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Show owned by th Union Iaciflc, It in Mid tka eynd'nat baa bought mine in Kan aa and Nebraska and iotenda to obtain rontrot of a string! tnlnea reaching COALVILLE TIMES. DBC. COlLTll.LI, FRIDAY. . 1. ttmut mi wmn nu It DMf oV r4i.viii 9 or across rniMO. ALLECD CATTL j VmI THIVf. m4 R mnhimm WmU4 ert-Aih- r OflU fcf Cm W. , Branch On Kunday Of)kr went to Po for th pupoe a muting John Neel and karimi-- , charged with stealing ft thought these nr the parties who have otvaliag entile front the Oakley ranye nl driv-In- f tTiein over Ito the Hear river and die-'- 3 tbarontineat. Daniel Heiner of M orpin wa in Cl-rill- e Ya Inesday and railed on The V A for a moment, Mr. Heiner inTins tea ,13Mrtrk('H form the writer that he will again an U4,tu Ecbu .. gaga tn The rattfe' 'bovine' btitific'nd imi(i 7)n'iiriM Hif - l Pnow un- - i poing of them. Cattle have tern mined Ht X.T,Wport base young sir k Iroin P Bl- , Mo 1, Wo- -t different time from p,w "d Id spring. He will visit rptj'iLn - 55 P B, I5.il for many ronuthy, ifo oSii-iy- , M)iumit.ciiiityjiiv ia ,anj K. lU ... think.ihat the purlin Lforc he n inrna to Miri?n. and t, . m. .1 above who the are ones hare Mil AMiU been conducting AlKrirl ( rrttHtiMlfAU Th TIm the bmdntss, The last linmli were nuLU . " " of to a -j taken to Hear liver and H F LV " tr i , llffirf !m named stud dealer Ian is, i,U cheek The cliunl Trustees Lave Uen WMl'i; w f Robert as made out him If. in . by faior ot hoola the . weeks, the pat eoupie Johft f Ryul. 'it tff.lto for the au.e- - Tliia of Tivu'Umi", Tur Wk informed Payment Had them idt one hl Fi.gt . lirntiM -highlv pleased chk warcaahed inCoalvijle, e unier- j that the board was very W aat( luirrsui. t tisries Wru b w i It U.e condition of Coalville tor' itu-- vtautl bv Neel and Uasinneur which NdIM jras - tioiiwd leaniii a. They. y that the hit' put t be idtiefrsoinhe trad. Jensen, COAL,VLLE MARKETS. di. iidihe in nerv w hor.l i neirly per-- d traffspires. laoniy a U,v of 12 years. fit t, and t hut the irmreat taken bv the j ami the parlies h.nt the cloak dmwu In IT'KO m VllMI maiki d and en-- 1 hij name to aitrt susiieiou. However, tenleisaiid titipi's or; t' be i.i .. liii Mr. lSranth arrived v leoa he 01 tlio f Umrintgc 1 our lists t I'omagii.g (u t mm teis h i Pot i him, Coalyill I a M lusdi that she lumni hie men hail H Bet t.vyr li-Neel and f reerr jit were of. l wrdl fn iinumo nr proud t e t tggJ, I exerefae Ogden i.;i Momlay night by Mr. X. Bate T! is aflcmooii the holida) jikat w lio sys be toM Hie chief fris e txf. MT "aiuJ of the !rii k, spring f follow a:id Crass (ifWansliip of imlice at' Ogden to keep rds e ieiiU n.r I r ani'l. . liHeye on hools are being held, ainl this "t. en ek (jooiid as prir tt ,srk. were wanted In the offithem, ' they New th lock West 8 o'i evening at Crtt s Tid. cers here. On TuesdayOlfocr Salmon' M luil i lake place. The sitUlsu, psr pmm I MV hrr hsic Um n anrknig alnui-- t was miutied, Mr. Brmn.li baling gone to n vv. , . fist; Lake for wituea-esi- n anoiber cattle per t" Hu cisnntly in ptepaiing the pupils lor f r. "04 case. Mr. Salmon telegraphed the Ogliuut'.y, I r two reshould and these a. wcasinas, root they . den police to itrirst nod hold them, but II Sorsl 7 ceive the encouragement and compliHear, rats per 100 roniels Z3Z up to thia writing has leceiie I no reply, who can of ments attend, and every parent it is feared their have made their BREVITIES. LOCAL for their pains. That the exerriaeawill It i said Neel left his horse escape. tie both beueficiakandeutertaining there with John Kidd on and borllae you seen th monkeys at Doy U not a doubt, and the teacher are en- rowed u