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Show f Vau4. ' lMCM BT THI pnteat COMPANY. TIMES' PUBLISHING bea inu:ierwiil Tun wnll the .ic,.arnchts. I. .ks, from Ine etaim o' her ise hare grow n t ipH OOALVILLE ..TIMES. te onersT a lie Ira'dJ i.i q..e-ri.- .i ke,,Ml- - and Hissm, right. co,miitiee on Indian i. (- - tribeeMiweh. This bill baa iha of the Pawe CommUi,jn, but is opposed by the Ind an delegation i Waahingtow reassemble ill II'J I.i d M SI I nrt a 1H JjtH ,1,1-iwrwt cl 1 1 rvrr had in niy life is e Jf I i if i j an law ly providiag fur fti or lit thing an end the pr unreruin way, eurwl by ' bhamhertains Co!jt Y' j(. tiSNKO, Editor and Manager. certain it ia that ihe people i.flhm lb eppolntmeiit of a'l the lamia Hd by Hua W, II. Mnruny-dci d a ill imt trilie Cal. "This nold left me enpport flvecivilid t!e among ,e country of SalefCrewk, e SubaorlpiionTerm - ..I list. Ib- ,u Hiyia-- t iiles, with a prosit f1B with aconghaad I WMeiMKMsraiiug all mIM cored m, aii UMua . ad valid e i aliaii be reiiigniMil v ifca uaas. The Kemwly Notwithstanding all talk to Ihe hmlntla - ail'd . y friends when troubled want luW the u. a. and iiiiaiev id on anvinni of fill a sough r 'erthf tn knewd-v-bthe trary, Congress bs folh-aeSwld by jnii do them gcnal. g cnsloiu of aistpiiing coiisidesalion of ibe.n shall be tnrie,l mio Adnrtlalnf benrTit eon. for , , tin-t- ii IS the den tne of before it several every important qncaiion auau a&aetmgtj. a alter the Christina recesf. There ij I U r I O) done n ) wmk ia the usual talk aLtul Mi M I w! laitig I M I a1 K W MW U know , but SO II KM rice-tlie tod) ever) luung C u sb as i t I atvnn Dial it is only la k. lii U eensti.rs aie hgnr i g m a ing many If ' " ' ' no p lil ical debts li a,.jrf,ioiiiiciiiv in tie MM i Ua .4 nub 1Uoot u bureau established by lit bdl, just ' i.eal fwriml , providing r tkii g lb . " bb. M fMOfr CIbm 0Hr. census, and in order in give them a ttM, a. more flee lutild the lm rea U k to la SUM j.F.C. O0ALVTtLE.riutlY. made t ntirrlc independent, and all ihercin are to be made solely Mrfrs d ' n of tile census Uep In B,TuTimm il lirtcloi ty lesci.TaTiv'c who get rreietted ncatttar Cbmtma. ill also share in till pap, and as most Margo J, rir-n- t of them expect " I rceicelcd, yr at $1,000 far a kill terrier, Althe prwi.t least to tc, there iaiil likclt to lie hwpe Vrkvaof vn th i hlf'ifat KJiitM4 any serious olist.ic!e pnt in the wav if v i tkut ivtk ilk sinful the hill in the House. froiir lisa d nnl d Ka fc- ' ,Oj v" r o-- V im Always b-- Hand Ojii I'UwdO AOU 3.IY at the saooo In NE p' m-enil- $200 1.25 rtr aig gtBca.PeoTW root- - IID niaxii 80s 'Jiatei kft ani OO id e 1 Tr do-ooen!AB- AvanoH ) national bankrupt icy bill, prnvniii g for nraa-pa- i k tl voluntary and mvoluniHry Tm I. l.uttr excepit: g coriHirainiis fioin. f men ho wik ev n Ia) n l and wage earners and fuinier iU bnoui voluntary, hat they rtfwrt wrrfc Irniii involuntary b.inhrnptrV, halein iH'nvir the ' their Hutuortal nl, v o eug igiii toby the House committee Ioat y "the i.l he The House While c.i:.ciiH cwu e InlViB better land, gcnai dm tor, a teat out troi g against the rcilrement of ihe i your ujdiolaiereti you are H greentHeka and any exlenlion ol gencr.d down In the jarqiwl, ihry b inking plivili or red net ions of I heir gallery." In the riorter' fltwl up t ixcs, and for Ihe mugniti.m of Cu!y n ii hmr mitigereiicy and a just' and w.se Tub dnier, Theo.her lVi.ver lankrnpicy lawlut it d'l not say a . col ar aoiihliiriiii1 W frmki wold about lluuftii, utt hough it hud ur ea h,ing liet l r a whole loadot been