Show OGDEN 20 YEARS AGO Prom from Our Files IJ President Roosevelt In his hs mes message inca inel- sage GaO to congress urged to relieve th lbs lb's financial situation He lie favored an Income and Inherit inherit- Inheritance ance acute tax Mrs Annie Bradley who Oho shot and ancl killed former United States Senator Arthur M. M 1 Brown of ot Utah was acquitted of ot murder following trial in Washington F P F. F Dillon has hils resigned as IlS dep dep- deputy deputy deputy uty district court clerk cl rk and nd will be succeeded suc by Carl Allison George Georgo Ed Cd Maule hIS has ha written a 1 book on psychic development and placed the tile manuscript In the hands of ot the printer I Marriage e licenses were issued to Andrew Andre At 1 DeYoung DeYoun and Julia Smith of 0 Ogden Ogdon William Storey Stor y of ot North Ogden and Etta Etla Montgomery y yot of ot Liberty Libert Bert Mowbray railroad l tel tele telegraph graph operator tor w Will was painfully r In In In- when struck by an automo bile driven by C C. C. C Richards The Ogden O Rapid Transit com cent company pany may nIlY apply for a franchise to construct streetcar r tracks to West v. v est Ogden when the Twenty fourth street viaduct Is i built Battling Nelson prize fighter tighter was an Ogden visitor and declared ho was doln doing his hi best to get Iet t a re return rt cc- bout with Joe Gans Cans the col- col colored colored ored boxer Rev nev 0 a. W W. McCreery of ot Is to be one one-of one of the tho speakers at the th first conference of ot the tho Saloon Anti league Utah In-Utah In bh which will convene December 6 5 and 6 G. The management of ot the Auditorium Auditorium rink has added motion pictures as a. a a special at j at-j traction Mr Ir and Mrs Irs Claude Crocker left lell for tor Sidney Australia after on an ex extended es- es tended visit In Ogden O den Mr 11 Crocker was a former fornier resident |