Show SHOCKING MURDER rufr of a t nrn r Kill tkr Sinn Mnrttrred Innn I rerehm tan Iranelico 1m I UThe loll in I it the horrible murder here ymterday proveto lie l Mr 1 Mnryllule wlfeofn former resident ot Salt I ake Detail I if the crime rem mmt retoltlng and etime fact that the innnlcr oeeurrcd In II I tn occupied I house lt6 tho family nt home adds to lt buhlneM Mrs Cline ens engaged In moving I and had two paper hanger and n carpet I car-pet leper OlrloII Aboul I oclock the two piper I hanger were keen to lento the premises by pnrtle who lived In the Hat below Sun afterward after-ward the noise canned by the carpet stretch ceased and In n few minute vlolintkcriam Mire heard by the no pin living below who were too timid to interfere Help wa summoned l but before It I arrived n man wa seen lo depart from the IIOIIM by r rear door When asked what the trouble meant he made no reply but made his escape Iurtle 00011 after entered the apart mrnl and found the body tyhug I liloilt four frtl from the door with this okull hrl A bloody rallwn cur rmngr ling pin lay purer by smearetl with 1IlMoi Ilfc wn extinct thought the iKidy was dill wnnn Ihapmltlon of ylime I body Indicated n double crime which hat Wen confirmed by an nil tutay Ivldrncv of n ktrugglo were Jvirywhcrc nppurtnl cud the body had evidently brrn I clmkil almost Into liiHnslblllty Kfore lining utrcrpow elI Mr el-I U I I Chile Intalonnd I of the miir dernl woman was nmcuMir nn > l collector collec-tor of Suit l ake I City I rum 1WXI to inlet wow lime nfter nrd mining to han rnmcloMi where Mr Cluteingniid l In the cigar business Mr 1 Chi mono 1111 necoiupllshril and iKaiitlful woman of ulHiiil 1ft yenta of key if and ens admired by nil who know lha police nave arrested n man whom they cltere l to lie I the murdvnr aid claim lo here evidence inough to convict him mil only of thl crime but of another imirdir which hnppmtd n prnr ego He U I n ltuAlan lunmn us Albert lloT bill In full hi mono I Alln rl ln dt rlo leorga t rcnuruock kockhorf Ilan denial are contrndlc otory and and hat 1 tory 1IIIIIInlIo hi Inen post tlul Idintlllol nt the man who rnmo out of the house after the woman Iy lug en convene hunrd urlhcr I Incriminating Incrim-inating uvldincoagnlntl the prUoncr + the fad that hv Is I left bund nnd hula left bund 1m I cut n + by the sharp llangu of the coupling pin with which thu I murder war committed lloff it I a so clnhit an anarchist and Is I auspi ctid of liclng actively connected with the nl hlllttr The autopsy revcolcd five wounds on the womant head aside from the horrible t horri-ble mutilation of the fare Hie lift hand Is also bruised lloir cola Hint he It In peril of his m life and la I ao iitrvou I man an the oniclalt have had In charge turn lung time Mr Chute who It I now n traveling talesman wsr In Nevada nt the llmo of Iho murder Ho It I nlinott crazed with grief and It Irlrndr fear ho will kill the inurdinr on tight |