Show THE COUNTY NEWS OATHEHBD BY OUR ALERT CORRESPONDENTS COR-RESPONDENTS Tlir Krnli f the Vtrrk Ito Nml ly I I Ktrrr Twn In Summit fiuiill l 7 I 1h Thnr Ill etrnltir Ilse Pouiul iii WilttiHiul wtNNiitr WANIIIII Utah July 2 IMM1 Emown Thu J W Andenon returned from Idaho Monday llph Itatet made H tilp to Salt lake hue ertk J II Wllllnmi cl Coalvillu Will In town on Sunday The Carter t Mooru Holier Mill ln idiut down for the pretvnt They lire rt > irliig the mill nice Them will lie n number of borne and foot rait Ito on thu 1ouith Thcru ii 1 talk of a liflecnmllu race There will not U ninny frum here take In the Carnival Moil nil will itay loom and celebrate Y 11111 Trvntit hut Tot JLL1 Utah July 2 181 > 0 KniioiiTiUKK Mr I badle listen la l down from thug Wy WyJohn John Mann fiat tcurlet turrr In hit lamlly Nearly all the thettrcri linen rctiiriifl 1 tti the town Frank Mllli ot Evanston one here vl ltlit lat week nllh hli ntrenli Mn Martha llurrlt relurnt l home In Mho today alter having plittiunt chit ol threw weeks line Tliomat Jolt ha declared u fathvr A daughter cnme to take tile ijuro llmu mid ntlfiitlim Wedneidjy Junu lilt litter iilHlliiig Jr rcturneil from Arlsona tmiinliy n complutu man A charming young lady nifonipunled him in liU wife llu liiirucillntcly went up I to bile rllmr1 MW mill i > n Klkhorn I llu sue inriirlMd by a number af oimg ladle anitK < ntleineii up I theio Kalnrdiiy ienlnK who gave Ilium u kind ntT lion C WIT W-IT NKVM It to Carter the Illnh pioneer nod the limn who I plowed the Hut half acro of grnnnd In the Stale died ut 8t iiorge on the Jut Init = Tribune Crop In thliMctlon were never letter I at tlmi hue ul the ytar than they are now K nay noun of our 0111 illUtiiH 0 J Epencerenyn that the lait grain ho phtnted lilt foot high llimMpli lliiundUp titer llolee a young man id the nyo of tU who slur employed lu n miner nt HID Mercur mine woi HtrloLen down with typhoid fever tomti Ilm ego and died Momliy murnlii at the hour ol 1115 I rIme renmliK tier thlp > ed to Provo run lutd M adopted by the Himo cratlu delegation to Chluigo are nnlquu I nnd will attract uttentlon the UIII The IIIUluh lit I Biupvnded from n bar of OnUrlo silver with furlyllte tarn inadu from Mercur gold around 1 thli devlco I living I on n silver star hung I lug overt olllu ribbon on nhhli iipiwar the t word Ulnh Ulnte Delegation In IHiimxrAtlc Nntlomtl Convention ISCil I i rime teo yalr old ion of William lllnl ol Wt t Jordan war the victim I of mi accident on ThtiriHluy While lilt fairer wan nvmlnilucerne the Iltlle fellow gut In limo way ol I the knlvei iiml hail both log 1 ollnlKivuthuanklit phyilclan from Sandy dreited the wiiiinil and yriterday tie toy wn doing nicely will the chancei In favor of hli surviving thu fetrful impuutlon = Tribune Two men were pardoned 1 onto the State triton Saturday by the action of I the Stale ItoarJ ol 1iirdoiK They are Chnrlei Curler and Henry K i Kturguon The former win lervliiK n twoyear ten tcucu for iteallng bullion and the latter for patting forged order Mtiirgeunt term would have expired In u few monthi but Carters not until neat iprlng The applications for union ol five other t convlcli were refuted = Tr Ib use Curl then flveyenroM ran of Mr I and Mn I Win Kddlngton with icrloui accident WollII 01 lay June 17th TIe jarenti were out buggy riding and the little fellow In 1 trying to get Into the buggy got lie leg Into the heel which came very near ending hilt life It broke hit Kg and tore the t Iu lone In n moil n horrible manner IIn Wtd worth and Mitt attended him and did everything IhBIOOlIlbo mimic twoiee limo little fellow 01 hit lulTerlng lie U 1 getting along quite nicely Horgan Mirror I |