Show I d 4 The editor or of society news th the Standard subscribers to know that It Is n t lack of Interest but lack tf time which calling upon th them m to gather news as there are other duties to bo be performed during tho flA 1 until four Actor Artor that time It will b be n a pleasure to go out wherever and lOd during the evening Ogden Is Ig one OliO or of th the heel dressed cite ice lu In the tho and theater and titling ClUIng places for tb the display of nr gowns or of whIch there thore hall bar n never r been a moro more artistic variety or of than lImu t time lime And Aud the hats bats Well the they are perfect dreams I cams Monday anti Tuesday evening Tho ThoMan Man Ian Prom From Homo Home wa was compliment ad b by a display o of pretty gowns and hats worthy of mention Henr Henry Halo as The Tho nn From Homo home WM war n a dear Nature has hils abundantly endowed him with n a fine physique a face Caco tie Ie pieta every tho thought lIEh t so CIne finely that words seemed Iw he spoke His drollery droll rr provoked ripples or of merriment nod nud the tho once felt ll more titan than satisfied with his rendition and there thero was nel never a fear he would not nol acquit himself ad admirably In his hll own big way fr HI lily act was wen well supported b by Mla Mary Elizabeth Forbes who was and enough t to 1 salt t Igo bo biggest most mORt commanding man mau In existence Charles T f was perfect In his hi delineation or of the character he hen n assumed Bud and In would almost think hunk him n a rent grand duke The Tho other characters worn all d us IlS was that of If St n nth th the blooming l IUd and last hut but not was WIlS Lu Ludy Creech whose ideas of aristocracy wore WOlO to the tho MRS WHALEN RETURNED hal has hns returned from a Iwo mantis trip last east a special vigil with her mot mother er lit In Milwaukee Sue She will ho bo at home to her bel friends at her hor residence 2532 Jefferson r on aye nu flu e MRS SPENCER ENTERTAINS One o of the most elaborate recep lions of the WAS that of h hII II II 11 Spencer at her beautiful home 4 Z street Ogden Wed Wedy afternoon In III honor of Mrs T TD L LD D Spencer whose marriage to her heron ion on was wn a recent t een event 1 1 One hundred guests wore Invited I who made the home borne ono one of picturesque picturesque esque animation while the bril brilliant lights lIchts In faintly colored effects a radiance which encircled the tho beautiful guests adorned b by beautiful gowns and rich j wels gor gorgeous pie pic picture Lure ture hats being very much In evi ei evidence dence The Tho In the reception hall parlors and lining room were ar artl arranged of find and ferns forns with knots of soft white chiffon Bridge and five CIo hundred were the tho thoI i games Indulged In Mrs f Fe C Osgood I winning the bridge prize and Mrs A AG AG G Harris proving herself I It by winning th the five fhe hundl hundred tl prize prix its Ryan Ran holding the tho highest score rs SIH Spencer was a In ro re receiving by br Mrs Elliot Brown of Snit Salt Lake City Mrs I L R B Spencer Mrs Fitzgerald Mrs Dee Dec and Miss Fitzgerald The Th gowns gown of the tho ladle Indies who were 10 receiving were ot special men lion Uon while hll space will not permit of mentioning many other crea cra creations 1 Mrs Elliot wore Won a rich brown cloth costume Mrs L I D Spon chiffon over oer silk Mrs Fred Kiesel black with yet Jet trimmings Thos black lace over Or black blackelk elk and Miss Fitzgerald was s be become com comI I InI attired Jn in white while embroidered I mull mullI I Mrs fr Fred KIf Kie el 1 and Mrs Mr Thomas Dee dispensed coffee In inthe I the dining room The guests were Mrs Elliot Drown Brown Mrs Allison and Mrs It H A Grant or of SnIt CI City Mrs Charles H Hibbard of Seattle Wash Mrs Don Maguire anti and Mrs French rench or of Dillon Montana are arc the of o invited guests Mesdames Phil Ralph Gill Guthrie K E Peak D J 1 wl ne Circle Clyde Leavitt John Spargo T l H Spurge D Ii H Peery Peel 1 H l