Show TnrkUli Alrmlllr > New York Juno 27t upeclnl lo thin Herald from ConiUnllnopln inyn Dental Ir I ghee by Iliuiubllmu porte to them cmlimty itHteuienl that TurkUl trump llrul upon Armenian prlioncr iiiipleln niHonl exlala Uitween tlurep rcmntullvcK Iliugrmtt r tower on the iubjrctol tutoring tho iipixilntment ChrlitUn governor for Victim and the fulflllmunli of the treaty of Hiileppt liich amlwmailor will tend un Individ mil note to thin effect Another innguin ary outbreak bun occurred at Van and 100 are reported hnvu brunkllM The IirUni urn promoting tho die turbinc i and fomenting the revolt throughout Armenia Tho UruN have now received De iloiilniuiportand are driving out time Turk Diplomatic 1 prxiiure li being brought to bear tiHn the Iorlo Increasing the chancei el ponce The following state incut hOI lieen recelveil from Captain Clllalnr I have out tttuet l hideout enormllle Young iiirlt mind women writ publicly ooh ntaucton A mother thru her too 1I lIahlclI Into awelltomvo Ihrin from tlu Turk IMdencetof Turklih odlclal complicity com-plicity have beer obtained by me The forcrilKii pros mould be aihnmed to remain Indiirertnl Captain Vilulnr deploro1 tie humiliating role acccptei I by France Tim portu contlnnei to hanj Armenlari publicly It li 1 underitooil that Iluula trill prevent the publication ol Vlltlari report re-port |