Show DAinDS TAPIH A Common rfcoagli Ahlon1 Tint Can ol iM toes In I ley nllon Still lea l known In thl count fluid never wen either In menagerie or ran eumt are the two upcrien of Tnp r found In Central America The stock umpbodled choeolatetirowu Tnpir ot South America wo do see occasionally occasion-ally both alive and dead but ot llalril r TapIr there la I not even one adult tiffed specimen In ex 11 encl either In this country or In Europe A few skulls and skeletons und two or hires 1 utllated and unmounted tklns are e Mtltlvely all the world potteatea In prMeulntlon of thl tpeclo and what It tllll none no naturalist baa yet lied an opportunity to even wrlto II description of the fullgrown animal The young animal la I known to be ot a e < ldlth brawn color marked with Ir regular white spats and atrlpe Our unlteraal poverty In tpeclmeni r of the Tapir named In honor of 1rof laird la not duo to the extreme rarity ot Iho animal but rather to a lack ot nlerprlt on tho part at tho Inlelll gent white linen who from time lo tlmo have had It In their power lo procure and to preserve specimen The nnl 11111 U 1 well known In tannma Costa lira Nicaragua llonilurns and southern south-ern Mexico Although Tapir are usually found long small and well datded Aver lathe la-the hot lowlands of tho tropic they are frequently found on foreat covered mountains at well lr Iranttlut Informs In-forms ui that In Costa lllc Ualrda Tapir II I found both In tho lowland anti on the highest mountain range Ha says alto that It It I much hunted for It flesh Is very delicate tho backwoodsmen back-woodsmen salt It or dry It In the air and thus provide tbemselvca with large stores in thick hide It cry useful e Tapirs ore very fond of tin snltllcks which aro formed In time neighborhood of the numerous mineral during by the evaporation of the sae Ino water Hero they are cither shot with bullcta en moonlight nlgbtt or ore hunted down with dog nnd kllUst with spearst T llornaday In 8U Nicholas |