E Peery H 11 J J Peer Peery Sheehan T D Ryan E lL r Couro A J Harris H L Bell Rell G IL H Davis Dals David Daid Eccles D C Eccles R S Joyce Joce C Hibbard O 0 M 1 Runyon F 1 E Lewis J S Lewis S L Brick Abe Abc Kuhn td Ad Kuhn Arthur Kuhn P Healy P F FC PC C Osgood F 1 J Kelsel elsel Albert Albort Keisel C It H A Q Campbell A G 1 Horn H 11 M J Rowe now John lynch H 11 C Wood 14 T F M 1 Nye I 1 C Nyc Nc W G Dalrymple P F M DrIggs It H T I Hume Hunte G 1 L Meeker Adam Palter n GO Geo Wm U H C Bigelow A P Bigelow m Robertson F Dither W Turner E A Littlefield A S Cone Con Condon don Mrs A Bohn E W V Matson filson G C GH CH H Matson C H Barton 1 L Rey Reynolds T E Fitzgerald J Shaw F N Hey Hess A f Wright Wm M 11 S Drowning Heber AR A AR R Heywood Comeron C H 11 Kircher R n J Taylor Talor II 11 P HIbbs Richard Hor Ho reeks E C Mattson R II B Pore POl her T D Doe II 11 W 11 John Browning lames T r A C A Henr Henry Wm ruff Wm Eccles Misses Dalrymple Iilo Flo Kate Fitzgerald PIr Flor Florence ence and Miss Short TOLSTOI CIRCLE The circle held a very vory pleas pleaR pleasant ant meeting Tuesday afternoon at al the home or of Mrs Meek tk on Jefferson Jeferson av avenue a Aft After I the meeting was called tu to order lIy by th the president the min mUr utes of the meetings were heard and approved A was w as then made to 10 join welsh the other othor clubs In giving entertainments once each month for or the benefit of th the inmates In Inmates mates o of th the State Industrial school schoolA A move was also made to tonder a vote OlO of thanks to H II Simms for his kindness In putting pulling on such excel excellent lent for the benefit of the Industrial school girls The program for or the tho afternoon was 1 then hen taken lip up the topic being the tho continuation of David DAhl Ulu An extremely interesting paper on Pe Peggotty otty WM given by b Mrs lS while Mrs rs Kuhn rend nn an article of o late appeal for or peace penco At the conclusion of oC the tho meeting l ly I delicious refreshments were daintily y sorted d by b the hostess Mesdames Zinn and DoolOn Beason were guests of th the dub club Th The next Dett meeting of the club willbe will be h held ld with Mrs Nate atc Kuhn 35 Adams avenue HARTOG MOYES WEDDING Mr lr C H HarlOt Ha fin and Miss Maggie MaggieM M 1 Noyes loes were married In the Salt Lake temple Monday November I 1 returning that to their cosy home at G 65 Perry avenue OS Og i f den November 2 th to their surprise 1 their home was taken of h by he Immediate ot of both par parties tits ties where a ODe fine supper awaited them After A Her enjoying tho excellent eatables to 10 the fullest I ut extent nt they re turned to the parlors parlo whore th they were d by music until a late hour when ben the guests gunta departed bet be hind them for Cor many maAr prosper JU U years eans or of married lire life The young couple will 1111 be at borne bome to t o their fiends Mend after December lit lat EASTERN STAR TEA An I Eastern Star tM tea will wUl be t the Masonic Temple We neada December let 1st letA A special imitation f Ii extended to visiting I members and they te will bt be cr Co r welcomed I THANKSGIVING DiNNER DINNER I II I Ins J A Calvert entertain 31 a dinner I Thanksgiving any aay at a t her home hornG 5 Adams Adm avenue eme I Mrs Mra daughter Mss Alts Fi rr i once rC CahM hr her n Ind wt Ii U 11 and rr dm t l an t a 11 I Wyoming her ber son and wit wife 0 Mr Ir and Mrs Irs Charles Calvert her he slater sister and her ber husband Mr Ir an and Mr 1 r rJames vr James A Luke anti and family of Salt Sal Sa Lake Lako City Mr and amI Mrs Irs E M 1 Mu l ull Miss lIss Emma Murphy gild anti ALMark MI AL t Mark Murphy h a SURPRISE PARTY Miss lIs May ay Morrissey was very er pleas plea s ami flatly surprised at her ther hume home 2016 Lit h coda avenue l h by a anum taut I Iber ber of her ber After Artor tl hours spent In ml music and games a tI repast b by the tho host era Those who d the pleasant aC a fair ah were r Monica Shields s