Show CUTS CORNER AS OFFICERS LOOK ON J. J J N IT Jesperson aged 65 Ii 66 Ii of ot 3 36 2 Patterson avenue was fined 2 Z In city court today on a charge charo of oC reckless driving Jesperson's explanation of or tho the af nC- affair fair was that tho the motor of or his car carent went ent dead dealt on Twenty fourth street hill hll at o'clock this morning and that after aCler tinkering with It for Cor an hour ho coasted down the hill and turned tho the corner south on Kiesel avenue in an attempt to get Jet getto Jetto getto to a a. nearby garage e In turning the corner he admitted he be failed to tl proceed to the center button be be- before before fore he made nade the left hand turn Patrolmen D. D Ballantyne and William m lIIl Brown Drown who were standing on the corner arrested Jesperson |