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Show year life wrecked by the same error that ruined mine, I have often beard yon wonder ahy I alweys wore this old fashioned pearl locket on my fob. I will tell you. It belonged to that first woman, and. hen she left the child with little ones me, it was about tii I wear it as a soft: white throat penance, a constant reminder of cay THE TIMES BY r. Ftiummo rmkku. Tii m. Timm UTAH. ,- COALVILLE- t new Bi who Is to ork Utina New a quh inquire gun? - of York exchange. Why, the course. IroieunJ something hard. P&&F- - h It a pretty story that bkipper W Blake and crew of tlie schooner P. T. Parnuua tell of a meteor striking their rigging, splitting into three plot and falling lute the tea with hinting sound. The only thing to throw doubt ow th story 1 the came of the there is It. f Tina enormous population seem to le in the greater number of jwiwons wounded and raptured by the Japanese. The vastus of Uhina'i resource as to men ha proved of no advantage to her wo far, 'Hie Yankees of the East, as the Jape are entitled to bo called, have not met with any serious obstacle to their al vance etClior by water or on land. k ilkd, ' of the railroads have pro wen ted claims to the government for carry iDg troops last summer during Um railroad strike. As the troop were railed out at the request of the railroad to protect their proerty and keep their lines open, it would appear to be no great hardship If they contributed the transportation, especially if the government contributed every thing else. Payment of the claims, it ,1 said,, will -- ha. resisted Ity . the, War Wur la It that In most of the cltlev of the world fadilon make Ita home the northwestern quarter? home-comin- ip Why it that the "west end Is o often the aristocratic section of the city? It a fact and there ia a ruling cause it Is it this? That the prevailing winds of the earth are They are In general northwesterly, and their tendency ia to Mow the dust, smoke and odors of a city to it eastern or southern alda, ' This make the opposite quarter the more desirable for residence. People la for north-wcstcrl- have in all ages been governed by the rule without Inquiring very deeply into It cause. r I sad to think that after all th rare which has been lavished on the 1 , Indian lof long years, hud the human Ling influences- - which have been brought to bear ujion them, they aro a far from being rivtlUod a ever. What caa b gel tired of hi wife after being married a few months and leaves her? And what shall we say of a woman she is not treated rightly, goes home to her parents, the rouple sometimes making up and living together again? Can such things be, and overcome u like a summer cloud, and we must not know it? They could enly happen among people who are living under primitive social conditions, and the fact that the? prevail amongst the Indiana shows how little the latter have profited by their contact with white people. -- who.-wheo The governor of Alabama ekws - progioses a remedy for lynching that deserves cofislderatlon by fioople of other states an wdl. It Is that a law be yassod giving to the families of a man killed by a mob the right to a civil action against the authorities of the town or county where the deed was done. If thi were made generally the taw it would place the lawless element under bonds W keep the peace.- - bile many; of tbe lawless are not tax pa vers, they are none the less dependent- - Upon tho.-who do pay the taxes. Mob pule itself is greatly destructive to property, but It Is so indirectly. If property owner had to pay additional taxes for each case of mob rule that occurred in their locality they would bestir themselves to protect lives of Those obnoxious to the mob, because ' they would then be directly Interested, e ana so plainly that no one could mix-tak- ' thertaet. A at mirsTiov is toad to have a short dally discussion of current news in the public school, and to this end to have, a digest of the new from a daily paper. If the news be new : of the worlds Impwrtaot evcnts, not the daily record of crime and party ; politic, that Is found 'jn some news-ppci's, tbe suggestion is good, and - ought to be acted on. Correct cur rent history certainly important a is the history f the B. C. or a S mediaeval period. A' 'teacher w ho, would spend a bait hour every day posting hi or W pupils on the worlds daily event, would do as much for 1 oration Listening for the same length of time to rules of grammar and other equally dry s b Jeeiv, and this paragraph i not meant l9 r.y sense to reflect on the Impor lace.