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Show Ju ,ver( & Ic . iLE go-- THE COUNTY NEWS "What -. los it an- Sargent i now ru-hi- the completion of his new home, and ere this ir in type, will take pofeiasin r of Lis oy q in ners. Our tmehe. , Mr. Oscar Crittenden Yt EvewU wf th ITHk trum Nearly and ajisiaur, are preparing an Star? Tnvata Huwmlt County W kat fer by 'he -- THa Tlama Kaprnwatatlna Ha GATHERED by Chri-tm- PEOi. Dec,, 23, 1897. Ediior Tjxkh: Bad colds aie now in order. A Merry Christmas ENGAGE-ME- and IIppy New Why is a dietor and a pelican so much Because they both have large ' bills. , alike? Several oflho pupils who wjre attending school in Salt Lake City, have the holiday. We have had Klondike aeathr dur it has been so cold ing the pat that the flames of caudles were frozen and they were broken off and fold for straw berries. week.1 Sheriff Lindsay has been in town several limes lately serving paper that were not calcmated to mats some feal that it would is a Merry Christmas ora Happy New Year. Chrininas boxes are being gotten up for the poor that are among as. Those John cur roiref-pondert- our And their Excellent 25Tfl fS AT. NIGHT, DEC. sfr44$$ .rSv tt-- a. rr .tT it -- tii kindne." - - U. R. ovaMSBir, , Warship, Utah, Dec. Editor Tmrs: , The thermometer regiat 21, 1897. ered sight be- J IJ t 4& 4 it Nl.V Stake Tabernacle, Coalville,. in .FIRST PRODUCTION IN CO LV1LLE OF THE r ;KrNGLY GUEST St Y tv wrsr f" h if tf An Original Christmas GEORGE pEARD a j If ror Funday Schools. ...DIRIXTOR. underand ever bit out of left and no- -' dor out of ri Jit ear; watfie on noe ; IT WILL 4 A BE GREAT , A Prwes-iou- it I 2 . MUSICAL TREAT . the tt 4 r a i ' It. PART iir-v-r If JU-- c 23, 1897. ' Editor Tusem; Moro of our folks talk of leaving Iviile. ' tf' If Airs. J. Francis was on t , Coyotes are very brave here t- - - Rwiiday Round trip tickets u J tK u -- - will be o!d v - - at one-citize- -i- 1" I.O.O.F. J, Oe Berry, one of the beet known of Spencer, Mo., feetifies that at pres- lo PINNEO, N.G. iYI'ER, Bccy. jy w'.V'jsick: si r. (iiw-- ' , hNYDLK, Attorney at Law. 0 Notary Public. There Is some' sickness among tbe Land business attended to. childrefi here, and Some of the adults two doors north of Stake COffice are pot much better off. House, Coalville, Utah. Several of our young men are home from Logan and Provo, and come from JAMES E. IIOSMER, M. D.f wir-tei ranye, to lend the holidays Physician and Korgess, with relatives an I friends. OFFICE AT RESIDENCE. What is the matter with the coal busiCoalville. ness at toe mouth of Grask Creek T Office hoars from 11 s. m. to s , Several from, here were djMupointed Jn and 7 p.m. .... All whocsn should observe getting loaded. thesehoure as near as possible. for Schools of Sunday Superintendent Summit Stake Jahn Boyden and Thomas BKEWEHf, Copley, both of Coalville, made ns a pleasant visit on Sunday lost. himself of the worst kind of fare one way for round trip Dec. 24, 2 i and 31, 1897, amt Jan. 1, 1898. Final Ple by uing a few boxes of DeWitts Witch Haaet Salve, He had' been limit returning. Jan. 3, 1898. troubled with pile tor over C. I. WiikADoa, Agt. years tod bad need many kinds thirty of cures; bat De Witts ws the one that did th jk and he will verify this stateThe remittee for the holiday parties ment any one wishes to write him. nets, constipation, John & Boyden John Boyden 8- Sons. btve decorated the meeting boose and Sons. ! of her IntenUou Xki3G&- John Paskett returned from winter range since last writing and reports the sheep