Show METHODIST CLUB IN DINNER MEETING The Fellowship Dinner club of oC the Methodist church held its ts monthly meeting at the church residence on the corner comer of or Jefferson avenue and Twenty-sixth Twenty street Thursday eve eve- ning sting Prior to dinner at o'clock a mutual acquaintanceship was Approximately 45 members were present which was regarded as asa asa asa a creditable showing considering the I number out of oC the city Chapin Day gave a pleasing and I educational talk on Hawaii Hwal Starting with mth his first trip to the Islands In 1912 he spoke of the change In the traveling facilities facUlties now now offered by bythe bythe bythe I the steamship lines in contrast to those available a in 1912 His description description description tion of or Honolulu and Pearl Harbor I and the fortifications of oC the United States government was interesting I and a decidedly instructive insight was given ghen to the sugar cane and pine pine- pineapple pineapple I Iwas apple industry i |