Show 4 I C I II LIVESTOCK I I QUOTATIONS DeCo Dec U. U. U S. S Depart Depart- Department ment mont of Agriculture Ag Hogs Re Hoes Re Receipts for this thu market di directs dl- dl reeLs And 1 SI 84 to Swanston Cal Not much dono done early carly Looks about steady with Thursday Lot good lIghts light late lato Thursday U 3 8 50 Packing sows BOWS around 7 25 Few J. light II t butchers today 8 75 Cattle Cattie Receipts Including for Cor market and ICO GO to Los An An- Angeles Ancell's Angeles geles cells packers Few sales odds and ends about steady stead Small lot lol good gool heifers halters weighing to pounds at Few l 1150 1160 pound cows 7 25 and 1735 Common and medium kind quotable 4 Common and medium bulls 1550 5 liO 05 7 reeder steers have havo been selling around Sheep Sheep ReceIpts Receipts 2709 including for market marl et 1891 un to San Fran Fran- Francisco cisco packers and to Chicago Nothing dono done early Quotations steady stead OMAHA Dec Dee 2 U. U. U S. S Depart Depart- Department Department Department ment of or Agriculture ne Hos Hogs Re Receipts butchers and light hogs steady to strong packing sows lOc bc to iSo higher top paid for pound butchers bulk 00 to pound averages a to pound lights JS 50 packing sows 72 6 bulk Cattle Cattie Receipts 2200 around head direct mostly to feeder Ceeder dealers all classes generally steady fed red steers and yearlings scarce mostly light lIht warmed armed up offerings at bulk beef cows bulk all cutters cutlers medium native bulls JC 8 6 50 t 7 00 practical top 1300 Sheep Receipts 2500 2 OO wool lambs steady bulk 1325 weighty offerings downward to SIS 1300 00 top 1360 1350 odd heal head fat Cat ewes e es 1625 no feeders Included ST. ST JOSEPH Dec 2 Sheep Sheep Opened fairly active generally steady desirable de 87 8 7 pounds fat Cal lambs Jambs 1132 1325 5 good to choice native nathe lamb lam 1300 fed red clipped d pound 85 Colorado lambs 1200 Weighty fat Cat year rear yearlings lings s 1021 10 S top tOil fat Cat ewes LOS ANGELES A Dec 2 U. U. U S. S S.D. S.D. S.D. D. D A. A A. Hoga none good and choice hoice desirable weight butchers quotable up to 1075 1076 10 n. n Cattle receipts 00 killing class classes es Cs to lIe 5 hither load medium Utah steers 1050 S part load 1 cows and anel heifers helfers O add lots iota higher bulk she sho stock 6 cutters cutlers bulls calves cales none Sheep none medium to choice lambs medium to choice wooded ewes if late Thursday deck pound bucks HOO SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO Dec 2 U. 2 U. U S. S D. D A. A A. HoSs Hogs receipts 45 all drive drives in butchers 1000 late yesterday load 72 7 pound feder Ceder pigs Sheep none good light weight lambs up 1350 late yes yesterday Tour lour decks pound 92 shorn s Calif or n las 1200 half deck me me- medium tHum pound 95 holdover ewes good yearlings s quoted 1000 Cattle receipts steady stead load good pound 1175 horned steers 1125 load plain 60 pounds 82 good dehorned heifers eli eli- eligible eligible gible absent good cows quoted ed to 8 none non odd head hu 1 plains GOO bulls strong 16 to t higher two loads load steers Just arrived calves none good quoted to 1260 1250 good pound 1 calves 50 |