Iresh one, theSaturday latter nt know- dens titled to. in urn irateVVe doubt if there dreg atore ? .. wa he the- oflirei of from ing fleeing - The Salt !ake street car enjoy a boid-n- p is a town in the territory where teacher W, II. Ktevein of Oakley and pupil are more in touch than they the law, Mr. about once each week. came down on ihisbuaineM-- . Wednesday, ar in Coalvill. The Hot Kiings railroad has recured ami is now making every clfoit to trace of Webster's Literary Huriely held their tiie all clnim against it by two mortgage fugitives. regular meeting again Tuesday night, (tW,0(0 each. It is to lie hoped that thev will lie and the attendance was Urge. IncreasThe Doarhler Voice cone lo ui id en tuptured, and if guilty, get their proper ing interest I being awakened bv this this form weeg. and Improved enlarged punUhmeiit, ami thus rd the comsociety, and their weekly exercise are munity wherein they have lecn It ia n goed paper, operatilooked forward to with much pleasure. ng pf a gang that has caused the peopl A handled, topped with a dry goola wae program Tneeday evening ol that sectian so much loss and annoybof baa been pnt on to rarry the mail and well carried out, as follows : -ance. and poetoffice. Iietween the depot Address on "Thrift and Kconoray by ahothkx cas. of can the Arrording to thereTorna W. Calderwood ; reading, Frank Rippon ; Officer Branch went to Fait Lake Cannon J. board. majority F, raising music, Agnes Lusty; address, "Life of for the purpose of aubpeenaing for delegate in th territory ia U18. Thomaa Jsfforson, C. R. Jones ; deflate, Tuesday witneseea ' A grand maeqnerade ball la to be Resolved, That "Women Should Have Porter in the can of the Peopl ve. anAJOltmrn, nhe me who.it ie given at Esho on Mew Year night. Eqnal Right with Men." The affirmahave tie a carrying oa a alleged, made." ' been have waa handled by Carl Allison and tive tirenCpreparatlon bueinese by stealing and celling the negative by J. M. Calderwood. A change ia made in fjm gdvertiae-tnrntollltin cattle ud Summit counties for Morgan Maggie Salmon jrilhille-gue- , Alter A heated debate, hath aide being several Mr. Branch report past. year Well presented, the judges decided In that he secured all It is good reading, Bead it over. the witnesses defavor of the affirmAtlve. J ' sired, and that sensational dovelopuien t Property io tiic amottni olahoet 1 1000 , which maybe expected At was aold lor taxca by Aaaeeaor end i Th IrkHl Caaosrt. before Commissioner C'W?ff Collector C roo on Monday last. The . . The school concert mentioned ia last Salmad. eanrt figure the titer was enable to A Ptropg feeling exists among the weeks to be given by the various Ob ain. farmer men the have been elm against school in tbit end ol tha ci)iinty,wiU on this work, and if the guilty poor quality of Uke place on Saturday night. Decern-l- r carrying Judging from th parties are caught, no mercy or symof postage tiukum on th lat 2i!nd, in the Stake House. The pro- pathy will lie shown them. A large number nfolho Titirnne-o- f iluiups, the goiertiment rimst sober be gram will consist of chorus, dialogues, Porterville, Ib-a- fer and other places id JiiffiT up or the department ha been songs, recitatlen, flag drills, physlclul tkisend of the county will be in jTfend-anc- e watering the mucilage. culture drills, etc. An orchestra of five , on the trial. If our information is reliable, no lee piece will alo take part. Much time LAND DECISQNS. than six marriages will be roliinniscd ami attention bus been given to this bv W l. Harlow, Lnd o Christ m day in Coalville, The tl)$ house b5 hem Ilicelv WsiliIngO.a, . t'. Inrnr), pauic liK'ludMuny of cmr jroiulnent decorated, and large attenilaiice