Show si Ernest Temple Hargrove president of the American Theoaophtcal society Is very young for the position Ho is Ian I-an Enilltonan and lila father was for n T iiAituuovi many Jean a wellkno vn solicitor of Ixindon In appearance ho Is I U feet 2 Inches In height has clearcut Intellectual Intellec-tual feiture and la I ilngnlarly prepoi sisilnf After ho loft college ho traveled trav-eled cxioiislvcly and among other places spent some time In Tasmania Australia and Ceylon where It Ia I saId at boat l ono mahatma resides Hi In I a lawyer but doe not practice and since coming to America hu taken out naturalization paper It wai by merest accident ho became Intended In thcoiophy but he hues alnce become entirely devoted to It Ho wa with Wllllsm Q Judge the late president of time thrasonliiitg When ho latter died recently |