Show S A CURTAIN FRONT POULTRY HOUSE Title This atle of building 18 16 regarded very hl hl I by prActical poultry mis misers ers are A hou house 20 feet feeL wide by fat lon long has been used Ulee with excellent results b by the each section using twenty C feet t long All of oC time ore are alike The Th front side of each section ha has two storm windows ow of nf twelve lights of n glass windows arc nrc on r I S t 2 TIm T POULTRY Ilona Maine experiment station The LIon tion Is here hrc given ghon as It represents the latest t or of this style ot of h rime building rests roBts on it a wAll valI high enough Crom time for to gt getS lo t look for rots or lii is III built on In time the sur mice of oC time the and hu has In It like cellar windows every twenty feet to allow th time air to drav through and keep time the dry r during the I or 11 0 L 8 1 summer Time Tho building Is boarded with sIth boards board Is papered and shingled with good Gooel cedar shingles on walls wails ammil roof Time he floor is 18 o of two or of hemlock boards which break In time the laying Tilt The 1 Is divided by tight board Into twenty sections upright and 2 feet reet S Inch s from each aela nil of time room they are arc feet above aboc time floor noor The rhe between the windows I is S feet 10 Inches ammil time the top part ot of It IL to n a cl depth or of 3 1 feet rEIl j 0 rom timo tho Is not boarded hilt but is n op ei n to lo bp be b I the cloth curtain I when necessary rills leaves leae a tight 3 1 feet 10 inches hl high h from time bottom of time lug ing down to l l floor which time the wind from blowing directly on time tho are on time tho floor A Adoor Adoor door 10 Inches b by IS 18 Inches wIde Is placed close l the Ule floor under one o oth olie th lie windows I time tho to pass through to the In rout front A liar ilar door Is II ln time c center or of th time back 1111 to Lo to the rear nl elten It II I is S A lIght tr ri made of pine trip Is 1 Ir ered with t white luck ird at o of the lie front which It covers when closed down clown This hll curtain l I easily turned ui lilt Int Ih room It Is caught and held Iy t vIng hooks until Tin roast Is lIta along lie whole length or of orthe the he room agaInst t the back wall Wail Jt It Is 4 f feet t 10 Inches wl wide and 3 foot above the floor are oro three thrpo roo framed together In imm two t lotus tops of th the roosts roasts are ono one foot above aboe the platform and hinged to I time the hack back o they be up out or of time the way hn time the platform Is IH clr cleaned Fits fill back roost Is twelve inches front tho ho wall and the tho spaces between the next two are aro six sixteen Ix teen J Time ThC roostinG closet Is shut hut off from time n rest t of time the room b by curtains similar to lo time one omme described cd Thero ere two 10 feeL reet long and 3 cot wide wid and are hinged nt at the toll lOI so O as asto asto to uc be nut and Time The space above Aboe lila curtain Is celled and In iii it II are arC tWo openinGs each ach 3 ft feet long iong and 6 wid for ventilating the roosting Ioset when necessary Ten trap neat nests are placed In two tIer tiers against the he partition In end JUI nr front br a F or dr 11 h I Cc temm I Ir fr nr rl hOD I dc r trap na d rr er lemm MI e flout ut Co g ruit t tr h e closet t In Im I bleb rI frum macIt Dt art or of th time rOm nesting being 1 foot wide vIcle I 1 toot foot high and 1 rot foot long wih with the lie near the lar IRr Uton avay tom from time light mural with tc covers In Iii front for the tho removal of th the eggs Ech Each section cU o of lv live le L cn can b be taken without any timIng else clea ned arul anil returned |