doing well. $ I" (list the lollowmg I,F M. '' .7 Grand Ball after Concert in : Hall. Tickets 50c. rtf, nr.di-- vi'i-"- . BISMARCl 4 Seats, C0c.i jears, 15c. vli ent, they coaie in the settlement every night. Our school teacheis are taking quite an interest in drilling the children for BESIDEHT DEKTIST, Coalrtlle, CtaL the concert Office removed to residence, oppoSaperintendiS)t of district school site the Brick schoolbouse. Mr. McCorklejvisited our district school on the Kith. BlkMARCK it 11 l list sir k part the week. Lehi licnefer returned from a trip to West Jorden during the win k. -- Children under fll.-.- cordially it of 4! . hereliy ha- - 0OILYILLE LOlXiE NO. 28, I.O.O.F. Meets every Tiurnday evening at 7:30 at I. O.vh h ..,.'.1, Sojourning brethreo r.Kit Utaii, Hk.nekek, - , l Mlli-- r J. S. B. it St, Genera! Admission, Nolle zt-i- I Resened ji-- y nmH 4 Z5c. 1 1 tf 4T j '.''-- r anO The snowstorm which cleared off on I hut mmI wit) ! uui'lrt U (nrcth tminty Clerk of Hininm wmtj . t IhJi at hi office at of aliout inches teu left on nw Friday, illc, tali, mi Juitnan U, vti Hhhnah M aiMiettf a of i nnrU Vtaat. H. lor the gronnd, and during the week a cold he w i aov I,, h ; he, 2Z, X K, R 5 K, L utli 1,. M wave from the northeast has solidified lf 9 vttlKaaca the fullovrlik lo bia uontiuiimift rcaMn cc arui rnltivatkiB of everything. Tha thcrmoinetor having aail Unl. vi' ft U mM Kattfcot, i.Noptu W pp krovmati HoyUviHo, bceu hovering between 20 and 23 Udow SumtnH cmiuty, t Yah II X. M'Ghfcw, Itcgiiter, for several day together. The following numbers w Hi be faun by member of the Salt Lake Harmony Club and Mr. John Callis of Coalville; V .Male Quartet- il Beiectiou & " Robret Siddoway 2 Tenor Solo ........ ,T, S- Ah Worth aud W. G. Patrick a?If r3 Duet ..... Mr. John Callis ; jr 4 .Piano Bolo fi Bass SoloJ. Chrotopbersou ... iSLft Selection Quartet : wq Claw Trof. ion If 7 Iiano Koto T. S. Ashworth 'wp 8 Tenor .Solo . - W. G. Patrick i ... A 9 Baritone Solo c 10 Selection ...Quartet 4 I I . . -- i , . .LIitIeStockIiTgt'' ... .... .CKiistmas Bells Quartet and (Jiorus ....Banta Clans Is Coining lft Double Chorus ........ antu Claus lias Come to To n itt bells 17 Primal y Kong, ' . 18 Chorus t . . .The Kiiiof Kings naisliCrs in tin The above are the Kingly (iuert, and ill occupy about 43 minutes. 1$ i Eor sale by Pccples Mercrntile trawler. Company, Coalville, Utah. through here on Saturday, bound for BHdgcr to establish new homes in that e The Bridger newly settled diMrivt. country is rant settling up, as a great nianv people are headed foi thit coun- - 7 ll) . V(, 1 were Some Ogden citizen, "D-gio- . not come j to hand. for 1897 do; They would like to he able to settle up their obligations and make their future 3 Cluwus .......... .Brow flakes 4 Df unary MotionJon2 V - fi Responsive Reading . ' 0 Girls Duet ami Ccorus .. The Wise Men j f 7 Ilecitation, .... of the AspenTrce 8 AJuartel and Choru.,. .."Glory to tiol iri the Highest P . 4' Reading .. & Fear Not Quartet and Chorus ... ... Ir ' 11 UesponMve Reeling . i 12 Qnaitet and Chorus. , . ."Haste, oh Bbejiherd If Cliwn Christmas Dong 44 and 13 Childrens Duet . 