-- f "all ' dry studies now pursue 1 ia the public schools, whether o, grammar or constitutional history. Te near hue brought perfection tbe a hoi-s- - fkras possiWYut. , hi occupation gone. He will be f use for beayytaraoghl. and for luxury thi lnclufilag - but for most of the service racing he has render.--! us he i b dug replavd by Othcilo-like- electricity. Blbin mx's country ' 213 concert i in this yielded f lod.O'Kt, and fade rewkia tourra nearly equally pro ductlie, hand- - Thera are uiMIlons in the piano Jf a man only knotis how to Ihttnp the key to get it out. ( Nseklsd Chines funeral is a constant at efforts to cheat th deyil, srio la supposed to be lying In wait t capture the tool of the departed, o the body remain in the long oul Is Safe, for the devil boas th aanot come in; th risk begin when tb funeral proceaaion atart. When ready to march great quantities of BreiaUs and py tote clinic tbnt imit much smoke are set offjn front if the door, and under eover of the unoko tbe pallbearers start ! run to, tbe . lorner, turn it as quickly a they an sad atop short This is dona tor the purpose of throwing the devil off tbe tack, sines it is well known that b cannot easily tnrn a corner, and, to aid la tbe deception, whenever a joroer is turned more firework are burned- - By dint of turning quickly nl trotting as fast as they can the bearers finally arrive at th C3mtery, bet do not enter th gates, but go through a hole ia the surrounding for they know that the bsfiiedxlevil will be waiting for them st the entrance. In the cemetery tbe toul ia com para ttvfely safe, though to secure the make the matter iischarge of firecracker is kept up an nl all the rites are ended. A n 1 o rr r to-da- y old-tim- e f- ft well-know- aW Lft A French Hamladn- y. - physician mentions a unous case of child in a certain family was -- One left-hande- and a second appeared at age year also to be It was then learned that the mother always carried her child She was advised to on her left arm. arry her child on her right The infant, having its right arm free, began to grasp objects with it, and soon beam e right-handeof one the left-hande- hAroa'fl Error.""" Satan ordered the windows opened at once. C'iiriktopher, he exclaimed, Lucifer'nod-Je- d what an awful odor! Your majesty, he explained, Charon must have got mixed with Ins passenger list and sent that india-rubbmao up here by mistake." It e med a very plausible theory. hap-pene- Tbo Scapegoat- - E.ery thing that is dona in this kou-- o Is always blamed onto me," unified tha small boy, an I'm jlst yittin tired of it I'll run away, that's what Ill da Doggone if t mesa to he the Li Hung Chang of this family any longer. A terioui lled;. curious pled ire vras taken by i Hear Kalu for llaDoloc Luaf Diseases lot of Nan Francisco girls at the instiCixcitsati, Ohio, Dec. 3. (Special. gation of their pastor, a Dr. Martin, An edition 6t 100,000 copies of Prof. Last said a young woman yesterday. W. R. Amicks new treatise on lung diseases has just been sent out to phy week he delivered a lecture to young licians by tha Amick Chemical com- women only. The majority f persons when they saw the dainty badges pany, compounders of Dr. Amick JIra. AomIm Chemical Treatment. Old practitioners pinned on the shoulders of the girls uy the book contains the most con were very much surprised when they sat of rules for diagnosing' learned the import. They had signed And I wo a sufferer. The poison to 'Vt The disease a vow, a