Show GEORGIA TEAMS MEET SATURDAY Record Breaking Crowd Expected For Title Gridiron Classic ATLANTA Ga Dec Dy By 2 By Tho Associated Press The Press Tho lust last minute stampede for tor tickets to the Georgia- Georgia Georgia Tech football game gamo hero here tomorrow to decide tho the southern conference title found tho the demand far tar greater reater than the supply With Ith the tho addition of ot two temporary stands Grant field where the game will bo be Played has a seating sealing capacity ca ca- capacity of ot 36 It is hi estimated that visitors will lit be bo In At At- Atlanta Atlanta lanta to witness the tho game Same and fulls' fulls or 01 more homo home rooters are aio anticipated ted by Georgia Geo Tech authorities With Hh the exception of ot two lu luck luk luckless k- k kless less patrolmen the entire police Force toree of Athens Ga h me mo of oC the th University of o Georgia Ia will witness tho the grid battle Tho The police poll co all ap ap- applied plied to their chief for scion to o attend but hut he decided two men must remain at home homo for Cor protective purposes and BO so has arranged to allow his force to draw lots to de- de de determine determIne termine their dut duty |