Show 1 L. L I o i I f j I Ie j e I What for or To 10 make the grade I of oC course As lifes life's obstacles I confront us use We e need greater en ergy Develop it by b drinking i I milk ITS IT'S PASTEURIZED I i q I WE DELIVER EARLY PHONE 1236 THIRTY FIRST ST ST. I I- I It t Farmers of or McDonald Kan I an have hue formed the Wheat Growers' Growers Club with a large golf links restricting membership to farmers In Costa Rica a devastating fungus disease has ruined the banana crop I over many hundreds of C acres LEMONS Nice Big Choice Lemons 30 Dozen I Green Peas Green Beans I 3 pounds lOc JOe 3 pounds lOc IOe Corn TOMATOES j I Choice Home Grown 2 dozen d ozen 35 c Pound h hEarly I I Carrots ds 9 Beets 9 I Green e Onion Y o APPLES MPLE I Early Harvest Red T 4 c Green Peppers Cabbage 5 for lOc tOe Ic Ie pound nd PEANUTS AUTS 0 Fresh Roasted Roas cd Always the Best Best- I S. S Watermelons Cantaloupes J 1 1 Honey Ho ey Dews c I i I J Berries Be nes Cherries r. r Apricots Plums Grapes Gr pes Fruits and Vegetables of All Varieties I All Prices Good From 8 S O'Clock Friday Night pe P i The prevalence of marriage among college graduates is from 15 to 20 per percent percent percent cent higher among men than among women There are now eleven airplane fac fac- factories factories tories forles In the United States They make about 50 0 planes a week eek prices range from 1750 to Washington Market FREE DELIVERY Phone for Food F 2800 Food 2800 2472 24 72 Wash Ave A v Ogden's Largest and Most Sanitary Food Emporium Choice pot roast lb Ib Pork neck bones lb Ib Boiling beef lb Ib Boned shoulder lamb lb Ib Veal stew Ib lb Rump roast beef Ib lb Veal roast lb Ib and Hens and Springers Lamb stew Ib lb Cold Meats Potato Salad WESSON OIL Q r au uart 55 c MILK MI V All large brands lac 10 C Small 5 C CORN can Iowa n. n Standard lOc PEAS PEAR Tiny can an value SPINACH D Del r n Monte No SALMON SALMON Tal I. I h TOILET TISSUE 3 for rolls OO 25 COFFEE OFFEE C Maxwell pound 1 1 House can 48 c Broken slices r PINEAPPLE No N. 2 tot 20 C PEACHES S tot SOAP 3 Ivory medium bars 21 C CICE ICE COLD WATERMELON Mothers I Friend Bread Cakes Cookies Rolls EVERYTHING IN FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES Order Early Free Delivery 1 I o I I 1 1 o c o roe C I WI I V MILLINERY F I n. n I I Ii Priced for lor II i Quick Disposal III IIIi i II J Two Groups Grous i 1 1 I i In the grons are an on embracing all selection selection from from small II s sc i c jaunty fitting close hats to large drooping shapes Hats lints I 0 of various straws and an silks bilks Millinery which was teas o cd to sell at jOO and anti up Styles charmingly in ill su harmony harm H with summer fashion fa moods snoods For Fot 1 and q CE Z I 1 I I I f I I U erE With Sir Alfred AUred 71 71 as skipper and his two nieces both 23 years old as the crew a ton six-ton aux auxiliary auxiliary motor yacht acht has completed an mile 1800 voyage In the North sea Materials used In modem painting are not Impervious to the X-ray X as were the paints used by the old mas mas- Scientists have not yet learned why storms occur at the time of equinoxes O 0 II 0 or I WRIGHTS WRIGHT'S DOWNSTAIRS STORE i iI I SATURDAY FOOD SALES I ITHE THE mE BEST FOOD THE MARKET OFFERS PRICES THAT j save ave your pay check In a store that is clean cool bright and cheer cheer- n ful Take a basket and shop around We Ve will deliver for you Extra Fine Fin Swifts Swift's Sliver Silver Leaf SUGAR pound 10 10 Pound cloth bag 68 C LARD pound 