Show AN ItllBH METhODISt A lllllniulilixl tltr7lii ii V > liu li Mo Vllllpr U lli Intlil lUIk nn It Crawford Johnion who li I visiting hIs country lain I Irish clergy a > lltiV J C JOHNSON man who preaches to a ibirga In lId fast pot he Is I neither Itoman Catholic nor Episcopal An Irish cleric who Is not Anglican or Itoman Catholic Is I a rarity but Mr Johnson Is a Methodist Ito has a floe church In Ilelfast and Is ono of the most attractive preachers In the emerald Isle lie Is native Irish Irn In lIme County of Antrim which Is I In the northern end of the Island lie has devoted most of his lIfe to pastoral work In his native land and hiss spent tils life In Ireland with the exception ot tho year ho gave to culture study and thought In Dldsbiiry College which Is hard by Manchester About six years ago Mr Johnson was given charge of the city mlwloni In I Ilelfast In order to lIrh lh rC I reach the maue and hIs work there has been a fine success He preaches In a great auditorium called Orosvcnor I Hall and U Iho leading lOan In the i forward movement In Ireland I This movement aim t to lift the masse by giving them libraries I readingrooms llt f ri and nt training I nchooU During his stay III America Dr Johnson will look Into kindred Inatltutlona and take back 111 llm II with him to llelfast whatever Improvements e Improve-ments ho I thlnka can bo adopted I with I tt no an oa IIW 1 profit Thus doctors wife 1 and son accompany ac-company him |