Show Iho Hull of llo lj rtli In nn olilfnahloncil hobo of Now Orleans thorn was a rnmpiuiy nt illnncr and the ladle were dlnruMliiK tho woman question A gentleman IleA cot after hearing nil HID pro and corn facvtlously remarked that two preacher In were illicuttlnc thin into prutilom I recently In hla hearing and they both ngrccil that It portended evil and Hint women were rctponiilljlo for moil at tin evil In limo world In fact that women I wom-en over worm than men Ono uf tho Indie I Indignantly rotnrlrd Indeed they nro not women aro the Milt ot thn earth Put to honey put in old Aunt Ruenn from tho kitchen iliiH do I blhlo truf for Abort Vointn Is do suit oh do earth Jiut think oh lots wife I Anil overbody laughed limo sudden and unexpected application ot till old ilblo story |