unique limbs a solid msss of sores, sumption aver published. one, contrived by Dr. air blood mi aa adrertiaement of Hood's la divided Into distinct phases and happened Martin, that not one of them would stages, enabling the least experienced - hold a secret engagement or receive Sarsa to determine the condition of the patient'a lungs. Indications for treating attentions from any ;man that their that cotrt complicatioas are given, together with parents did not The what may, nothing could ever induce many valuable prescription. Cincinthen to break the vow they spjxjlemn-l- y company will distribute from nati a large free edition to consumpmade. The thing wa fought to tives throughout the conntr-be a joke at first, bp'ffn inquiry I rood that 1 kept using it until I had taken twelve Botllco, nod now 1 am entirely cured. .Mso. found that the jp'j'sijr women have Louisa Maruoca, Bonita, Texan Kadarsaee of ladlaa Rwoaers. thus pledged GrtnaD8- I do not 'Scribner's Magazine: An Indian has think the Hood'S Pill are purely vegetable, ate. lias spread eastward been known to carry a letter from caused but dea a iMaas Chihuahua and back yet, Guaxapares-t- o distance being on the':' 'Taeiflo slope. again In five days, the l. some In miles. 800 parts where nearly the Tarahumsrls serve the Mexicans A Canning little Scheme. they are used to run in the wild horsex.-Miss Richgirl. driving them into corral; it may tpe doubtfully them two or three days to do it., deep- afraid" pa w ill never consent uni on ' 4de a and ,j living ing at night him under obligations ole. They bring In the honp thorough you place you. ly exhausted, while tby themselves Mr. Slimpurse Hum! Let me are still fresh. They, will outrun any COLCHESTER" horse If von give jpem time enough. see. I might pretend to save you or They will pursuxjXleer in the snow, or from drowning something. Miss Richgirl That wouldn't be of with dog, in the rain, for days and days, nnt(! at last the animal is corner- any use. lie would simply hand you ed andJiot with errors, or falls an a reward and forget all about it from sheer exhaustion, itx easvi-eBOOT. Mr. Slimpurse But there must be ropping off. some Vav to win his favor. jipsd Miss Richgirl Oh, I have it! You ST IN MARKET, A Lonf Nam. BEST IV KIT wait until pa gets into a tight place, BEST IV U EARING farmer An English presenteo and then you rush in and save him QL'AUTV. for christening at hia ixmi his Th outer or tap sole ex. bankruptcy. with ' twenty-nitends tbe whole length parish church down to tbe bee!, pro. Christian names selected from scripTh Largest Shipment of Salt-teotlngtbe bontin digture. representing fcvery letter of the A remarkable freight train went la other hard ging and work. ' with the greatest through the Hoosac tunnel recently: alphabet Only ASK TOCTt PEtLEK n difficulty could the clergyman, cars loaded It consisted of OR THEM : , , tbe farmer to content himself with Worcester salt, on ita and don't be put off .U from way with inferior goods. with the firrt tod lasl of thk appeia-tive- the works in Silver Springs, N. Y., to CftLCHESTEft RUBBER CO. proposed. The name of t the un- a holesale grocers In Boston and other fortunate Infant wa to have been cities lit New England. Two locomoCLOTHING Abel Benjamin Caleb Daniel Ezra Fe- tives pulled it and one held it back on a&fclilixvttoeoaMii at LflwrvrrftK'ti lix Gabriel Haggai Isaac Jacob Kish the down . grades. The salt weighed rrr M( ran4offered. Bay direti fiun Lovi Manoah Nehemia Ubndiah Peter about 2.OUO.000 pounds. It was the t flu m$kntfrtorr. Drtrt WITH niHIKLt W TUTITiTIOT, Quartos Kechab Samuel Tobiah L'a largest shipment of chloride of sodium Nhvayou fiom 30 vo Ul pr cn(. A fl$ tuiL or Vinter tptNit$, ',tl Vanish IVork Xvmtum Yarlah ever made by rail. The train was the eomhtimtloii Suits ft2 tl ' H. rt tolaartaT.: Zechanah Jinkins. erHULTf, ever longest that passed through the for TKTT BMfiimoiA otuiuy, AMraN Hoosae tunnel. OXFOSO MFO.CO.,(wub(Bt.V4ai K Doabt About HU HL 44 Wabaah Ava., Chlcsso.lll, Admiral Drake, when