Show lrn I IxinEilrttl li Inlllnz fast I I AccorilliiK to o Philadelphia newspaper piper man Mho gave bIll careful wru + I 4 v OIiN lomSTmmT liny recently algui of ngo are becoming manlfeat lln OoDernl Jnmo Ixingatrec Ihe last of the Confederate corpi commander mander It la not only In Ills thin white hair anti white whiskers but In I the stoop of file ahouldera his alownoaa of step and Iho lack of fire In hla eye lilt deafness Is 1 worse General Long street Is I very unlike n military man In his attire for ho sheet clothe of sober black net too well made and It la alleged al-leged that a stranger might mlitako him for a preacher |