ie Under the Sundry Civil Apprepriation An admission feeol 10 wild 15 jeing me and women, Act, approved Aug 18, 18JL all koldiera thlldolL U.' Artrt Tents will be charged, ami th proceed additionnl honteitciid certifleate heretA four-- ) Car-ol- d will lie used iu purchasing necessary Irotg of Kalt Taka was eo severely ofore issued nre declared valid, notwith, school is Us that supplies. recovery W ned n Monday standing qny attempted sale or franrfer You doubtful. It was pla ing near a atove thereof ; Mtlcv or fritn-fI'liKaON At.. of mu h certifl-nilw ia-it a clothing caught tire. heretofore fir hereafter Hindu shall Samuel roadmaslcr lor the not l regarded hs invaiidniiiig the Mmlesto Sicher, convicted of voluntary right, but the same shall I good and Ms-rxtU. in wa a few days. Coalville 1., inanalaughter iw killing Uniaeppo valid iu the hands of bona fide purchasMr. Brown ot VVantdiip enu8 dowu tu er for value; and all vi.E.iich 'Tuudo or iu Tarh-vciinvn lat hereefter male with rm-- certificate by tefive years Coalville on hunineve Wednesday. was on Monday aentem-eSttch hnll he npprov d and purcher a d six month In the jnltentiary. of W. Kicven waJustiio II, Oakley iliatl iiur iu tho name of the pa'ent Mr. It. C. llaiicmb and Mis Jane rn (.VhiIviIIw on important buitrpg assignee. ' Rerti.i('d rertifh-niun ler the law AHi.i'O'l went. to Sad Lake la- -t Frtdav, W duvsday. an 50 more valu vftle than the where thev were joined in th hole Mr. J. A. imuth expect to go to Almy ol 1 cert1 K: ,t rim her' nfore made 0 b mde of weilhwk. A tOvt. of friend' very aooit where he ha employ an-nfor hi roldfori iniler tr.nv lie 1, hates wish i hem a long and prosperous the winter. ii. nieH, on iirimf til ownership married life. - jnee. U. C. Carr, icprvsenting the Mutlcr t he The Salt Lake Tribune aavs there ia Sale Company, w a tloiug burines in Cntairh it a iiititiuional diM'Sse. reduction in the price Coalville thi week. to be a man-ria- l Hoods ''.vs'innn! a n a eoimtitntional . of coni aPSafr I ak ot the firtt of t'te Jt mic c,n.irrl- - Aiveit Bay Almy of the Home Coal rrini-lvtr al. will .he Whether n it from duw Turk was on his ldot. by year. Company cm n hi ne or by a reduction in freight regular monthly Visit Wednesday. Dfr Prices Cream Baking Powder WortU's Fair T'iirit Medal nd DipSoma, rati is not yet know n. GworxeUlson, the 1 nulin manager if A. Mercantile Co-ohouia u the Joint is fitting ni the Smith llopkin The I f rttlr Wildf budding, and will move una de- Feho, was up bn busineaa Wedni. UcMiainnii: m'nj1- iior a the 1ost-ulhc- e lay. m Coalville. !Vembr 2f, 18'J4. partment of their atore into These the fumttur and hardware department. - Asivsaor ard- - Cuilivlur tieorge W. Vtheu mtlluig of tin bstter, 1 Thi will make a gieat imprownirnt in Uroo and Probate Judge Henry Shields please av ndierh-ci- ! tl i. i; p rtsvnor , the note, and diplay dheir atoik to were in Coalville Monday to dispose of Or. M. Tfi-T them iur i.i ire Hyeriy which were on nut the laxee M -- B -- w M n. 01, i I i u'. iwoperty aiiyantage. N V for Boyer A in Jur. (frvt the year. part paid The Interior department on Friday Mr. t,iueji). N.rnu, emu uul Mr. Joseph S. BafLof Wahratyh was II W received the annual report ot Territorial ,.g. Sdphiy IVellei , e ird f vd.lrera Summit County .Mine I n tract or J. lb Rawdngtol Utah, down for a short etay Wednesday. He eiilv. the snow rrrs.v tell Kara going off very 1). A (r nrrT The report etatee that the mining law report Mr HUnler are complied with throughoat the terri- rapidly, and aaya the road are not very C W winlnr"OX I h. HrrH fer either wagone or ateigks. Marlin P7 W lim invent tory and that a good yield bat been good . lludeon