Show I I I DEFEATS New f York Nov O DemarI Demarest Demar P est t of Chicago the French champion FIrmin Cau nol Dol tonight to In one or of the hardest bardet fought games or of the worlds cham 12 18 tournament at SQuare Garden The French Frenchman Frenchman man was U In bl his beet form fonn but was waa un en unable enable I able to get at the better bolter of oC the young youn I Americans American luck Ilick and skill The afternoon game between Harry I P CUrt or of Philadelphia and Albert G Cutler Cotler or of Boston BoRwn went to the to Demarest and Cassignol went ent tw twentynine n Innings before Demarest onn On out with an unfinished run or of winning by to began poorly with only DolT two points for hIs first five Innings and for tor the greater reater put part or of the game he I lagged behind Cassignol with de e apparently certain Ho did little lit tl tle work U until the Elmo gamo was as nearly In hi his lh he helel let lel himself elf out for or fL a thrilling 70 and nd I four later through a lucky kiss he got ot n a CArom after aCler ho had missed his second object on his I elgh eighteenth ten th shot ns Jumped up md and shook hook the I I i l hand or of ruing lIn player and Demar I oat ost the tho run that end ended I the sumo game III hi hi his favor |