Show WASHINGTON GLADDEN Ill I Irllingallrl Lermrn nil amrrrl not ll > llloii > Jurilloni Itev uililnston llndden U I U I ut Columbut Ohio It I onn of Iho hnrd1 l worlilnu of M > mlpubllc men In preparing I pre-paring lermont and locturm nnd dellt r ring them writing book nnd lIowa paper nrllclew ho find nrnplnymmt tom from fourteen to ilxtcen houri dally III writing I anil l addrcMe i while 01 public question are ttrletly not of the clan denominated no tciiHillonal He hao never been ubllKe l to withdraw an > of hit more forcible utterance or explain hU moro radical ttatementt Thlt It I an uncommon record for an Ca niv siiiNnTON OIAUDKN orator Ur Gladden haa enjojcil much ogue at a writer on economic quca tlont and on lana and 1 their admlnlt trntlon 114 labor for tho purlllcatlo of society and municipal reformt have lien uf Iho utmost value lilt late work li I entitled Itullng Idea of the Irerent Age Others are Uurn Ing Queitlnn Who Wrote thll lllblof Tool nnd tho Man Workmen nnd Their Employ era Tonlt nnd the Man It a com pllallon of lecture on Imluilrlal and cognate iiibjcctt Much of Ir tllai dcnn best work lint appeared In the magazine |