Libby Hughes Martin Sh Shields Earl ci Bedl C In Inez z Thomas 1 Shield a Olive Olivo Myrtle Kuhn Mar Mai Ca Casey wy a tad l Dorothy Doroth r of Salt Lake Lak rt Frank Stone Stoat I r Smyth H kell Lamdin Los Let Loslie Letie lie l ie Van Dyke Hoi Ho rd Stratford Dar Dan DanIel Iel Moran Fred Slater Harold Trow s dale Herbert Hinley Emil o mn Gruener Gruene r Ed Snow Raymond Morrisie Etl E 1 ward and Frank Frost an anAmos d Amos Amo Belnap of Salt Lake BIRTHDAY PARTY Miss lIss Inch Inell d a few fow or of her hor friends friend at a party Saturday afternoon S games were p played and a number of choice selection were rendered on tho tit e piano by Misses Dorothy McGaw McCaw and au d Day Dar A luncheon was the thou u 9 served Ted in the lIw dining room actor h they the took their departure g their little hostess man many happy u r N turns of oC the day Those present were the bliss oR Luelle Luclle Griffin q Dick N No rt ra VOIn Vern Richards Haa et Erma Richards Marion la Turner Annie Annl Day Dorothy w and Mida Richards HALCYON CLUB The Tho Halcyon Halcon club met with Mr lra s Ralph Guthrie Saturday n the members employing the time lime at Cht needlework About thirteen ladies wore press present nt and were delightfully entertained it Il lunch h by thir gracious hostess tho tt u dining rOom having been decorated d and arranged for the purpose pUn Sf Mrs I r H II H Spencer and an Mrs Shoe Sheo has han assisted In receiving The next meeting will lie bo held h ld t the residence of 11 Fitzgerald TALENTED MUSICIANS The talented Man I 1 om Home ItaliAn musicians generously afford afforded crt ed much pleasure to the guests In inthe th the block Tuesday evening after aCtor their The singer r who charmed the audi audience ence nce b by ren rendering the fisherman song ong songsong song sang several ral high cJ operatic elec dons and a serenade accompanied b by mandolin And guitar which WAS MARTHA SOCIETY MET META A business meeting o of the Martha artha was held beld at the residence of 01 Mrs H H Silencer i St Monday afternoon at which the tb committees reported the result of tb the Charit charity card party part h held hl te lav evening w About was rl neared aT rI ate ai ter all expenses e eThe The next meeting will be held on regular dal date at the residence or of M Mrs David Eccles HAVE RETURNED FROM THE EAST Mr and Mrs Mra E DeVoto re returned t turned from their eastern trip Mon Ion Monda I da having visited It In Omaha Clil r caF l and other places of Interest Mr Ir and Mrs DeVote DeVoto will h hT he at l T me e to their friends at their r re t deuce 2659 31 Monroe avenue SPENT PENT THANKSGIVING DAY AT ATH H HOME OM E Er Mr r J i P n r wb wiio is hi n nr r co d in lJ In H thornt Nevada ada spent Thank n day with its hIli par parents r and airs I H H l P Hr r a at their hn OI it fr l 1 w n I pend a T week lk hero sad ad will r rI rr I sum to N Nevada tt i toy v ht hi I wh who baa lua her mother In 1 1 W V MRS Mrs Urs S L I Brick la hi her hospitable wa way d a alame lame number oum or of hr r 1111 frind a arrn c la 11 her pretty arNt home f fT T street this The house bOUM was hatefully d decors r t with carnations r ferns m sod br Ila 1 I An luncheon was dl with great gnat n ai Uon Is a ties of 01 the it gnesta Out Mrs Mr Taylor Mrs 0 e C C Clayton of Salt lake lAk Mrs Charles I Hibbard ur of Seattle I airs James bin M r rI I Knudson Knud n and Mrs Ira John of City 1 Tb The Ogden guests JUstl wore Jahn Spargo Thos Dee Porter I t trl rl rick k John Fred d KI Kiesel eel C H Stearns K E 11 1 Mun I J n H n Il notch nold Ralph hague Pope W V W Thomas Fitzgerald I Dixon Judge Corn Herrick J S 1 Lewis n It s Jor Joyce Real Bell n B Port Wm Win WIlL H Spencer I 1 n H Spencer r Elijah Ar Arkin kin Wood and Misses Corn Fitzgerald and Rosabell Dee CHILDRENS MASQUE BALL The young pupils pupil attending the Ole SAt Sal afternoon dancing class claa con conducted ducted by Mrs r Frank D Berry rry It at th e Dancing academy Ire ere giving a 1 masque b