Show rANniiii1 WAxmiir Utah Juno 31807 KniTon TIMES Tko U I ticket odlco at this place haibevn doted Arthur Itrown hat been making Im prctementson his store A dance was glen Monday night bat It was not overly crowded A good time was had by those who attended Mr and Mrs James Illxson went to Salt Lake on the 2nd James Woolstcn hulmeof Kamas accompanied them A caret nice flagging and building stone win shipped from hero this week The stone was from the Teoa quarry and was shipped to J Howells at Halt I Lake The cltltens nf this place held It meetIng meet-Ing Monday to discuss the advisability leasing State lands and purchasing railroad lasds to range their stock on It was decided to appoint a committee to wait on the citlisus Itockport and Hoytsvllle and get them to Join us In one company In purchasing the land A general meeting if the cltlrensot the three towns will be called Boos Y |