Show Iles llnrknr1 Hume The favorite homo of lea Simon llolhnr Ilucknrr It tho little log houo In tbo Kentucky hill In which he was born Krom the day that be left Ibo army of tho Confederacy ho has pont all till available tlmo hero Tho cabin Ii I pcrhnp n n hundred year old and It la I toventytbrra year since Jon Iluck ncr first saw tho light of day there Tko town lo which Ill It nearest la I Munforda vll e and no other houu I In night Though handsomely furnlahed In an antique way hero are no banging to hide tho loc Perhaps tbe most In tereitlng al tae In the houto U I the pistol pis-tol V7lh which Ilurr killed Hamilton |