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Show ' v COALVILLE TIMES. j r,M Kmr Sn!t.v, nv Til -t' I WASIIISGTOS LETTER. TIMES PUBLISHING COMPANY, ! Qvt Baet'Laa CuskturoKiikXT WaHI9I0TO. IHC. 31), I lj&. TWO LITE ttTID, Jnnetijf 0 doctors M.p iu told by her mnd that there Physician and Surgeon. c0 tq bottle hope for her, but 0fir,,1 Disrovery completely 4 i 1 her - n1 sh - mvs need her life Mr; j Thus. Eager. 139 Florida 8t., Ksa fran cteco, suffered from a dreadful cold approaching cousumptUm, tried without result everything Jso then bought one liottle ol Kings New !)iscovf and in two wek was cured. He it asm rail v thankful. It i sm h resulis , of whub these are samples, that prov th wonderful efficacy of this medicine in er. ighs and cold. Free ansi bottles at John tore. Regular Boyden & Swins Drug sixe 50c. and gl. I J. J. CHAMBERS. Dr. Mr. Phoebe Thoms of Coalville B Co-O- p Whether President CievelsuJ aaJ Office first block east of Times; " Speaker Reed are playing politics, or both are acting Jipon ao understanding Office, Coalville, Utah. of Miibartptiixyp arrived at alien they had mi extended i cenference several days ago, is a quesJAMES E HOSMER, M.E lr. tion njHm which the opinions of protu-iaePbytteiaB fnd Swrgeea, uteiubere of congrrst do not agree. Uty and Qiaraatin riiya'claii. Same think that the president promised f to allow the bid which baa just been Coalville. passed by the bouse, making the tariff in office at ad hours except when W per eoelene and f(tue and residence at Viflum aaarj lumber wool, upon I l 13 I wtHtM old residence. so au no. m im s is T in he of cent whet it wae under the McKinlr i ' 40 00 . Katies M Ik. Faults. column I I "W 13 I 7.50 .'I l and m 15 of a 40 law, m increase will mm Disking general i column On scconnt of the change in v- oLia ,u ij oo per cent in everything, except sugar, in the morning t west bound Haiti, alj ,hip-- 1 . " Loai nutlm-- a 10 iwuf per line for Bret liwef-Slothe present tariff, to ge into effect upon rneiits for that train, either freigt.t or ' 4 vent per tin tor rvh kuloequrut lur he must fm.aght to ths foil-- 1 the passage of tide act and to remain in express, SURVEYOR,! St n v,ne AeTbew mu will te trirt!y adhered to. effect until August 1, liMi, to become a PUBLIC A5D C03YEY15CEH it tlwre be anything billed in the rnoru.ug A'.ENTFOR oorf at Cf ftttofet In Conivii't, tilt. Mat h in without his signature ISS4. wwit Brut Unitor, gets threugb the senate, In return for be fare the departure of the 8.19 a.m.' Juvenile Instructor. t. I. WaEanog, Agent. the authority to- - issue 3 per cent bunds tram. , Young Womans J inriii!, COALVILLP., FRIDAY. JAN. 3, 13. and 3 per cent treasury certificates Contribute , AN j ORDINANCE which is contained ip another bill, Also An 1 other Church Literature just passed by thehoute; otherscoutend OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. that Mr. Cleveland has been very much Designating Plat A as .tb Ofyttl.IKM BRgWEK. ficial Plat of Coalville City. surprised at the alacrity of the house in TERRITORY. Notary Pahlir. Hen-f-- r. adopting his eleventh hour suggestion Tm Citg Cuuacil )fVoah Hit CU$0,itmt m... Cullwflrtin Mai4. C. kt It.oi. of working through Cbristssas week, ... RtfAktHiajf HrrnMry dkCTios 1. That that certain map S A Menu . Chk Jnttw and . . J W, Jixld and still morn so at it promptness in plat eubdividtng a portion of the Attorney K Thunumi laud within the corporate limits of Asnant Attorney , .S. M, Krt.li.a passing these bills. The latter think Coalville 41 A UarhI .. I City, Ctah, into. Iota snd ) run OtRceLm. i.r.K, that the president was onlv Rciur IafmI trying to blocks, made and "prepared by. 11. fl. . Frank Hsrrli ' H. n. Smith place the responsibility