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Show iTimrE rioNrrm callkii nana MM Charlell rarmwaith, Wm Hoed, rain row. 11 n in. mn i,m,nr Un Charlotte I-arniorlh, an old lenlant ol Coalville and Summit leunty dlnl Tonday morning al her I ridm lere Fba wai lorn at Veil-einuk Veil-einuk Sweden, May 1J, Jgej, being twtlvadavi over'o yean of age at the t ixc I her death. She hai lived in I a,ne for thirty yeari. iter entire lil 11 o 1 the derolMlnen to th family I e hai raned, and liiifefallaabl labor arrf rmJ among her kindred. Slia die-l in lull faith nf theQoipel ofJeiui Ch'Hi, abichaheembiaced uiauy year a.in her native land. The funeral aernrea aere held at her home on Thunlayalieinoon, and were largely atiei led J 11 Ullllami and lion. Alma ridreilje were the ipiaken, and they me le very timely, appropriate and oooijlinffinarki. The dcceaied wai loved b all, Ph hail noenemlei. IMwin 1'oaell, Hr., another old Sum mil county pioneer died at Ida home In Upton TUfi lay He wai7Aytart of age, had been a retident of county .Jljeari, S of which hai been apent In Upton. Hi will be greatly mliaeil Jacob Huff man, lip John Clirk,Joieph Kendall indrieorge Heard aire theipeaken at funeral aliieh took place Thunday, And mil another old land mark, we are my i" 1 hmntcle, hit Wen removed fro-n Hiiintiilt county by the dealh at HenelernlUin llonJ,Hr., from llrlght'i dlieaie an I old age, Mr, llond waa about M) yean of age and Im milled In HcnefrT fr over thirty yean. The funeral will be held thli, Friday alter-noon, alter-noon, and Hon Alma Uldrcdga, who hai known the deceaicil for 10 many yean, will godown to deliver the funeral fun-eral oration |