Show iristnui5 y N G OU1l Y I 1 L4 r 1 v 4l + t a ll Christmas In the country forty years ago was a different affair from what It I li cow I never think of Chrlitmai In those days without thinking of a lovely winter day bright with sunshine sun-shine and mow everywhere largo drlfti through which the homes noun dcred li they drew the lout sled on which wee the wagonbed filled with hay and covered with blanket and buffalorobes where wo cuddled down as we rode merrily away to spend Christmas at grandpa We could lordly wait till the horses topped ao eager were wo to wish grandpa a merry mer-ry Cbrlitmas but he was generally ahead of us with 115 greeting of Chrlitmnn gill That entitled him to a present Instead of mss but a kiss all around was usually too way io paid oR our Indoblcdncii while some itrlp rd sticks ot peppermint candy laid up for the occasion wero given on Our mats uncles and cousin came next for their share ot good wishes and merry joke A bright fire burned In the fireplace and there impended by a stout tiring from the ceding was a great turkey pecked full ot dressing and tending lr YAmoit dellcloua odor ai It turned touiiVnd round gradually browning before the fire the Juice dripping Into n great pan on the brick hearth and From this pan grandma occasionally dipped the Juice with a huge Iron spoon and poured It over the crisp sides of the turkey Other preparation were going on meanwhile In the kitchen where a cooking stove held limo place of honor as cooking toc were very rare In those days The neighbor had come mile to see It and express their fear is to the probability ot Hi blow < hag up Thl cook alore however was not equal to cooklnc < much n lars turkey In Its email oven A coffee boiler tent out on odor of coffee Irons lit f aA nniOHT FIRE nUHNED and fragrant while n long table covered cover-ed vith snowy linen Iho work of grandmas own band stood at the far the Tentt of the Ions kitchen As man as the turkey was pronounced pro-nounced done and the gravy made I he chairs were pine lhoarlpplngpan the chain were plac cd dafaam the table and wo were called todinner No ono was left to wall and such a merry time After grandpa had asked a blessing on time food ho carved the turkey and luppllcd our walling plates bountifully with any niece we < wished together with all manner of EMd l things ln the way ot vegetables A rice pudding with plea tr of raisins pumpkin pie and rosy cheeked s cro swan that we > sou d cat our only oQW wn that we could eat little After dinner wo children n so gamAseIndtheskit around rdajcd ga the p preplacn that was ua when there no lire In tho cook love Hero wa popped corn cracked nut told w a fatty dorle and played blind man but abide the older ones liltetl ln 1 ro0Dt until the time earns the kceplnroou to return home |