Show FROM UTAH TO COLORADO Itller llnneh J emu I aro I Iho la cal Muunuliii Ullbollulll Denver Dec SO Colonil Dodge tuna been Intirvliwcd rigardlng report that time Itlo Iranda Ucstirn would build n binnch from the few mining district In Inrmlox valley and 111 1 hnl mountain In Utah nndtolurado and 0 xaldt It upon tnvittlgatlon Inca dox valley In I found to bo veil oni fourth aa rich In copper and otlar mineral I as the published I nccuunt have It the Ucitcrn will Lull a branch from Cisco Into thin mallet I am waiting to MO tint talk ton mining man from rnrndnx vallty who It ux peeled In the city within A few 1110 nnd what ho tell mo may Inllutncu the action of our OIllIUII In ngnrdto tho propostd branch linn wo will await developments and ncu nmhnt the country amount to before taking any llnnl nctlon I the mining man I apeak of Icicle 1 mo to beltova great thing of Iho district dis-trict wo will bend an engineering 01 I s on r the route und will make all preparation to go ahtnd with the work of grading mho rond nisonnnt wo feel 1 Justified InUllivIng that tho district Is 1 an thing like tho Iko copper rountrj that It I Is roporttd to be Via will give thu n agon road now him Ollro ofconstriiitlon from ell alliance to learn what prolll there In I In Paradox valley nine luforo wo tnka any final sti r + but na appenrnniid Indlinta 1 IIII ltu now the brniiih of our mad will probably I Iw ttu IIL |