for the bonds be Kliead under the authority of a resoluJnrttre, lt Jtotrtui . ,0 W B.ricli Jud tnrtrU'i intends issuing upon congress, and that tion of the City Council df Coalville City W tl. kiag tfuuiee, 4tJi JufrUt he expected no legislation. No matter I passed and adopted Iteceiuher 23, lSyi, i sluch map aid plat was filed mlkfotfii-fmbata indue . I Hgbg, the bills have now gone of the wlc ""Jorthrla . Urk .... county recorder of Summit county, s haimou I to the senate. Rut they will not be I'tih.on the Slot Recirtilfr day of December, J,)5, J J.ukiii. acted Amtr4 tulta.lf . , ., M J ll.rrtii.luu hereby dec lared to be the only official upon so hastily there. The tariff ftheritf ... i. H Prrniux bill may get through the senate, but the and authoritative map ami plat ot thai TfftwMJfirf , ., Or. Wllwinl , . , ,,, , , of the land within said Coal. .... EH k ha'S'l bund bill is going to have a rough road portion ville City designated, described snd ftirt)ur it , Towi ml to , Aufiiy ... ... travel ard the chance are it will be plstted upon said map and Join. I'sck and hfli umr Hrr plat, and Siimnhed before it reaches the end of the said map and plat shall be known as and Uiiia vnr. route. At least that is hat the present called 1lat Aof CoalvilieCity 8iev. Havor . AWitnr Wrirt talk of senators indicated. her. 2. Thai all deeds, conveyances, 4 .JohH .... mortgage or other instrument of writ. J li. iNIin(n AUfuiif. The announcement that Ruia "had ing hereafter made and TlHNMtHflf , Th)mttn iU executed, winch iuhn offered this country 401,000,000 iu gold in anv way affect or concern the lands Aa)prmatf .. ... ti. WitKlU . if! the Pec to make it independent of the European deseriied, designated and platted upon A Ht5'hJ4JlM Co-o- p. said Plat A, or the title thereof, lliall WillUmJ bright Freclnrt Jutio money ring created a sensation in Con- dcsiTtlie and W W E ildim miM itiaensaid acrord-mlands g designate rhajl, r J H. Wild, Chirk gress, Although it has not been officially te the numbers of the lots and blocks confirmed it ia generally believed that upon said map and plat referred to in the offer as made. Miuiild ilia offer lie .section 1 hereof, as Plat A of Coalville hterltholiim, Take Notice. ; Jsurvev. Theannuul stopklioMei1 meeting cf accepted it nould create n worse panic City 8ec. 3. that all other msps or plats the Times Publishing Cmipany still be in the Rothschild crowd than did that heietofore made or filed If purportisg to be maps or plat of 7 hell at Ttu Tuns ofiiee on Monday Mouioe dis ti hie menage. any lands wuhig the School Books, The Indians are very much interested corporate limits of Coalville City incon-flic- t at 8 oclock. evening, January 1.!, aDh Plat A,xlie eauie j herehv Note Books, The attendance of all stock holders is in the several bills projioalng legislation aixdisiied and annulled win! all ordiPaper, desiied, as tmiiieof imortuuce is to affecting Indian Territory, Each of the nances and partsof ordinancesiucost i t five civilised tribes is represented in j herewith are hereby repealed. be transacted, Envelope?, , Alexander Wjuuut, Maw awhiugtou, the lateit ariivals being Tablets THE .YE W YEAR'S 1IUBVXE. Attest . Chid Mays, Harris, George Blanks, John Bahtox, Citv F.ecordsr. The New Years edition of the SaTt Benge and Joseph StnaliwwT, all Chero Dated at Coalville. Utah, December 81 , Pens, . i! kees. They sav they expect to remain make tire hearts glad, Bsque Pencils, - Lake Tribune Is a splemled pajmr. If during the entire session of congress, ttventv-tw- o inches long, only .25 cents. ' LEGAL NOTICE. Ink, should be in every house, for it contain and that they will endeavor to persuade Toiled htx?s. Gents' Shaving Rulers, Sets, Childrens x comprehensive writeup