Show win ritM Ui Vlo mi Denvtr Colo Dto 17A iclal to the Itepubllcan from Waihington D l a rays The AdmlnuruUon baa determined deter-mined to fight the Ut bill lut Ihe Colorado delegate will try to pan U over tie oppoiltlun Thin will bu u dlll1clIl toting 10 do 1 an In cave Iho rrMldentirmalil vela the Mil there art irnuaah AdialuUlra tu III uuu I ianli or the oiunr i ro ie 1 lrut nJI1l i ii wIIV twii sItdt u u urv Swill In Ilia u uur is I lids icul miilTwIlor 11 > 11 1 I hi t i ry < tirrfull cuudi rrl Ii iii ul I I 1 i ionally and aim cm htwl I n n t t 11 r lion agents as to eke nuniUr nut 5115 i ihtloii ol Iho Indlmit Iliav Im IWH Int I ppufltloii lroJ Ihe lilII t 1 cminoi brllettt 1 li wfss Im fayt ru iindirlaki i lliiaintof I ill r 10 tinin in l Mtnuln I I am of this opinion thai Iunirrv i tliould I t delhltely I I deolsho to Iriuvs the I is Ilan s here they art nud let tho nt0ject rL tbtru our twolvc IIIlInllll Imaor Iuill which 1I1It11 will has dotrtulnud whlll I progru CAn bo wade with tone ludlII |