Show IyAThlINOTllh fMtHXK ne rollowlnr editorial 1 II trout tine Jlmtilcaq Agflculliirlil 01 IVcnUr ISlhi We have IICn invite l lu g Into an irrigation ulifnif liiMiitlicrnOIKornli whleb Is I Iu cod 000001I butts I U be rtpltilliril lit tlce thai sure while water rljliltut 120 > T mm ass to IM I Issued lu the tilts ol right iiillllun Tliuilhr icnTitltlmnrrli lsy for hint water oiiiin tint will yletd nVilic r vtiHin on lit tlnifi the nctunl tnrrlmlltl It was rrprrnntnl tIt urrr lur In lli IirodU Huull be iipMnnl ol 100000 lmljr rllr boumliif thin > ahem l We are urge I Inert > large any or sgtl 1 calliiml jilltor Iron Iho lIt who ore ell > feIe < loartlxp l unit week la view II he rite of this lijiilou wrullli Yet Ole 1cllll1 MiyT IWJuf wa hero kiHHigli to ilu 1 to ttlnnil to < > ir OM n Imlnfiii 1esurn I no Mline an agar cnUuml Journal liinllJ IK I xtt9Cj lif lcp < lI < hllt end lira to > oak for the faros wellniPt Immnit a Ullntu no faun jonrn1 l hullhl I Hun lIIorl fate II melt lo soy nlnnie jnlfliuli ItirMtrra wllli Iiw Idea that Iti IvnCAfy he I xilily In their lullii when iii trail In tin InUrrit odn nuDlito iflioiuu In which thus Iubllalllr hnpened In IM eng < ril Three < are it iani enough for allY ell rtprctliiiljaurnnllit lo keep lira roes all such entanglements IVi illll snot emplulUtlly ilfcllno toW s party l tIJ the I theme lu ijucillon this twrlr because wt ulltrly opoio < et of fliuncIftluK that slut to burden In 1 duster atllh tualt to pay illrldowli on MutteN ptktArtuttura oiut Unit It1nirrigsllon worki any more han In rallroaili ThtiUy In kontnu farming U pajM > l never to riUia unj tares II unite Irrliatlon wllldn well K they an skip to link air profits tsr thnlft during the uttt 10 or 20 3 rtH rp jlnK for waltrouljr a ptlco tire I 1rrlrtlnlt lyilam protlJ a rtitryi against r onUnaneiosand paysaausable nnoal interest un the mosey actually nitiUd 7t iirllimo le call a bait In such PMkIIl fester Upless this le don the nr capltslhiat Irtallo IIItor Iprll that are already In rccvUtri Ibw4f will bt followed Vy many met Aekie flouwltrlni II a already Utn i a mlltl tkfcck to wiUrn capllalliti g 015I1 Irritation Itmitaient andun i iltti proiuplly tortKl J wlllcolt our wMUra country ht lees 1 or dept ivation ot untold mlllloni Ma raattar ot act i IrtlftlloB cow ks oil r a molt attractive II i JnTtitroial for capita Whin properly I Ban iJ Undtr uch clrcUltaneea Cky an abwluUly good lor ivtry dollar actually put Into them Not oily le I Iii v I principal l > rUitlr wturt but tilt In toted Ii I equally certain because aru nand n-and full grower limit liata water and art wmle and IIbIII par a air prlc for It Let each ot our wider atalii assume Ike canlrol K Mt tin Owntnhlp si 1 all lang Itritttlta ytteaii present and trocpcllre Lt lime tale at lead i Svarn tha caaltalltatUn Ir such cop I poratUni sad obiig tbm lottak truthful truth-ful ports of their flnanclal condition t lubjtct tale Inspection Iud ai the prladp l astern itatu critically watch aad l ipct IK insurance roiapanfo X Than there would be no trouble 1011 log lrrlatl a boils 01 la pltlsg eastern nonty for nay desirable Irritation eolr > t orlia Americas Agriculturist b llitai ingoing in-going itlll further and would iach hate own the main caiali and renttolri I and prautu the principal and In tarsal ol the bonds required for their purchase conittucllca fJucli bond at 6 par rent would command par and probably a premium lu both home and I role money cantor Till would cnabla tha tllio IlIl1ranlee water at cent to all Hi people which would r cuonnguily itliuulnto immigration nnd t lirelopment Which ol our wwlctn date will Iw Ant to rliu lo the cKxailonT |