jrcviou.iy am ounce i H.it Uic bti cell in would de lire against atincs Warned if fn't CiHlar poslr. and although u a ion. A resolution agdust auinxitifn Tub than paper hurta our piide a a MviH-- gHiu eould caily have lieen put through to make thi lii caucus bv a majority v te, but as a of aord-aldreputaMi ' fot'oss in i foiwd. number of infhn-titkt- l aJn)Uiion,'wc ate lS'unar.tt, in of our a ell known cnHro alaaj telling nouuccd their intention to b lt Ihe cauthe t jruth, to aeknow ledge it. cus if it wu done, it was dicidcd to ig nere llawnii entirely. CUUlitTMAS. Tin lionsc Committee on Election of to and Kepics-entativthe day will lie devoted i ia that has u made let a favorand Congress hope merry making, this able On on all. the to resolution report be a projoint pleasant day may nnleitd the Constitution a as day let those wha are i well provided mising to o them look have abont Kenakus wllU-th- e ehitod hy direct Vote trorl, good and Into the hovela where povertys also on, a billoallowing election returns . teareehb and 11 w. llemeroher Illiat to be forwarded to Washington by 9 Ood made you all, and that this day is mes or registered mail, instrad ofty observed a the birthday of the Great messenger only as ihe law now preMatter who said it ia better to give than sort lies. No matter whai the House the Senate ia tot yet ready to t) receive. That "charity cover a may do, to consent the direct election of Bcna-tor- s, multitude of aint'and that "by your ia doubtful whether theaenti-iiien- t It bo, on thia deed ye aball be known. in favor ol the direct, election of day kt a go forth jo"ceor the weary, ia a strong in that liody now Senator to Char and liaten the weak little one, a waa few j ear ago. a it be ean call. Many a poor heart lir. mo bank-runir- 1 'y do-o- o s gi-- Iien'rithigrot sr PATRORIZE HOME IHDDSTRY s iitXm. MRS, M. E. RHOADES, liar, e Vice-ireside- w es Itya little' t made to beat witu joy wjti teat Ion and kind act from tiiO wlo are able to give them, and pleasant Otanteriea will linger in the mind of the Sied and poor. In Hi mind of tie ed that will little one will b ow n ripen into a beautiful halved, for the good, and teach a lesson of Christianity and lasting than far mere vrluabl Complaint from numerous victim have convinced Hon. Arthur I. Ureciy, Acting Coinniisssioner of Patents, that the reform which followed the recent investigation he so ably and aucceatiful-lconducted did not reach all of the windling patent attorney!, and he Lta entered upon another. Those wboaa be i now especially after, the fake at- COALVILLE, UTAH.' r reel vtd it kraatlfal line ef Merry Xmas and 0 General Merchandise. GEO. , r j . of tiie.. In.-liM- l , el. I .id n rl d ri u . - - jinnee, tint member fl('im ,vp roprU.i n ccmnittee, 1 1 - jonl y (if n !: j .eif. It. eve tLat mere tha could s.vet by I mi ddt ,is s yc.-work dnc in making iheaai.itii ht the r t - 110 to 1 to g a ir,l- - We . earn prime Rio, at 2o cts. per lb. a fall line of Fancy and Staple Groceries; Candles, etc. n . Our Prices are Just Right. W.