Show HOW INDIAN KILL WOLVC9 Th II No raprut Thl louder n l Hull m i ha ii eoeeaa Veealeee I From the Denver FleM and Tarm i Tb northern Indian particularly the Hudton buy ration and tea 1ikt mOl PO MM a flndl h Ingenuity In Ibelr method of rapturing game and their way of applying It far killing wolves la I horrible They talto a flat piece of flint a foot or to long ant I clipped to extreme thlnnew at Ibo edge < Thill they oaten to a wooden link hleli they ache Into the ground firmly 10 11 to heave the blade of Hint project Inr alas o thin surface Then they cover the blade all over with a noodilteit piece of rat from teal or other such animAl ani-mAl which recto Now the wolf Idling npparatu b I complete to that hn person who tett tho trap hit I only to como back again In a day or two an 1 gather his prey without any trouble This wolf ban an Intallablo appetlto for blood and It It I or thtt weaknett the hunter lake advantage A llttlo while IIItor ten trap dcucrlbod la I net along comes flue wolf It It hungry ant likes tho piece ot tat and to It It I thawed by the warmth of hle tongue It taste better Presently Ilt longu cornea In contort with the thorp edg 1 of the flint end It cut 1 It lattM the blooI not knowing It la I hi own and the flavor drive It wilt Eagerly It lick and lick It lacerating mouth t and becoming more frenilcd In lit de alms for It own life fluid Meanwhile other waive have come up and live Irull to lick at Iho fit cutting Ihelr own tongue and becoming In their torn wild at ho tt te Presently lie bolt la I tiirrounded by a pick or raven our and crazy creature which soon Wen upon one another anti tall to devouring 1 de-vouring each other until the merelteM flint It I ho center or a tlruggllng mat ot fciocloua combatant fighting for very life At hit lelturo the hunter appear upon Ihn irons and tklnii tin will beast for market Tho aUnt neat him nothing cave the trouble of is loosing them and the value of the hunts ot rat Tho duke with Ihn first bta < 1i la ready to bo set again for other t la tim |