Show LocIItJOD Mllow I for I sale at TIIK Tmrae I i t offto I s 11 > THK Alwiru kenoe inplelo line iSTAR I K ul I Breath Ilet CaVe Canned lierrtt i etc f to I Tin 1av It I ready M fcJ I S fAR Hungry people at S rents I corm I Till I i Mwatu bat thlngt flfitcl I I TAR S mid l jtlrw lllr l dltcouat on meal ticket CAII IN 1 I West Sido of Main Street I I lOtol I RESTAURANT COMI TiiDiivs Prop MEALS AT ALL HOURS 26 Cts Kver > thine IirstClas in tltiUM tiuiis liS lUM Special attention given to social so-cial party suppers and hinclici liast side uf Main St Coalvillc I REMOVAL THIS RESORT I II1villg removed my bar and fixture to the stand next Ilo i the Peoples Mercantile Cont7 i i patty store I have purchased 1 and am now prepared furnish the choicest inter of jWiIeS I liquors aQO Cigar I I ever brought Coalville None I but superior good in stock Am now open and ready for business Call at the KKSOJtT and see me J H HAM PEOA HOUSE 1RST CLASS ACCOMMODATION FIRST ACCOMMODATIONS OR TOURISTS AND TRAVELER Rates In Keeping With the Times Mrs Lydia E Walker Proprietress 1EOA Summit County Utah SUMMIT COUNTY Marble Works t I I I Monuments and Headstones of Marble Haitern and Imported Granites C II WKST Propr Hoytsvillc Utah e THE BEST lt r a rrreahnetletaaMwlnatashrns Id n it l ram rdb ctlluruifilv nlMlnriiU Ion I-on 1 Vw odthtsod ya pUbI nods inn in nalulod RUU Most Popular laranmMOf Sea 10 It bt I U CJ to rollble nonu u lirira Hut have iialnrd a n gjuutUm l > r hinict and ta lure i1 < lln i you will tlcn in a Hrwlnc HKhlM Lira U noted tint world nose tnr III dura llty ou 01 ihefw1 jIIIIY sl to awiugt ana la I Light Running Timers U I non In the world Ibl r can eqtMl In mocholoal OOQ i Mructlaii durabltlir ni worklac I L pull annsr of Onleb bwiulr rnr apji rinw or h sa as rats mprovemeaU a < th NEW IIoME I tat 1 i ivulDswSt sths inn a trwh and R q Jw 114 I n Nctoaaw assts s Utll rkUoti 0 I t almtrm I vtfftlTC FOR CIRCUIARG an vw lion nOME SEWING NAvtURu uiruintf CO ea4r nrma fl awn t n II t lIn u TI Ur H r Jos Cornchu Park Ctiy Utah T i BARGAIN STORE COALVILLE UTAH i Spring Offerings Naming Prices on some popular sellers from our stock All goods not quoted equally cheap S Domestics and 91 Rhflecl Overalls for lien a x omes an UIII nil cent n 111I11 tJ 1 J rllrklsh IIllh roach Dress Goods slie hll roam Coe UIII 1111 s It = < 4 Striped Skirtings I 15 earns I 41 Gents for Checkeel Sitirtimige not cot I 1 7 Furnishings ore r r 1ard9 for Alllolkenl nal shirtillg fast 1 c colors 8 yards for Work pan 1 t for uteri cud I lw I y 1IoInIIIII ilk a pd nsy touger loch I aide i I fine Shccting positively np proof allll ncarlr 3 1 zo yards for a + cheap at overalls per 11Ir Ncw trlc spring olltlng 75GI S5G l 1 125 150 dress tlauucl lrortlt 15c i a yard our price 1110 Tacuty dOleu double back anti sleeve work shirts wear great Ncw 1 Labelle o e style Crcpon ers that never rip ullequallell dressgoodstvortitsay4e 150 U aurwhere at the price n yard our pnee Co Co Sattcl Callllelious Cash 55G 70G I S5G I 125 Ics EACH o I-cs mores wool allll ltalf wool cs Bloc hue of Inullllrietl threat tJ tJ Serges iu groat Variety allll s shirts latest stles all low tit ft1 R l cheaper than ever this scasott price Dou t fall to see them Curtain Scrilll Rrc lie c 9c before buynlt he fore bumg and Inc per rnrtl Pine all lhteurable Damask 60 Just received a Bits I of the fallolls Conklin California glove inches wide It 40 and 5oc n yd and IIl1llcu III buck horse goat and kid We always satisfy Special Drives for April the wearer 11 price anti quality with these goods alld gllaranlec Good wear School Slaves sizes thclII not lo rill a 10 II 1101 Sleet 10102 81 lien 1I11f price mt tint line II li16and UJI Our large spring purchase of luftllts I Kin Itutton SHOHS cOlIIlrislllg certhiug Itrlfular IS 1r fur 43e n pttir new nobby nun popular iu A good corset for chldlur lute Ilicclc shoes has all cent IlIcrease1 our stock so we cats A good hat for lIIan or boy at slit aU cOIers iu qunllt style nil e rnts cinch SiZe and price i Pay no more high prices for Granite Ironware and English Queensware We carry a n r stock and can save you 40 per cent Below r j f a plain figures give you proof f e rwttttn srss Watrr 0ouettets sigttttrtcutell 7Sr rl IIII IIII irnnlto trust Water Ilueltet I J quart ouch 513a llIlIlIu Iron 1rcertuttttttes 10 quart visit Shins nultulrunln acrr5sI c111csNslunrtc111h Stia < < Ilnlillu Iron tlllk four I quart tutu 101 llIl1l1u Iron Iurgo nIIhllllll each 1 So 1 tf iril tlcuty lrcaredfltt illiniiiii n quart per thou tot rlru llfiu IrtMfil Tin MllltimMi iiiiirtipr dllln l NIII S2 Silvcrware tickets given on all purchases in exchange for which you get choice of fine plated ware consisting ol line engraved water pitchers cruet stands cake stands tea sets Rogers plated spoons knives forks etc IC I C i COAL ILLE CASH BARGAIN STORE COALVILLE iPOSIOFFICE STORE JEOA Summit Co Utah Og F LYONS I iencnl llenlir In All KlniU uf STflT EQYANU I ANrl = = SCHOOL SUPPLIES If You Want School Hooks Note Hooks Iaper Knvclopcj Tablets Dlankh Pens Pencils InkHulors Hulors I Hrascrs Slates I Kinliing hackle or unytliiiif in that linr give flue a call before pnrchuBing I i I Postoffice Building IKOA UTAH r yn1ltL hU THE TIMES I I I = = = f Job Printing Department I 1 vj > I fOO FLETE |