a lad, at thx How fch Did U. beginning of his first engagement The older married woman thought sure cure lor pin worm in horses Th was observed to shake and tremble lie would have some fun with the knownonlySieketee s Hog Choiers Cure Never very much, and being rallied npon it. newly married one so she went to see fails tois destroy worms in hone hogs sbeep, of mind an with a or eats: errelient remedy foraick fowls. observed, presence her and turned loose - a Iot of houso-hol-d dogs Send sixty cents In United Staves postage and I (or, sfc all events, of humor) in which will send by mad. Cut this out, take it u drugon her. questions even Nelson wa lacking: My flesh gist and pay him fifty cents. Three packages the way, asked lor l 50 express paid. G. O BTl.KF.rkh tremble at the anticipation of the afterBy some how Grand Rapids, Mich. do you sparring, Uention name of paper. many and great dangers into which a ash yotir fine ehina? my resolute and undaunted head will Usually with water, responded TREES. Of 6010 lead ma the young one demurely, and the Burbank's SIARIt Nsw Jersey, fleas Mead. Trass PR EPSI0 everywhere. SAFE ARRIVAL susr. closed for that day. snteed. HALF. avar lbegreatnurserlessave you A gentleman baa Invented an hUUioos of tlie best trees 70 years experience ran Tb Par Capita. - which Hv netleaeev electrocutes grow; hear Nee. they hstter. ts mosquito In proportion to the population MarUm. ITAES. B xi,leaiiaa, H ., Rockpart. 1U. insect pests which come in contact France has more money in circulation with it ri i r than X any other country. . In France la tha Wlah a tar Taartot Tlekat Prosecutes Claima.q It Stceesfutly the $10.56 fTn U ft averages per capita Railroad PrtBlpl moi Hum Ayxsla last wax, Doth aicauuelaiaia, ettj amoa to aQ tbe winter resorts of United Mates, fi6.34 ; In England and Are bow on the South, rood returning nntil June 1st, Germany $13.42; in Japan, $4.90; in WALL to Uhina, $1.75; in Uentral America. 34 HV Auhj Hiavxst Ewimrox Sperwlation saermraitv haadled. Sen tar Kras, II rotate eouth on excursion datee. In adA lndigcs(ioj)Troublcdf.lo com-plat- 1 f parilla app.-ove- Cures - 'ojKer-Journa- - SPADING y first-bor- n x per-snad- o fifty-seve- , x i wmiE m-- - A Worms in Horses. - the-visit- or, in Milllww-newereothi- alee-tri- -- Pe s o XV ni i ss STREET Tk-xet- s J eertu, ood tau in forma tloa rui. locreoM voar dition to nhovo. Railroad and Htenmship cents. Inrame, Invewnmu, piarod. adr a War A La., i A q u aU Su, New Tark. Manaa, tickets to nil points to tbe Ixiteu IStites Sends HI Clotha la London. and Rvaori, nt kwet rates. For rates, A of informacertain date and full Milan, PATENTS young prince ticket, excursion Writ lor loveeLor'iQtifcle tion or a copy of th Home Seekers Uuide, Italy, had a high old time in the Farnam street, British raU at V, at ah Oft ice, metropolis about a year ago ' nr write Now he thinks "there is no place like G. N. Clxttox, He not only ha his clothes Itoiulon. N. W. P. Agt, Omaha. Nev made there, but be sends his linen to '. For Billiard Tahle, necond-hau- d be laundered there. cheats Apnlr to or address, H. C Axis, - j'U 8. ltlb fit., Omaha, Nan V 1 .mothers, ar rt wide-open- department. In la tb - vhooner. The only importance moment a in." At say-tog- bam. ' ' that perfectly up. pointed ea triage rolled past he ari n a royally Beautiful worn am who in New York. leaned back among herenahloh with My dear fel-. the languor of a grande dame. low, that is t Tier larjge darU eye spied Harry grea deal. St fish-- , and she favored him "wUU "Not too much, beaming smile and a flattering dow. though," Gerald Brisbane became as white aa Where did you a statue aa hh eye rested upon the meet her? first woman. a Bohemt-apassing "At a Who I that Harry" he asked,' in ball masque , in Venice, bhe a low, choked voice. laMr. Athelstyne," the wee impersonatrThat ing Cleopstra, a- young man replied, and there was a worthy repre- low note of trinmph In hi tone aa he s mtativeof that noticed his com pan ions evident exwonderful queen. 