Smith ano the attorney for Mtmwlioj. , made tide year. A. p. Bow. P. H the Wester Building A Loa Ataocia-tia- n Member of the Coalville Home ware In Coalville Monday t attend Dramatic Company are now busily en Awarded the traeteee eale of tha Short property Honors World gaged in preparing themselves for their advertieed the Fair. Highest four weeke. paet Bret appearance, which will be in a Mr. the traveling representaahort time. They will put on "The tive of liefer, the Chamberlain Medicine comFactory Girl, and will make announce Ask to pany ol Dee Mobile, la., wae in Coalville ment of the date in a few days. during the week, amfekwed an advertisWhile In Salt Lake Wednesday, W. ing contract for bit in Ladies' ith Thk company and Tuu.. H,Tr.nch visaed the t Lo4 lKA-r- at th piiowa mi, tin. d cuFofibrfr-this-tin- e ' !.. It. . - - djt j J f t fr n s Mercantile.: t Some people say they are selling goods Cheapo and some say that they are Selling Still Cheaper but as usual I I , 1 , j - J j ! I! J We Head the List. Sell the Cheapest lr tttr--- kk -- I ir i ae the-trial- , I ! N 22 lbs. Fine Currants, $1 22 Raisins, 1 8 Seedless Raisins 1 8 rykgs Mincemeat. 1 Best Lemon Peel, 25e. lb Best Citron Peel, 25c. lb ive I AND As it is our custom to always fix prices that places everybody within reach, so as to enjoy the good things of the Holiday season, we shall continue in the good work, and during the present Time, and until the 1st of January, 1895, we are offering the following goods at the remarkably low prices quoted below: - 1 7 to-d- Tii e i rnrli! ' no doubt will have lo'have something in the shape of Candyr Note our Prices on these Nuts, Oranges and Dolls. Goods. For instance, we will give you ci cr Ynt-nia- e d 10 Pounds Best Home Made Candy for -- J 6 Pounds Very Fine Mixed Candy for 7 Very Best Mixed Nuts for Three Dozen Excellent Oranges for p jr ct-n- tii-- t is pn-p- r GlEV A VA Y. 25c A Beautiful patent doll for 15c A Beautiful 194nch patent doll for cannot be bought Anywhere Else for Less than 35c and 50c. tr m-!- ' p - . VV I 22-inc- - h DRESS GQQDS ETC vi- t, DOLLS ALMOST -? you have not seen our line of 25c, 20c and- - 15c you should comeand per yard We have just opened up about 50 njeces, and it is a pleasure to show them. If VI i rl r t f r. ('iiartesTuivdc, the .ttuong them. Ht w i to hve IS h, hut a beat Ii.g tvc uled on new tritl w a motion granted, ami will I had , The Denver Timeoftlv 18h prints a epee ini vlipati li fr-Chwvmne tu the e.-TVit that il t hirugo nicatc, ropreeant-insv la-e- fr lr 12,0tX),(XH, h lioughtth profuir-tic- e of Vandyke, Sweetwater and Hock Springs Coal roiDpaiiieaatKorkSpnng, Wye., comprising all th .iiuivmumK, wiia-mu- r mine sot see cur line of Ladies' and Gents' . Silk Handkerchiefs. ; We have a beauty at the remarkably Low Figure of 10c , In buying SHOES, don't overlook Remember with every pair we Seasbp. luring the 2 2 . pounds of Each. give you 5 pounds cf Currents or 5 pounds of Raisins, or , Ther"wUi li moj'iennb- ba1! Fne ay vv H.un ilai , hjctj--o, Near' mg, January night. Dont nuoi it, lor tt widlra. th ,baij of . the season. - ia 1-- ltt VwtATI KolW fours Respectfully, - the Union holiday eoa-n- i BaciftC wil ii II ticke's hem point on the svatem on 4ih, 2oth and at 31t,liUf4, and January .,1st, greatly raducral rater, For (nil information call on your nearest Union lacitic Agent. For th most perfect made A pure Grape Cieam of Tartar Powder. Prrt from Ammonix, Ah.ui or any other adulterant rh - 40 YEARS THE STANDARD . see-them- Come and make your selections before the Stock is Broken. oa th?TH. d,-- r r. Dress-Goods- , ' 7 - 7 .V' Peoples Mercantile i - - A. SCO W CROFT, Co- - Manager. ; -- |