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Show RAN Tim DLOCKAOC. Ilonli.rr.l'. Crew Ultra ta Otalloa at furunnt. Tormina, Spain, May II Tho Span, ih auxiliary crulter Moalicrrat arrived hero unexpectedly from Clcnfugoa, having ctcaped the American blockading blockad-ing fleet Largo rronili of people thronged the quay, and the crew ro-celved ro-celved an ovation when they went athora. Tho people embraced the captain cap-tain and oftlcer of the iteamcr. 1'op-tilar 1'op-tilar demonitratloni followed throughout through-out tho city Tho (ommander of the Montxerral deetared that ha wai imt charnpd with any million, and laid he wai not carrying car-rying dltpatehei, but the hpanlardi claim thathelipiitrlotleallycoiiccallug the facte In tho caie. The Monticrrat It tn tie tent to For-rol For-rol or Cadli In order lo have her gum mounted. A big fete It U logurgnnlred here In honor ot tho olllceri and crew of tho Monticrrat. |