of ail the bttsi congressmen that no change in the rela- IX THK THIRD Silver Sets, Sterv Books, Pocket Knives, etc., etc. UT JCPKltAt, DtfTKK Erasers, of tions the Indians to the ot I tab. I onnty of rluimnlt Ia the nailer government ness, resources, etc., of the territory, I. is needed. They and the other Indians Of th abanffing ot ihe a too-Slates, 'to die HouoratUa, file t oort of ia ml a summary of the important events have a hard task ahead of them, owing 1 hinl Jmltoial Muriel of lull T!i JMIU'W Fishing Tackle, or anything in pf goods will receive g, beautiful l)Ui fniniilarly guuwa throughout the world during th past to the demands for legislation from the uf J.i.lma X. L. PotawlakI, rcl tfullv ihoin- - TliM that liqe, give me a call before with the picture of Columbus and Worlds Fair engraved thereon.' Ik om twenty one he h waa Coalville and Summit year, county unfavorable nature of the report of the horn at Kiinal.kl. Rus Poland, on thethat A complete line of Millinery, Sailor and IMS day of - - Mart h, have received attention ami favorable Dawes commission. that be fame 10 lh Ifuted -- tatrt purchasing. . ing hats just received. A fine line of Winter Jtehii Lewis A was predicted when the extension la lank, that hewn PokiawaULt, hut that his lather, by tii.tako, mention in this edition. Underwear, i Hosiery, Fascinators, Hoods, Shawl, Babies Coats. aid that his name would beglu with an ainl of the civil service rules to the Governhe ha, I her hire. Wen called a. L, Poalawnlsat Cloaks and Bonnets. Park City mines receive a great deal . . . ment Printing Office wss ruade those Mat hi fattier. Harm PoatawaUki, rwldet at PEOA, UTAH Ladies Union Suits for this month will be cut down to Ko. Madtrott street, SewVorX of rhiiited space t reference is made e rules hav come Into collision 7CC with the hatraitsbrottirr, Arou PoiMKKHi.kl. leanlmg at Childrens Union Suits that sold for 65c and 75c, cut to 50c & 65c Park t'ltv. Summit County blah; that h4irea Coalvilles building material etc, Typographical Union. It is aruie of the loch an ge his name to Joshua lamia Fiat, b. Children Coats, with braidgandAugora fur, union that all printer employed in tk cause Joshua Ionia ia his proper name, lud Of our coal mine it says: AND Pimawalakt ia tow tong hiteourenunt nae, Fascinators, all color, ror this iiroutu, cut down, to 25c. & The Weber coalfpartment, Ontario Government Printing Olfics shall be aud )cauw Pmt ia bia true name Anglndard, ' Silver Mining members of the Typhographical Union, th W alkt being merely a national sight Whs trunk, your taitiibaitw reiertAilly Company, ownsextensive wishing to get a winter cape please "call and learn Ihal. aftr mines at Coalville, from which they and with few exception the Publii; firaikthla llouonibla Court, m prices. I will furnisn them direct from the by law, lilt uamw lie changed to Printers aided have east at prices the printers in en- Joshua Louis 1 oat. shipped during the past year 81,000 totia JO-that dety any in the town. Respectfully, MAGGIE SALMON. A lAWII PoaTAWkLSKL thecivU-kcmc- e most of which found a market at Park forcing therole.-B- ut g and tiling tlig tt la ordered that a copy of the aura ht Citv and the mills and mines of that rules contain no recognition of the In 7 mk (oaiviiak Tiwt-.