8 8 pall paiL II 1 25 STARCH Gloss or Corn 2 25 WALNUT MEATS fresh stock stock stock- i SOAP P P. P G. G 10 bars 35 12 2 lb Ib 28 1 lIb Ib lb 55 i PINEAPPLE Ige 2 12 2 can 2 for for 45 BROOMS good tie 5 each 55 o MATCHES 6 G boxes 23 POTATO CHIPS M M. k G. G Ige 23 A FLOUR Big J. J J 48 lbs Ibs MAYONNAISE Gold z pint Med j f Jar al Quarts Quart 3 for 45 i VINEGAR Heinz pt 19 qt 33 BECCO BECCa pints 3 for forI 25 C 0 JELL CELL 3 WHEAT Carnation premium Ige 39 TOILET TISSUE 3 rolls 25 Ige e g ROLLED OATS 9 bag ba g 49 Q Qi i SALMON Western Special each each 16 MAZOLA pt t. t 33 qt t 64 I Fresh creamery SUGAR powdered or brown brown- U I BUTTER pound 41 C 5 b Ibs 55 rr 2 Ibs 23 2 OLEO Fern lb Ib 20 EXTRACT lemon or vanilla Blue Pine Pine PineL MILK all brands 5 5 and 10 2 oz 32 2 4 oz 64 SOAP Creme Oil or Palmolive Palmolive- SARDINES WI te Star each 5 10 bars bars cop PEAS Evergreen 2 cans 25 v I BAKING POWDER Schilling 1 lb Ib 43 TAPIOCA instant 1 21 u C SHRIMPS 2 Dunbar cans for ir a or Blue Pine 27 C SHREDDED WHEAT HEAT I package Per lOc 10 C i RAISINS fancy Sun Maid 2 2 25 i FRESH BAKERY GOODS COFFEE Hills Blue 1 lb Ib 0 V COCOA 12 2 lb Ib 18 Ib lb lb 34 3 1 11 Hershey c CHERRY PIES while W hl 1 e they t h ey last I as t 5 BUTTER ROLLS doz 30 DEVILED MEAT Libby's Libb Y s 's 5 cans 25 1 CINNAMON ROLLS doz 20 All brands PINEAPPLE ROLLS doz 30 PORK AND BEANS 3 medium cans 1 A DOUGHNUTS doz 25 GREEN TEA Shasta 12 2 lb Ib 27 U APPLE SAUCE CAKES each each 25 MALT Syrup Blue Pine Blue Ribbon 5 55 ij NUT LOAF each cach 25 SYRUP Blue Pine table 5 6 lbs Ibs 45 0 e TEA CAKES each 25 PANCAKE FLOUR 5 lb bag 37 3 7 BREAD loaf 5 and 10 COCOANUT Dunhams Dunham's 12 2 lb Ib 25 SPUDS Very 10 r pounds choice O l c SPRINGERS Fat pound and tI Plump ij o TOMATOES rips ripe rIp Utah 2 lbs Ibs 25 i PICNIC HAMS mild cured lb Ib 19 v a CANTALOUPES large 2 for for 25 BACON mild cured 2 1 or whole lb Ib 2 29 ORANGES full o 0 juice 2 doz VEAL ROASTS very choice 25 30 g t PEACHES Utah fine to slice 2 lbs Ibs 2 25 CORNED BEEF cooked choice lb Ib 40 ij V I Saturday Sales for Men Boys CANVAS ES er n fated e c wrist si 5 X pairs testis testis- 10 0 PANTS PANT S Mens Men's flannel I 4 1 1 4 off o ff CANVAS GLOVES LOVES G Gauntlet S I S leather CANVAS LEGGINS Boys Boys' i faced a 5 parrs for hiking I ij BOYS BOYS' PAJAMAS ar white Tan blue and 98 C PANTS Mens Men's all sizes khaki 1 95 NIGHT SHIRTS SHIRT S Mens Men's White te WORK VORK SHIRTS Mens Men's rea Big Cye I ij all gray and blue c GLOVES Mens Men's KID KIDDIES KIDDIES' DIES DIES' HATS HAT S PF play For Foray ay 1 8 BARGAIN BASEMENT CHILDRENS CHILDREN'S DRESSES Sizes 4 to to 17 2 85 e CRETa CRETONNE N NE 3 36 ord inches h wide 35 value WASH GOODS p and to i batiste values yard dims dims- 29 1 CRETONNE 36 ord inches wide I e value OILCLOTH Good quality X assortment yard e t sturdy s CRETONNE 3 36 value Inches Yard Sa wide ide up to TURKISH TOWELS lies Fancy e c each c val al I DRESSES Voile 95 values ales all sizes e. e TD TURKISH TOWELS 45 Fancy cn c values lues DRESSES Summer 1 mer r values all 1 size 98 TURKISH TUR KISH TOWELS border Plain or colored each DRESSES 10 Silk values large assortment P A 49 SILK HOSE C Chiffon air I values HATS 51 1 Straw t values e Mexican e Each c BLOOMERS each s v voile iI SHEETS J Size S 1 aloes VESTS Women's each Tn sra rayon SHEETS Size s values I es n fIOSE HO SE Women's rayon pair silk and PILLOW PILI J OW CASES CASE S size grade r each good 20 C ij l J Q ll vo f Q III zIDo 0 |