Show TWO NEW SLNATOJIS I WELLINGTON OF DELAWAHB AND MONEY Of MI8UI88IPP1 lmeenly thaen ly Ih IfgUltla 1 fie These Iieeellre Male Tla Isomer a Towne In Ills hair 0 llrolhMona try lien r KOnot I NI lIallltoli who tas 6 1 been elellIlIoaI v Blot nalor b1 f Iho Maryland legla I if nature to succeed Cbnrtn II llltnon 1 f 1 hut been a lender In Ir 1 I n I Marylan politic I I far fHleen yean or more Mr Wellington Welling-ton 1s l a young man end deserves tl Iv new honor conferred on him for hi able management of the campaign that ilected hit friend Lloyd Iownden governor ot the late lilt career In politic hm been an remark able ni hla aucccs sod hit story U Inn I-nn Interesting one lie was born In ISM uf parent who had como from Ocrmanjr only three year before HI early edit entlon wa meager At the tender ago of 12 he went to work after only a rear and n halt of Instruction nt a Lutheran school In Cumberland Mel Hut young Wollln < < ton although not robmt In ytlqup wu unconquerable In iplrlt and hula nlgliU were devoted l to hard work In Iho study of hlttory and liter atur Thus unassisted ho became nc 1l1alnl1 with Goethe Schlllrr llurni < i M Y a 4 r Q t I > I I I 1 4 I f fiHNATOH WKLLINOTOS Milton and Shakespeare Ho laugh linsolf iJitln and became acquainted with Cicero raetar nod Horace lie allied some knowledge of the law IIi hi i reading of Illackitono and Story and III many other wayi itored hli mln with Information that In halo lira helped him to climb the height i hl5 mbltlon marked out for him llo first Isnye < l finance aunt nt IT wai n clerk In tho neconil National Hank nt Haiti more where he gained the frlendihl ot Lloyd IownJei In 1B7D ho entered politics aid became a power at a stump rotor In nngllsh and Merman Hewn Dimly treaiurrr In 1882 and In 1S8 and 18SS won national Ilegate aup orllnc llhlno and Sherman In 189 rctldent Ilnrrlion made him tubtrea rer at Ilnltlmore Ho wai In 1891 a yj caf idate for congress II m1fflWl nI Iiia pollifIi lldtrmntahsa aneratna and he promise to be a prominent fig uro In the national politics of the fu lure 110 Ia I a gold standardly Hernando Do Solo Money ot MlwU Ippl who has succeeded by the Joint democratic ballot at Jackton Ills United Stale Senator J K George wi u horn In Holme county Ills Aug 28 1839 lie It I an alumnus of the law school and wa a itudent In the literary do parlment of Ibo University of Missis Ippl Ho wai a member of tho forty fourth fortyfifth forDilxth forty seventh fortyeighth and flttylhtr conoresiet and wai reelected to the fiftyfourth congress He boa sorrel with distinction during nil hla 1 term or I office After serving fits term In ot flee ho declined to accept further honor hon-or but In 189 reentered polllla t 0 gratify tho wlshe or hll friend and was again elected to congress dcfeatln Frank Ilurkctt the Populist candldat by an overwhelming majority rr Moneys election li I very gratifying 10 hit many friends and lia It I today probably prob-ably tha most popular man In Mlttlu Ippl He U I a clean cut practical man s yi ar i 8KNATOH HONUV quick to grasp the situation ot atfalms and trade and unheiltatlnE In time of action le It for free sliver colnag |