- . a union. They merely say that w hen a mau published Hum iipCoaiville, pubtlshed county. I'tsb. camp. r C. A. Mrar.irr, Jiuigs. or woman has answrered a certain per- AttestHopkins coal mine, also located at , David C M shab. Clerk, Park City, produced 10,000 tons during centage of the question asked at the By 1. W Iniwia, Deputy the year. This good mine is not yet periodical examinations lie or she shall B4T tt W . I. hnyder, attorney fur lie placed upen the eligible list from opened for very extensive production, to the bainnl of sale or real mate- WILL PAY. sreordin wh.ch all apimintmenta are to be made. tvIoticrof 1 N Notice it hereby given, that Inpanwancs cu pultun, from but is getting in nice shape. , to a week, neu unable of an order of tn Proha, I ourt In aid for th work through being hurt aix'iiientalh to The other a batch of day appointments conu'y of Hunimtt and Tcrnturv of t tah, mail The Grans Creek mine also near l If HILL PAS. you killed, the .Ha day of December, lV, in the manor tu ster.ti ) Coalvilie and owned by the I tab Com were made by the Public Printer, and LI the estate Ahrwtiam ul PAY U a week, when von are Moer. deentiwd. the HILL n them were four li k and ttualne to work. print- nmicrKJKUed. admlniKtratorof ihe twtale of until pan?, produced 5,000 ton during th among w tl sod at public auetmu. bifhe highSS ILL PAY too for funeral exiKMiae, vear. They are laying ties tod steel for ers, This has upset the uuioq printers. dBceaimt, est bidder, for raah, ou naiutdar, the zh dav of HILL PAS, if otl loe hand orfooter he that they can in some way Jaui arv, Med. a) It oekvk a hi., hi ths front btth feet or hoth hand., IAHlo4:i4 ttis Gras Creek Terminal railway, to It may door of th count v cuutrtiocue, tu its- - city of AH.tDH TE I KOl Pt riON la the memn influence the four ber uikui paling S3 tH printers to C.iaMilo. In iiaid summit couul.i, the tullowint -- counect with Union Pacific near Echo. fee and to due of 1.30 per month. pnipritv. wit Th road will lie between six atid sevea come into the u n ion 0 JLt h u s save for a -personal AUlhat ixirtimi of lad Xu Four (4) of Block LIFE INSURANCE. Eight (4H) Plat B" rltr Also Mniien wiles long, and will be in operation time the. prestige ot the Government 'o Pomknown as the property of and belonging hurley, polteleaof Life lumiram-e- , aiRig Offices a union Printing establishment; to the ratal of Ahraham Moore, deceased. Por from at i B ill soon. I of death. and I fuilher and OOO dew rh.ttou per nionlh for areideut ami ijtora parthutar toper It will be seen that an error is tnadeln but whatever the result in those cases it la hend.y made to tlia county airkiiewi, aiaoa 15 year tmd up pot lev. pacing is only a matter of time w hen the civil Kmnmtt sunutt. Daxixl Moors, Jooeat death or IOo ariheemlof U yeant, the above locality ef tfie Hopkins mine Admiaiatrmtor of the meats of Abrahnm Moore, 4 per mouth for accident or lt kneka. service appointment will make the B4j t4 IF INSURED, at Tark City, but this was Undoubtedly Dated January 2. isi. largest printing office in the world all your Inborn when you are Youtamtot ! u a typographical error. The Hopkins office. And the union printStink or by Accident THE FIDELITY Ml Tl AL AID ers clamored for the extension of the mine is st Coalville. I4TION 1 the latraeatand Aoetdentand Health Akkoeialtou lit civil service rule. .troget Montana, Idaho, Nevada, Woyming the United Mates. It has the required ewsh dcpi"!! wlllrlfie Representative Beach of Ohie has inand other statesare also given space States of I aUfurnia and Missouri, which, troduced a bill in tbe house authorising an ample Kesene Thud and large this paper. aseeta, make its rertiticate an absolute guarantee the president to invite the government of the Mdbilty of Its protection to ita meubere. KiUaliU Agrnt Wanteil. ll'Wfs Chi ft Tatt tueon got full twice this month. of the other American republic to Vo., John li. Athlnn, Mj'r, In with full Agfuc WILL This is the first time the moon has appoint pleaipgtemiirTioa suriiiice Jicvnrtment, I'liyrt Bui powers, to meet in conference at the city Salt La lo ( Vi, I, oft. gotten on a spree twice iu one month of Washington within one