Show Dint mill the Armrr Suppose the claims of olcomarcarln peoplo were true that their product 1i I just ns good as butler as healthful All butter and but for restrictive laws would sell na well ns butler what would be thin result to the former Counting 30 pounds per capita per year as the butter consumed by the average American farmers find sale for 2109000000 pounds per annum This at the low price of J2V4 cents per pound bring them In csoocca act J eye tStTGblcaKo Iroduco Lot us suppose that oleomargarine should supplant butler The farmer receiving but about 2 cent as his part of tho pro reeds ot the salo ot a pound of oleomargarine lDI I margarine would only I obtain 113000 000 whero before he received 2C2 500 000 Tho balance would go Into the hands of tho mlddlomnn and manufacturer manu-facturer and agriculturists would be deprived ot a turn annually as gnat almost al-most an Ibo value of cacti years hat crop And yet some senators representing repre-senting agricultural conttltuvnoles up pear llltlo Interested In what become ot the dairy boning of the country I |