Show J Dorothy Dix T Talks alks I I WORK MYSELF TO THE BONE PROVING MY DEVOTION BY GIVING MY WIFE V EVERYTHING SHE WANTS WANTS BUT BUT t STILL SHE THINKS I DONT DON'T LOVE HER BECAUSE I DONT DON'T TELL JELL HER SO WHY IS THIS ASKS PUZZLED HUSBAND BECAUSE WIVES ARE WOMEN RETURNS DOROTHY DIX DI A A A BEWILDERED husband Bald said to me mo the other day I just cant can't It understand my soy wife We Wo have ha been married twenty years and she he is sensible enough about everything else but sho she still wants L mo to mako love to her Just as I did when I Iwas Iwas was courting her And when I dont don't she ahe goes T r around looking hurt and grieved as n If U I 1 had b S done her an on Injury I- I Worse than that she Is always asking me Is's fool tool questions Do I still love her Is she sho sheI I the tho only woman In the world to me Does she look as aa young and beautiful as she abe did when I 1 first met her And If It she sho should die would I pine away and perish too And no matter which way ay I 1 answer her I p got in wrong for if It I say what she wants me meto meto to say she ahe knows that I 1 am lying and if I 1 Itell tell tall her ber the tho truth and say that of ot course I 1 Ilove t. t love her or else I never ne would have havo assumed assumed's s 's her meal ticket for life lICe and that while she looks good to mo me naturally she sho Isn't lant eo so slim and pretty as 89 she was as a flapper and that If I I should lose her I guess uess grief wouldn't be beany DOROTHY DIX any more moru fatal to me than It is to other men she bursts Into tears and sobs out that I dont don't c care for her ber Can you beat It And here I am workIng myself to death to prove my devotion by giving her everything she wants and nd am as domestic as the tho house cat and so little Interested In any other woman that I have never even looked slant slantwise wise at one since my wedding day AND A ND what I want to know Is what make maks a woman that way Why does she want her bor husband tobe to tobe b forever telling her that lie ho loves her her ber when she has the indisputable proof of the state of his affections one way or the other right before her eyes every day of ot other her lire life and what he ho says doesn't add one Iota to it the need of words between a man and woman woma woman who have been married for years If they love each other they show It by tenderness s by consideration by unselfish unselfish- unselfishness ness by loyalty and if they dont don't love each other and are mean and grasping and tyrannical and untrue to each other all the protestations of ot affection In the tho world dont don't mean a athIng thing They are just hot air Its It's deeds not words that count and what I never can comprehend Is why women do not realize this and that as long as a husband Is giving a II good and convincing perform perform- performance performance ance of being in love with his wife and being satisfied with her everything is all right with him even If he Is as mum as an oyster about how he feels Why cant can't they just accept love as asa asa a fact as a man does you OU never see a man worrying over the state of ot his wife's affections 1 or counting his calories for fear his wife will fall talL out ot of love with him If ho tio doesn't keep a boyish figure Nor does any man expect his wife to keep on vamping him after they get got married or to tell him every day how bow handsome and strong and wonderful ho he is and all nil the rest of ot the come come on on goo goo goo-goo goo stuff Why the very essence of a happy marriage to him Is that he has a wife in whose whoso love he can trust as absolutely as he does In the love of God He doesn't want to have to win her over every day He wants to know that he has has- got ot her for keeps He doesn't always have to be asking her how she feels toward him He knows knows' that her affection Is just as steadfast as the stars TO IEN however seem constitutionally unable to look at love from V Vr Yv ry this angle of something something- that is a fixed fact tact something that is warm and beautiful and comforting in your life me that you just accept as asa a a. 1 great blessing and say say- no more about It ft About 90 per cent of the neglected wives who go about looking like early Christian martyrs and filling the tha air with their lamentations about how hw coldly and cruelly their husbands treat them have no real cause of complaint except that they are married m to men who are not not glib love makers They lack nothing except soft talk AND A A ND the tho poor dumb husband would be surprised to death If U any tt ono one should tell him that his bis wife considers herself neglected Why dont don't 1 I toll like t r. dray horse to support Mary Iary Jano Jane and the children he would say Dont I give them a tine fine house and good I clothes and the latest thing In automobiles and dont don't they go to Europe in the tho summer and Palm Beach Deach In the winter while 1 I slave away In the tho cold and heat In the office Of course I am absorbed In my soy business Where would tho the money como come from If I wasn't Of course I am ant tired when hen I come home of an evening and dont don't feel like talking much Anybody would feel that way who had work work- worked worked worked ed as bard hard as I have U And of course I am a pretty practical everyday sort port of oC a chap and not much on sentiment or romance or quoting poetry or things like that but as for tor not Dot loving Mary Jane why say she Is the whole works But I never thought about telling her every day that that I loved her any more than I would think about going around proclaiming that I was an honest man or that I took a bath every morning or anything like that Always seemed to me that If a man really loved his wife he said it In the way he treated her AND A AND ND that's our poor blundering masculine attitude on the sub sub- We ye never can know and wo we never will know why our wives pine for a few poor cheap compliments and consider them themselves themselves selves neglected and used Ill If 1 they dont don't get them Because wives are women I replied and a woman starves to death on bread alone She must have food for her soul Therefore the wise man never ceases to make love to his wife and so long as he does this she will forgive him every fault on the tho calendar DOROTHY DIX Copyright by Public Ledger |