year from tbe F, M. I la new, Tlutew Office. Lrul Art. And it is said approval of thaact, for the formalac-ce- for many, many years. Unco and declaration of the Monroe that th moon has alse made a resoludoctrine as a principal of international tion with th New Year net to do such a tbe law, eecretary of sUte to be the thing again for years to come. , plenipotentiary for the UnitedSute, A similar bill ha bean introduced by Oa a coel head would probably have her immense stoct of Senator Alien. r saved twenty-fouliyei in the senseless Johnson of California RepreseuUtiv panic which was attended with such introduce a bill in the house for the awful resulta in a Baltimore theater oa protection of American sUples and American shies, which provides for the the 27th uit. f, payment ot a bounty oa all agricultural ! t Avars as ths Warldt Fair. products exported. The idea wa enAyers Sarsaparilla enjoy the dorsed at a conference of tbe representadistinction of having been the tives of a number of agricultural orgsn- In connection with our line of only blood purifier allowed an exhibit at the Worlds Fair, Chicago, Manu- Sxations recently held here, facturers of ether sarsaparilla sought DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, The man who kick about accepting HARDWARE, NOTIONS, SHOES, ETC. t sta. and all Caveat. and T by every meant to obtain a showing of worn silver coin will do well to fabuwoaaa conducted fog Mooisstc Fin. their goods, but they were all turned miliarize u wr Oeeoarrr Ooa . We will Omcl Omcl earg himself with a decision of the cany a stock of MACHINE EXTRAS and w cma aarura patent ia ka luue Utan tkoee away under the application of the rule remots from Washington. which we have ordered direct from the forbidding the entry of patent medicine United State Supreme court rendered factory for- - all kinds ot Scad modal, drawing or photo., arith snd nostrums. The decision of the this week, declaring that silver coins mowers and binders that are used in this section of the tioo. B s advna. If patentabi or not. Ire of country. Worlds Fair authorities in favor of are legal tender a long s they bear the charga. Out fee not out till natent ia secured. We also carry wagons, mowers, binders and pawoMirr, Howr to Obtain Pateata,'' with rakes AJets harsaparifk was ia effect as fol- semblance of the coin. Of coarse this hay coat of aaoe in the U. S. nod formgw countries and many other things. - Call and get our lows: keut ben. Addreaa, Ayers Sarsaparilla is not a decision referred only to coin worn by before purchas prices tpwtent medicine. It does not belong to circulation. Mutilated and defaced coins' ing elsewhere, as we defy competition. the list of nostrums. It is here on its are not legal tender, even if they ate HRS. E. RHOADES. . merits. new. Off, PATtwr Ornct. WAtMmeroN. 0. C. G. r. M. PINKKO, Kditor and Manager Trm ! at tBI-t- v r - has made a s Cut of Just One-Hal- f on many of their tjutf CH. RHEAD. L t j and dress T rimmings. 1 ........ I I lrvr Go ... , and see them 1 J .... NOW! As they wil not last long. , Coalville . A Hurrah For Santa Claus! You Want Just j Call at MAGGIE SALMONS and see the BEAUTIFUL CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. Dolls Sk lLadies to It Souvenir Spoon a ii-tr- MlUin ppu y Postoffice Building, Clty.-that- HEALTH ' Cum-readin- j.ir'-yoii- ACCIDENT INSURANCE. sxl ft JLadies pell-tk- O 11 - - A... Always On Hand at the artsuc-ideutal- 11 non-unio- rcH -- nou-umo- p Coah-Tll- Lump Stove, nou-unio- -- .E. ill $2.00 1.25 -- p CLOSE OUT Coalville TIMES, PATRONIZE HOME IHDDSTRY $2 per Weber Coal Dept. O. S. M. Co Year. Walking. Hats extra--ordina- at 50 c. cost. Pat-ao- dew-ri- 75c. H. $1. C.A.SNOVV&CO. r W .Sl ROBT. YOUNG, Wanahip " |