&ROBT..YOUNG. Wanship. At 3?A Full line of School WRIGHTS. , w Boyden Supplies just received. & At the top. No one can doubt the value of this store as a quality saving establishment. Everybody is firing, money it ont. Good news travels fast. Winter wearables are being sold here at far 'less prices than at any other store. Son's f x Investigate! Investigate! Youll soon see, Overcoats: I and youll surely buy here. The handsomest loom products of the world. Highest clothes for less money quality, lower prices, belt thau ever before- 6; $3; $ro; $12; to 30. v 5-- AT THE WHIM MINE, v i a GRASS CREEK. - , - Lump, te; Lump and Stove Mixed tiii 1 - Cha9e St Sanborn fresh roast coffee, ' School Books e - Teas, toffees We solicit your patronage and guarantee satisfaction at estnl-Jislimcn- ;;- Always new andfresb. When you need Teas or Coffees try our CHASE & SANBORN SEAL BRAND JAVA AND MOCHA COFFEE, CHASE & SANBORN SEAL BRAND JAPAN TEAS, THE FINEST and PUREST OBTAINABLE. Happy New Year a ! , Ol Call and selert yonr pFscnta from our holiday stock. A, reJYou trill find tfeem useful as well as ornamental. and Come duction in price on a nice line of Jewelry. line be convinced. A full of i t U , G F0 C 6 TIGS Newly Adopted - a . nirie-lcnthi- I kj Are the best money can buy, and an examina- tion of our shelves will soon convince you our LOWER THAN THE LOWEST , - n Fall Hats . andNotions. oIjjF GOOD Call and Examine. Prices dre torney who get the inventof monttv under pretense clearly false of proTherefore remember that a monthful curing and selling foreign patent on his el bread wil go further toward relieving invention, with full knowledge that no an empty stoincb iiosn a auch patent are valid, and that fliere is -- '. oration; that it wil go furtitpr towanl no sale for them, Instilling in thgjuuipUof gr needy the Every year when the 'Legislative, jiportanoe of the d tv and t tie reason of Executive and judicial appropriation its observance than nil tire eloquence bill ia before Congres there i more or pf a protracteti meeting, for no Christlesa talk about the need of reform in the ina can be merry when hunger ami pay and control ot the department em- gold have U) he cmthtted. Kelp the ploye in Washington. This time, ia dcrviig and your Ctuiatma will at addition te talking, the bill pnta ''some ? least be well spent. r tucuont upon ihe eiupioyec9 iiar tirnlarly aateaick leave, which every t.hTTKR, fldAfJ.Vr.-jfLaly in Washington known lias been aliased awfully. Someday n Congres ft s' c , S aa at a will come along with the nerve to ISH IM s, lvc. 10, Ml property handle this businw, and put rtloii in JuWcticaliv it on the t isv tiages' tooting of an? other guat cir n ni d p i - on iii by reatii g po'ration. It i notorious that at irung n I. .f honor, w m -. ihe enip'oves of the : of tic " t ue it g ,jlye are paid more mm h ni J i.ive l; rca '' r ri" tiisn it paid hr the iame chits of wmk ! . y, at sn.srv oi , f the other in private '. r i . si w'hoi-t a tduVa spccudj t''fhl Wi Is j -- iicwlcdgc, expeiieme ard esperf, , 1 ..flit tb ' i si paid leaa than private esnl i w ui i . ii-nt pus for the rime ihref v.rk.t , ,. n t i i. '! H MAGGIE SALMON. thatnour-ialie- a - B 'SSSSH y two-hour- Children, would you like to see what Old Santa will bring you? Just come down to my store and see the most beautiful dolls in Utah. Pr.reuts will find here useful presents, suited to both old and young. Prices will suit --2133 II a J ait . SANTA CLAUS IS COMING! The milliner. r arid cyinpathy Weber CoaLCo . - doe,i'l empty word not. ,, IHAIBOO . OtO.V,G. ' Produce taken in $2.00 X50 OSEPH BARBER. 1 f " Such ,fine garments were never sold before for so'little , money. $6.50; 8; 10; $13 to 30. ' fS-so- Underwear.: ( Fine, soft underwear at $r, 2, I2.25, I3. These are better val' ' cm be fottui elsewhere. ues than, SHOES: 1.75 payment- - ,r SUITS! . h :.c money may be limited to I1.50, or it may icacc the 5 mirk. Thats your business. You know can afford to, pay.. Our business. is to see.. .J,. b that yun get your moneys woitli, no mattCTWhat you our uioney'back if not suited at pay, Vo-- .r . ' |