1 sew her end citement "Now, will yon acknowlloved her, and thats all there i to it," edge that I did sot flatter her when 1 The, speakers were two men, one in called her the most beautiful woman hlsjflrst yoath and the second man of In New York? 40 or thereabouts, with hair streaked Brisbane hesitated a moment and with gray and a blase, cynleaKace-"As when he spoke it was in a curiously I understand thin affair, the suppressed manner. difficulty is that you do ndt attempt Now that I have seen her," he to make a secret of It I feel bound to nrg yon more said; I d Uke to know what business It to end this affair. importunately is of yours, anyway." That woman could never be true to with 'Now, Harry, don't get angry any man. Believe me, my boy, 1 ma. You know me too well for that know What I say.. My only reaaon forquestiontng you eo Harry St Clair turned and looked impertinently and presuming to Imen- long and earnestly at his companions tion this affair at all, i that met perturbed ( coante nance, and then Miae lilanchard coming over on the with a sigh of deapair he turned aside. inmuch ateamer and became very Mm Athelstyne was the first terested to her, knowing aa I do the woman then, I urn he murmured. between which exists arrangement derstand it all now." you two young folk. i had leeb envying you and thinkLights flashed, music clashed am ing what a lucky chap you were, sweet sound of revelry floated out oj the landing, who, 4ddily laepo the windows of the St. first news I hear a pretty morsel of Clair mansion. scandal concerning you and this Mrs. . It was a most joyful occasion. A Athelstyne. g In honor at the reception The men were strolling in the park, of the bride and groom, Harry St but now suddenly the elder man Clair and hi exquisite young girl paused at a bench, and made amotion wife, formerly Ner Blanchard. for bis companion to it down beside Society smiled npoD the young him. Then he continued: and gave them its blessing. conple was spoiled by just Were Harry, my life not both of Them young, they snch" an .entanglement a "this of handsome, and well ' connected of I ail chance lost winning . yonrs. wealthy? of sweetest end one of the best good, Mr. Brisbane bent over his friend's pore women for my wife, because of wife. I have something for yon, the publicity of my Intrigue with a he said, with a kind smile on his notorious woman. You have always proud, sensitive lipa called me cynical God knows I have What? More gifts? Why. yon have bad enough to make me tax" overwhelmed ns already with, your his looked friend Clair at Harry St generosity. Gerald." with a newly awakened interest and But thi la for you alone, Nera," sympathy. he- - murmured significantly, Tand I f I was younger than you are now; want yon to promise m that you and I was not promised to one of the will it night and day. most beautiful girls ia the world, aa Harry knows always, the history of my little you are," offering, and he will appreciate my "That was not my doing," St Clair whim in thus asking yon to wear it muttered, sullenly. "I have never for me." swMtvyw had grown grav engagement came about through an beneath . the earnestness of htr friends manner and she promised to arrangement made by our parent wear his trinket forever more. year ago' Thsoldsr man continued wit: Yon see, I have an idea that It heeding the Impetuous Interruption. something of a talisman, " he said At that time I met a girl, a lovely gayly, as he prounced a tiny veltei young English actress, and proceeded box, and opened it before her expert-an- t to besoms madly Infatuated with her. gar. Within upon acnahionol I should have married her had aha creamy velvet reposed aa consented, bnt she would not marry pearl loeket to which yru me. I know now that aha had higher fastened a aleader gold chain. ambitions. At that, time the perV suaded me that It was solicitude for ' After the departure of the gneiU my social and professional career St. Clair and Gerald Brisbane, whom which deterred her. I made no se- he had persuaded to remain