Show PJlAXCKSXEWIiEADKll PELIX JULES MbLINC HBAD 01 Till LATEST CAUINKT Iliss llrrn In Tnlill lit Olnro I Hie tisys if lli InrU nsoet 5eio5 of TliUtountrr In TrI HMtlonshort Ckrlti i > f UK lulHIr Inrrrr ctusi IUIX Jules lellne A I now at thus 1 lietni ot 1 01V1 Trench goicrn I f meiit 01 prime 11 mlnlnter U one of thv itrong men Inn In-n a III I Hlltlc The uneomproml lat war M Mellon ft baa made for high tariff In hIs country coun-try and hmhs unalterable unal-terable opposition to free tride agaInst an entire mlnlilry whom strength wa by no mean to be deiplied made a hero ut him for Trenrh protectlonlit Ivcr 1ienchnian li a politician and Mellno Is I one of tho fortunito tow who have come to lIme front Horn In lie mlr mont he ludleil law and was nn intense politician at hits majority He wai elected a member ot the commune but declined the office Ho was made a national atiomblyman In 1872 and four yearn later was Mectexl to the chamber Tor fifteen year ho was al I moot constantly before the public as deput or 81 filling omo function under un-der the patronage or neccislty of some mlnUtr He was under lecrctar ot the Interior with Irov but reilgne l at one month end Lamer he was made a memlier of Ibo tarIff commla Ion nail In 1880 he battled with the 41 > A e N r FrftX JUICit oil IIm party In power for protection making his Influence felt In all directions So totally wa he convinced of the strength ot his poiltlon that ho favored a protection that was practically pro hlbltlvo TIme only concession he would lIsten to were a few point In favor ut Switzerland and the United Slate One year thereafter hue win returned re-turned asa deputy In 1833 we find him mlnliter of agriculture Itetlrlng In intO with Kerry cabinet ho went back to tho chamber and In 1888 hi provided aver that body Since then he Imi been In the chamber at udd time and has never been out of the public eo He Is I a harp politician a good tatoiman and thoroughly understands tho temper ot lila countrymen |