Show CATTLE BRAND 1 i WORK APPROVED Favorable Report Made Open Range Being I Damaged i iSALT SALT LAKE July 29 2 General ap approval ap- ap approval I of the work ti of cattle bland s in- in which n c h tithe the state sAte department of f agriculture Is attempting to put In-I In over vcr in Utah is being met In all aU sections sec- sec sections ions of the state according to a re report re- re report report port submitted Thursday to the the state board loard of o agriculture gr by by y J. J M. M Mac- Mac Macfarlane I arlane farlane chief brand Inspector Mr Macfarlane leader of the cat- cat catle cattle cattle tle le and horse raisers of Utah is working work- work workIng Ing ng only temporarily for the state slate board loard while the Inspection system is being started In Washington Kane Garfield and andron andIton Iton Ilon ron counties the cattlemen are some- some somewhat what hat hat discouraged Mr Macfarlane said There Is no regulation of the public range and its carrying ca- ca capacity capacity I is becoming less les each year jear It t was pointed out also that the ranches in that section have no pro- pro protection protection against transient herds and flocks feeding them out and going on and nd feeding out the next man |