all night, cret of ray wild Infatuation. We were repaired to Harry's smoking den to seen together everywhere in the moat enjoy a brief cigar. , public place. Society frowned at a How much I owe to you, Gerald, first. Afterward It turned a cold the younger man said earnestly. shoulder upon me. Not that I cared. Tut! my boy,- - your own true heart would have been as sure a guide at you Imagine my nnhappy experience waa By the way, do yon ever hear anything from Mrs. Athelstyne? Harry stirred uneasily. So, but do you know, Gerald, tha ia tbe only thing that disturbs me. She cut up rather roughly, yon know, : over my desertion, and awore that 1 should not keep my wife long. It wax a horrible experience and it mad tremendous Impression npon m'-Ylyou aupnose she will try Jlisrm . Yore? Brisbane bent his hsff, back am, watched the epR.e CfflfSlaaily above hi head. A No, he said ygtdedly, ''Take my word for it, Havcy, Mrs. .Atholstvne w ill never hrjP tn a hair of your w ifgs head." . At IJtii very moment, in the ' "av aool ns is mv owx ohiux" apartment dl reotly above St. Clairs 1 was too much In thal dqft,' a magnificent woman wiyi a wrapped up woman to care for anything. One ftmdish smile upon her beautiful face morning 1 woke up to find that she rtesned over her hated rival, Harry SL me. Uione bad deserted abroadjwit Chur's lovely wife. a member of the nobility. so her ryte , So be preferred you, with your said. A lord w ho was going to .arry baby face and Innocent ways, to me her. r w ith my and intelligence and beanty T met A woman about a !r after- passionate love, for 1 did love him. ward my ideal womnf cultured, lie ia the only man who has ever conI quered my wild Impetuous nature. refined, pure and aofcr-hearteloved her. It w aa ny'i'ail in fatuation Other men have loved me, but 1 cared that time, but a P abiding love, for no one until I met him, which barn la fjf heart I swore that you should never live just as it did when first grew to know to enjoy the happiness of his daily and uademtcCu her wonderful nature, presence, and 1 have come to fulfill God .She, hjxs her.retnraed wy lore, my oath." and we Xjha engaged to be married. With a akkening gleam a Tlv6roae day that other one came dagger blade flashed in the dimshining aeklThe man with whom she raa light, bnt instead of descending lampnpon way from me had ia tara deserted the bared, white breast of the sleepah m a child, brought yji. Harry, ing woman, it fell to the floor with a ft wassay child. Sbe implored me to dull thud amid th heavy draperies oi take the lltUe creature aad bring it tlie couch. said was she She not to woman Tbe were up worthy riveted to eye have the care of it and she promised the girl snowy throat, tvhereon never to annoy toe again if I would do rested what wa to her a familiar so. , , trinket a little pearl locU;k- I yielded to her prayers and took She J my own child, My God! tbe little girt I took her to Eranee aud 1 would have murdered her ' ' ' and placed her ia aeoareat, and then 4, The next morning Mrs. went back to my betrothed with that Clairs miserable secret upon my eonvsiene. maid found a curious, dagger on the floor her near mistress' bed. My betrothed heard of it and disEvery one waa surprised and astonmissed me. That wa all, except ished at the discovery except Gerald that the child died a year jatrif, find Br.hlsne. now 1 am alone in th world, e ills uo I - ucy the pearl locket accomone to love bnt you, Harry, Don't plished its Intended destinv, he told too. U Dont let me tee rasetf, apd I am at last revenged." yon fait me, HE a - A 4i,v-i-pewy name of a t'hlcago firm of broker. It i about suggestive a the old ' Itoiiilou - Kfctehaa JMheaG hottto Kt. -- ' , - Perfection la Cake Making. frequently wonder Housekeepers Tb Newly Mads Hu bead Not Tet A- - Why it i that they cannot make bis cult and cake that are light and p&lat-Th- e enataiaed t Think far Tea. t n New able and that taste as dclicious as tha wife of a r their mothers an tiiBcmt and cake made by orker told a Tribune man the