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Show Hiwnl.li Nr .rr..l,l. New York, May !.- A man laid to bo n Hpanlih apy and a deMrter from tho l'lral United Htatea artillery, wai arreatcil liy iceret aervlec agenta on llroodway. W lillo Wing taken to (lor-ernor'a (lor-ernor'a liland on Uwr.l the (leneral llniWv the prltouer flung a packctol papera Into tho bay, but tbe lat put bnek and the iwpcrt, whbii, It It a-aertedi a-aertedi comprliM dctalU of tin harbor defeniea ot New York, wlifi li worn ad-drettdl ad-drettdl to the Hpanlih contut at Montreal, Mon-treal, were rreoveml |