Show DID VOTE AS HC SHOT not Hue fear Wo Italher Iteversoil on mm Ban Krnnclsco IMl Von want a plain unpretentious stone as I understand under-stand It said the dealer In tombstones after the chairman of the delegation had explained that n late arrival from Kansas had been accidentally killed light you are replied the chairman chair-man There aint nothln III the cae that culls for nnythln gaudy or lm < os In but Ibo boo feel that the do1 ceased didnt mean no harm an Inconsequence In-consequence his remain I entitled to consideration Died suddenly did hc1 asked the dealer Well he wasnt jest expcctln dealt at file time he shuffled off II Ihata what youre drlvln at returned the chairman but there allot no need of gain Into partlclara fa I all the lama to you Oil Ive no desire to pry Into any secrete explained tho dealer hastily I was merely thinking of the epitaph The what Tho epitaph You want something engraved on tho stone I suppose Its customary to hive something In reference refer-ence to Ibo malt notable ijunllllcs of the dcccancil Oil the headstone I reckon jonro right about that Mid tho chairman thoughtfully but there aint much knowcd about the feller out hero cept that ho was n reformer re-former cordln to his own story trop youd better jest put n Una on Homcthln like this Ho tried lo vote the prohibition ticket In lied dulcli That seems to fit the case betlcru any thin else |