delightful incident of her wedding trip the, ether of Hhich even to thi day evening as illustrating the forgetful-- , mtmy cre,tes a sensation of pleasure to the ness of a man who ha only recently palate. Tbe trouble arise from the abandoned selfish bachelorship. They j highly adulterated state of the ma-ha- d bridal their jour- - j teriala they have to work with, par-noonly just begun and soda On that afternoon the train left ticularly the cream-of-tartto raise or leaven the food. the trade and began to bump along and soda that asa saz. TUcTleii tr fiappcned' lIittrTlie hew iy procurable for domestic purposes conmade h unhand was walking down the tain of lime, earth, quantities large aisle of the car away from the seat alum and other adulterants, frequently r where his bride sat. He knew that from 5 to 25 per cent, and consequently no nfidi that perh was vary so is strengthpwrixsf the raiteiad welh terrified at ha Ing the train leave the son can tell the exact quantity to use, to insure track there.for they were upon a bend or properly combine them, perfect results. From using too muchon a steep and lofty embankment. or because of the adulteror too With a thought of nothing but the ants inlittle, bitter, alt, yellow or them, peril w hich threatened the train he heavy biscuits or cakes are frequently was He door. for the dashed madly made. These adulterants are. also inon the platform already, careening and jurious to health. All this trouble may be avoided by waring, and in another instant he the use of the popular Royal Baking would have leaped, when, unconia sciously looking back at the danger he r- was leaving, he saw his wife. Instantly be turned aud dashed back. power always Insures - light, flaky, Into the car. He was just in the nick aigestable tiscnlt, cakes and pastry, of time to reach bis wife, for already that are perfectly wholesome and free from the impurities invariably present the car was tottering. Hold on for your life!'Thoried to when the old raising preparations are We are going headlong over employed. her. The Royal Baking Powder, we are the bend. informed by the most reliable scienIIu hud fallen in the aisle at her is perfectly pure, being made tists, side and, clinging to the sent, he held from highly refined ingredients, carehis wife. fully tested, and so exactly proporHold on for and combined that it never fails jour life! he cried tioned to produce the best and uniform reagain, for we are going over! And they did go over several times, sults. An additional advantage in its t comes from the fact that and though the bridal couple were cut emploj-menit may and bruised terribly, they were more bread or other food made with be eaten while hot without fear of infortunate than many others, for the or any unpleasant results, death list after that wreck was a long digestion while being equally sweet, moist and one. grateful to the palate when cold But my husband, she said in tollA Carious Coincidence. ing the story, could not seem to forNot so long since a stoway was found himself me for give having forgotten dead under the main hatch of one of for a second, while I could understand National line of steamers He had the It perfectly; Tle w asnT'used to look- concealed himself before the steamer ing after a wife, and if you want to left Liverpool and died of suffocation. know the truth, she added with a Curiously enough, in his pocket was d I was glad that it all smile. found a novel entitled Doomed on the a it did. for I dont believe Deep "Chicago Times that any man who was caught in danGood resolutions kept actively In practice are wife with would longest preserved his desert her, ger but U takes a brave man w ho has got out of danger to go deliberately back Into it. lie knew that danger better than anyone else in the car, 1 suppose, and he must have felt that we were both lost. Yet he came back to me, and that was how I learned, on otir wedding day, that my husluuid, if he was forgetful, was also brave. bat. Chle Clrttanal th lHT a m rMnL 4 ( at the devil KEEPING ' |