Show NAVY PLANES SCAN DESERT FOR LOST MEN YUMA Arizona July 23 By By The Associated Press Two Press Two naval al air air- airplanes airplanes plan planes s carrying five fi men who scan scan- scanned scanned ned the dry dr washes and arroyos with withfield withfield withfield field glasses skimmed low over the trackless desert of Yuma county yes yes- yesterday yesterday d searching e r together thi with kd des des- desert desert I ert men n afoot and n on horseback s for two men who have been lost last sev sev- several several several eral days The Thc quest was In vain The airplanes were searching for I Andrew Arsenault 30 Wellton Ari Ari- Arizona Arizona zona mining man who has been lost lostin lostin I in the Castle Dome country 50 SO miles northwest of here a week A day live search surch by men afoot and on horse horse- horseback horseback back was abandoned Wednesday as hopeless sixty five t miles east of here at qt t Palomas a group of mining men led by Sheriff Jim Chappel veteran des des- desert desert desert ert tracker sought Harry who has been lost since Monday in inthe Inthe inthe the vicinity of the mine Is an timer old-timer In the Pa Pa- Palomas Palomar lomas lomu country having ha prospected In Inthe inthe inthe the region for nearly 30 years and those who know him believe that he either cither has been a victim of sunstroke or that he fell ell and injured himself |