Show Nat le In TIThe TI-The rcgnlar county tcaiher culmination culmina-tion will bn held ul Purk City on June 14th and 16th For the convenience uf thoo tvho du hunt attend on the ubovo dates another ciamlnatlan will bo held III Coalvillo In Anguit II H L I MiCoKki IIoCO fcupl Not only acute lung trouble which may prove fatal In a few tiny but old iliaonlc coughs and tlirojt trouble miiy rerel a Immedlatu relief and bu permanently I per-manently l cured by One Minute Cough iJI eSI Cure John Itoyden A Son Awnrded Highest Honors Worlds Fair DR I3ICEi BAlINfi POWDER MOST PERFECT MADE A run Gripe Cream of Tartar Powder fc torn Ammonia Alum or say ether adulterant 40 Van the Standard Peoples P6 Mercantile T Company o For T Summer FOOTWEAR I II I t 1 J Vc have selected n most elaborate line of Ladies Fine Shoes and can please all on fine footwear We have1 just received n liamlsomc line of Ladies Oxford Ties in chocolates oxblood and vice kids 00 t r I filr See them before buying It costs nothing to examine Peoples Mercantile Co AUIA KLDKKDGK Manager O O A L I Always On Hand at the MATCH e e MINE Lump 225 Stove r 125 nmll LoafleO l ProIBptIy0 tl N Delay I J PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY WeberCoal Co Clearance Sale in some of our lines nt Bedrock Prices Callntid see to be convinced All other goods at HARD TIME PRICES G W fit ROBT YOUNG Wanship a |