Show CAMP HONORS FIRST MEMBERS Eighty Eights Veterans Present At A t Woodman Lodge Entertainment Four charter members ot of Weber camp mp No 7 4 Woodmen ot of the tho World orld were present nt at the old old- timers timers' entertainment held In the W. W v. v O. O W. W hall Thursday night The Tho charter members who were ero affiliated with th the lodge 31 years ears ago aso were George HUlls Dr C. C I Y Rich John and James McBeth There Therl were 80 old timers present pres- pres ent whose memberships cover pe- pe periods ot of between 23 and 31 years cars Each was presented with a bou- bou bouquet and emblem Consul Com Com- Commander Commander mander G. G presided preside A class ot of 16 mem members belli was Ini- Ini Initiated and II a dinner was served ser A feature ot of the program was the presentation ot of a 11 sills American flag to the tho camp b by Herman Baker Daker post No II 9 ot of the American ley le- glen sion The presentation was made on b behalf halt ot of the tho post by Eugene Dugene E E. Pratt drill master and the speech ot of acceptance Cor the camp was made by Manager Lewis Richard Richard- Richardson son lion An exhibition drill by the AmerIcan legion drum and trumpet trum- trum trumpet pet corps was another pleasing feature ot of the tho pros program Short talks were made by Mayor Mayor- elect Frank Francis City Commis- Commis elect Fred r B. B Williams Geor George e Buss Huss Dr Rich and Henr Henry William Stowe Harold Daniels and the W. W O. O V tP orchestra also contributed to the pros program |