ball II this on for COf their club and friends Mrs rs Berry nerr yielded to the solicits 1 ions or of her who have hn 0 tuned her h r for IO several ral weeks to bo be RI al lw ed un an entertainment of this char actor After being baing assured of h he r the tha members o of the tho chu club h rh have bay taken the greatest Interest and me enthusiastic nce to lo the san sanguinity of childhood The Th that thal arc under cone con nr are pretty and unique anti there re la i no doubt that the scene will be very er fiB as well n as pretty ORPHEUM BOX PARTIES Among Amons those enjoying The Tho Man nn front home J Monday evening were Mr Ir and Mrs Willard Mr and Mrs D C Eccles Mr Ir and an 1 Mrs ITI Wright Mrs lr I lole Flossie and Mr Ir James Duna alt attended nce rI the Orpheum Monday e oven n nIng Ing and wore were with The Ian Prom From Noma Hom Airs David Dald Eccles Eccle and Mr and Airs 18 Arthur Wright The Alan Prom F runt Bonn at the tho Orpheum Atone Ion Ionn day n evening PAST PRESIDENT SURPRISED The ladles lades of th the L A to O 0 R It C gave gae a surprise party at tho ho home of Mrs rs Rhino In honor of oC Post President nt Airs Irs Do Boyd d who is lucre horo front from Oregon on Thu rho afternoon was spent In playing high five The fie prizes were won by firs rs Wilson Mrs Irs Snyder and l Airs rs Bod Boyd refreshments wore served after aCtor which Airs Boyd Doyd was presented with a beautiful emblematic pin pia or of order orders C CLUe CLUB ENTERTAINED The club was entertained nl by Airs Irs L 1 Boyle on Thur Thursday dil afternoon on A dainty tuner w was as sen ed at al d 1 p tit m and In tile the stone elt elting ing the club Indies enjoyed the pr per at the The Cent Cem 1111 club will tell nisei moel with lies C on at her for home on Mealy Healy avenue on Thursday afternoon De Dc I comber cember 3 2 ENGAGEMENT Mr Air and Alta Irs A C an stun tho engagement of their Ruth A 1 to Mr lr 1 F D Greenwoll o of Salt Lake City ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED ANNOUNCE its Irs Charles Charlos Kimball Bannister an retirees the engagement of o her bel daughter Emilie to l r Clarence Sprague of Sull Sall Lake aka City tits Ir Fred Frd Vicks a prominent bunker banker of o arington Y Nevada returned to on No 3 this mornIng Mr Air has hns been heen visiting In Ogden Ogdon for or two weeks post peat with hIs parents fir and Airs Charles Picks Icks Mrs Mm Ed McGarr McCarry of o Evanston WOo VIo and son lon Edward wore vi visiting lUng Mrs Ira John Henley this week return I lug Ing to Evanston Friday accompanied I Ib b lira Irs Henley who will visit In I Evanston tits r and lira A Mark ark Smith enter frs oho ohn Browning Jr and Mr lr P R on Monday oen o en Ing at The Man llan from Crom Homo Home Joseph 1 and Charles Ray bould bou let o of Sa Salt It Lake City scent Sunday in O Ogden ns as the tho guests of oC Alias U Der Ber Dernice Bernice nice Kahn Kohn Alias Louise Str o of Ogden hU returned from a r it this week eok to friends In Salt La e Mrs A E 1 Lansing m entertain the flue Put Past Grand Noble oble Grands Granda club at ather I her homo home Thursday afternoon De December cembor cember 2 Airs I E M ii Bradbury and daughter left Ogden Wednesday for tor au an extended In ht Denver and sur surrounding surrounding rounding cities Miss MIlS Lydia McKinnon whore b health has baa been falling for some time has gone Bone to California to spend the winter Her many mans friends friend hope to tn see Oft hr her return soon woon mach moch improved In health Dr and Mrs S 14 I 0 Brick spent day with Mr and Mrs John Knudson at Brigham ell wb where re they WI were entertained most delight delightfully Cull fully returning In the evening Mr fr and Mrs Ir J i 1 Rose Roae and Mrs Johnny Bu ke of Salt La p a were rn on day by bv Mr and Mrs rs George Mosier MOiler at their boon In Ogden May a visited Ella T art Ihl this week 1 a f few w days dl 8 while on onh h r wily 3 to Montana where she will wUl mate an extended i Mn 1 no C |