany people there are who have That Tired Feeling and aeem to thick it is of no importance or that nothing need be done for it. They would not be so careless if they realized hour really serious the malady i. Rot they thick r say, It wUlgo ofLaflern, while IVe do not mean the Vitimatu ftU .experjew afer but that work, days worn-ou- t feeling which is especially overpowering In the morning, when the body should b$ refreshed and ready for work. It is often only the Aveajipesa.wbiLh, forerunner of nervous prostration, with all the horrible suffering that term implies. That Tired Feeling and nervousness are surd indications of an impure and impoverished condition cf the blood. The craving of the system for help can only be met by purifying the blood. Hoods Sarsaparilla is the J eaegrirl?Bod purifier; If expels e!T" impurities, gtvra Vitality and SlrengthT vegwlatea-the'digwsti'and taakee the weak strong. sii' hard In the spring I felt very much run down no strength or appetite. 1 began to take Hoods SaFwpsrilia and my appetite Improved and I did not bare that tired feelH. R. gqciazs, East Lererett, Mau. ing. Hoods Sarsaparilla Makes Pure Blood. Kabtanuta Kol a Happy Mm. Though his life was full of workand he was ever faithful to duty, Rubinstein was not a happy man. With each succeeding year be grew more and more pessimistic. Life failed to give him the amount of enjoyment he craved outside of his art; and except in the society of women he dd not seem even commonly happy. But for the fair sex he had ever a joke and a smile. It amusedhlm to shock their feelings, and when they opened their eyes widely at his audacity, he never failed to enjoy it. lie believed that a knowledge of woman was necessary to an artist; and if a young aspirant to any artistic calling asked his advice, his first question was, lluve you loved yet? For he believed that a mnn who could not love waadncapable of becoming an artist lie himself could not be accused of any failing in this case; for hia loves were almost as many and various as his day lie had all the faults and all the virtues of his artistic palling, and In every sense of the word lived for his art and his fancy, regardless of all things. His was a true Rohe iniar. nature. There was a certain roughness, want of tact, and even brutality in his nature that made itself disagreeably felt at times. His was not a temper to be tried. Up to a certain point he could holdt in check admirably; but anything beyond this caused an explosion of wrath that was terrible. As in hia physiognomy, ad in his temper there was much of the lion. Those who did-nknow him consequently feared him, for his personality was one that awed, especially in the latter years of his life. Alexander McArthur in the Century for May. it A5K YOUR DRUOaiST FOR IMPERIAL WHthe best - Nursing Mothers.Infants CHILDREN JOHN CARLE SONS, New York. At 2k ot New Dining Car Service. is a pleasure to note the addition of another Important feature to the already competent train service of the Nickel Plate Road. 1 be Dining Car service of this popular low rate line has recently been augmented, by which dinner will be served on train No. 6, leaving Chicago at 2 p. m. dally, and breakfast and dinner on train No. J, leaving CbU ego at 'ZO p. m., with direct connettions for New York ana Boston. Breekfa-- t and dinner will be served on tram No. 5, arriving in Chicago at 9;'d5 p m. irom New York and Boston. For full information regarding routes, rates, maps, folder, etc., address your It W nearest ticket agent or J. Y. CxiJtnxx. General Agent, Chicago, I1L A i'ihiight Tati Lamp-- Engineering News: A flash-lig- ht tail lamp is reported as being tried on a freight caboose on the Grand Trunk railway. A friction wheel driven by one of bhe-caPat a littlejof itoato sight axles drives mechanism by which red and white flashes are and see how good it yourtelf.' shown alternately while the train is 13. red and ItS when it ahead, green running is backing and a steady red light when at rest. Such nn apparatus would be somewhat costly, and its advantages are of comparatively little importan while the probability of its being Cream Bata and so showing a wrong a dangerous rather than a safe Cleanses the Nasal appliance. It is said to be the inven- Passages, Allays Pain and Inflammation, tion of W. Hermann, of Cincinnati, (X Restores the Sense of zz Taste and Smell. Billiard for Ml. Heals the Sore. Appiy to or address. H. C Ann, cheap Apply Balw Into eueh noatrfl. All B. 18th Bt.. Omaha, Neb- Eli Baoa., Hhatna St Y. We are sure to enjoy much when we are thenkful for very little. 05 LY 05E AND THAT IS JULY. LORILLARDS SElyys I d. Excursion to Colorado. Dr. PIERCES The Great Rock Island Route trill sell tickets eheap tor this excursion to Denver In July, and you should post yourself at once as to rates end routes. I'end by postal-caror letter to Jno. Sebastian, G.P. A., Chicago, for a beautiful souvenir Issued by the Great Rock Dlunddc Pacific K'y, called the Tourlgt Teacher, the tells all about the trip. It will be sent free. It is e gem. anil you should not delay in asking for it. J.NO. S EBAhTlAM, Q, P. A., Chicago. FAVORITE 1.1 Returning Present., Alma asks this question; If a young lady haa been receiving attentions from a young gentleman, and he has given her presents, should she return them if 8b e does not desire his comIn the first place, pany any longer? It la not proper for a young woman to receive presents from a young man unless she la engaged to him. Having received them. If they are of any value she should not fall to return them. If ahe wishes to break off the association. Sot That Tired; Feeling PRESCRIPTION ...... FOR L WEAK WOMEN. . pArker-- HAIR balsam ktsntifm tha beta gmsm sud toxuraot . I Ifaww.i growth. v I(cTer Valla to Bntora Gray Bur to Ita Youthful Jirijl I Cm On first Introducing thi world-fsmr- d medicine to the afflicted, end for many vnra therewas Guarantee sold under t Positive after, it of giving entire satisfaction in every case fof which u is recommended. Bo uniformly successful did it prove in curing the diseases, derangements sod weaknesses of women thst claims for the return of money paid for it were exceedingly rare. Since its manufacturers can now point to thousands of noted cures effected by it in every pert of the land, they belwve its past record a sufficient guarantee of its great value a a curative agent, therefore, thev auw rest ha claims lo the confidence of the afflicted safey upon that record. By all medicine dealers. diNnii a htfr & 0D M Color. tmluJMk fn)gfffn WELL MAGHINERY Illrotnted bock DRifis Yoaitifo Arams, AND JiYtINO MACHINERY. etoT ran. Bay bees tested sod Sen all Si uormnlaf. sx City Rngfna fcseeon to riot taux Tram Works, Ufa Co.. City, I wru. Tnz Rowgi.t k bask MacbixirtI to., MU Meat Klayeaik Sweet, Kaiuas CHy. ho, ScottsEmuIsion is not a secret remedy. It is simply the purest Norway Cod-livOil, the finest Hypophosphites, and chemically pure Glycerine, all combined into a perfect Emulsion so that it will never change or lose its integrity. This is the secret of Scotts Emulsions great success. 1 1 is a most strength-an- d happy combination of ' er flesh-givin- healing enmg them remarkable value in all agents,-the- ir g, perfect union giving WASTING DISEASES. Hence its great value in Consumption, wherein it arrests the wasting by supplying the most concentrated nourishment, and in Anaemia and Scrofula it enriches and vitalizes the blood. In fact, in every phase of wasting it is most effective. Your doctor will confirm all we say about itT Don't be persuaded to accept a substitute , Scott & Bowne, New York.' J -- All Druggists. 50c. and ! 1 |