Show I PREPARING TB Y Foil FOR MARE T TTO TO DO IT PROFITABLY THIS MUST BE DONE QUICKLY SUITABLE FOOL IS A FIRST REQUISITE nr ir ISAAC 1 To TI fatten p aDd Inel pro t ta a ably bl requires and proper Ip the care or of the and The boat t food Q are bit of tat fat meet of oC meal or fine fino grita made from Om corn with boiled rl rland rice and oatmeal and milk If Ie anything oatmeal I is because or of It greater heating qualities and Its effect on color or ft fat The main point to p In view Is III Isto to fatten your Our in n the shortest Um time possible To do this they Ihy should be kept In n a cOop or n where whre they cannot tAke much ex for tor b by ex cx creise they work oft and keep down rat fat A good way is II to con confine ne neI I them In small light coops made or of lath or wire Th Ties Ina may sit alt th the back yard or barn yard on ground In case caN or of ruin or damp er them with oilcloth Ke Keep p the pen dark during the daytime Cx pt when the fowls fowl are i eating hy by throwing IL a thick covering over or the tho coops coop such Buch na as old carpets I blankets or This will prevent i time the fowls Cowls from stirring About between meals In UI the morning give thorn thom while 1101 and d thickened with wilh cornmeal with a Utile little littlesalt salt It find and pepper for tor or rhey should be fed three timea a adry dry and their bill blU or r fare a much urn 1 lb but with Ith a larK large pro proportion I portion ot of starchy hat and rat fat pro I during Very stuff I hould be given though tum or ar squeals my may tuko the plate plaCe of OC boiled pots toes I h bedding hould be 10 supplied frequently uen II and nd the tho COO and nI spot It occupies kept d clean n The COOl should 11 rest on cinders or on gravelly velly ur r sandy soil with a bedding of r hay or straw The coop being U light ht It will be Mil easy to move mot It to a new place II by a mutt man gottIn at t each ech end and nd lift UlL liftIng InK Ing It an Inch or so n off of Ute the ground gently pushing tha chickens aloft In th the coop as It Is I moved moC having the bPd hed or of hy hay on tIe the new place beforehand Unless a hen Is IL a er valuable breeding fowL It IL does not Ita py to k keei her she Is years old oki They bo be marketed just before their second Whether or 01 nt nM you u bu buy your Our f fr during tn Ute the It p t I IiI rHod chickens hatched bach the pre pr 11 1 pt or of course the I Cor or next aln laying J the other well fill td lcd a at i growing until they bt iS 1 and four t b It put tbt t tn In th the fattening coops coop and I gi e oi gil U they will eat for t ten day dara ur or tU WH seeks antI rush Ihm to 10 market Butt Hult young and nd old owls fowl should not nol oe be ftC fr within previous It killing Whether you OU ship dressed d or must depend upon your market and the wishes a of oC the parties to whom you U ship Jt If you OU ship to R a packing bOUM f for or a It is III to 10 ship In coo coop but It If you 00 10 0 i iHm some Hm retail tal grocer or rn In tl f fell ell city It will perhaps be best to shIp f fowls fowl CI owls bring a higher price In the open market While or buff colored sell Nil best b l AS the pin outliers do not show to so much on the dressed dred fowl Cowl and this hb give It a neater appearance 4 1 |