1 Jhat both had to be killed. The trouble over the school house lot is at last settled. The teller has acted np to the first agreem jnt and the' true toes have the deed for tha ground. Cur , school trustees waudetiug what are the reasons that tliejapportion-men- t iird of Glory. If ..Bing and Rejoice4, it Buy den A Sons. 1 Instriunental , .Hail Chorus j i J. M. Th.rsweud of Gtoshatk, Ter., a spel ofmdt-- , )' that w lien lie ha Holt, who has been on a visit to . and feels bad and tluggiidi. I . sestion, mining property at Eureka, return tlke ,w0 n jvwiu1 Little Early I and be is all right th RisTsatniirbt, ed home on Friday. I next- morning. Man? thousands of J. Francis, the loss Creek rancher, I others do the same thing. Do you? & Buns, was here on Monday. Mr. Francis re-- J ol,n Boyden ports two feet of tnow on Baleratui creak. Two cow s ow ned by David Moore fell over a precipice near hts plsse one day the past week, and we injured so badly RBANuLMF.NT. March ...... al John For sale by Dec. 21, 1897. FI. f 4 n addition to the above servuw a number of the member of the Salt Lake Harmony Ciuh, sad Winner of Worlds Fair and wj Eisteddfod prizes will be present and render a number of selectiuhs. will also aisist. of j Mrs. John Callis CoalvilKi 4& lJ4 l IlslM. cjw, branded Q on left ribs; j THE RENKFltoP THE FOR - - Sunday School and Missionaries." .4 ld t N Till A tiL1 Ihir-y-fiv- ce. w 4 TUESDAY EVENING, IXEMBER 28, 97 T" ix-e- n Co-o- WaussTtif, Editor Tires: Grand Concerts v AT lo get a.McKinley republican to accept of the little po-- t office at ieytsville, whether the people want th change or not, and lam infoimed ihe effort is being made with nil the offices up the river to Kama4. This is a move that has never mad", by either admin e for or forty veer in istrjrmn any part of the United State, where the offices are small and the remuneration is sufficient to off-jthe nuisance. You re 01 respondent a hois acting port master here made tffTbfort to get some suitable pereon, centrally located to take the otlioe last spring, but failed 0 renewed his lmi)d rather than have the office discontinued as the writer labored hard to. have it in the town, nine year ago. However 1 hope that the agitation being made will not cause our little town to lose ihree-yexr-o- a 0 ill double Itself in a very short low aero this week. The district school closed for the the o fliee. holiday vacation hereon the 22nd. leter P, Peterson, our teacher, goes We anticipate a very quiet Chrisaa home on the 23rd to spend toe holidays. here. Our stockings are already filled Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Johnson go to as we have but tbe one pair and is too Heber to spend Christmas on the 24th..ail.firej C,M lo dispose T them at Geo. lb Redden and Alexander Street night. 0. IL 5V. of iloytsville were the speakers here The boy of J. A. JohnY. Sunday afternoon. son, of Lynn Center, 111., i aubject to attacks of eroup. .Mr. Johnson says he HOTTWVII.I.K. is satisfied that the timely use of ChamIIovrsviLt-r- , Utah, Dec. 23, 1897. berlains Cough Remedy, during a severe attack, saved his little boys life. Editor Times: He is in the drag business, a member pf for Evanston left U. West Cha. j the firm of Johnson Bros., of that place; v ' ..Thursday, and they handle a great many patent Born, to the wifejol,John Mills, a sro, medicines for throat and lung diseases. Saturday December, 11th. All prospe- He had all these to choose from, and skilled physicians ready to respond t rous his call, bnt selected this remedy for dm , Mr.A. Rtrets and wife returned from in his own family qat a time when his Heber BuaJay, where he bad been to childs life was in danger, because he lay to rest his aged father beside his knew p to uc supeimr w muf other, and famous the country over for it cures of mother Mr. Johnson croup. ys this is the Mr. Enoch Brown, purchaser of the best selling cough medicine they handle, p store, M moved t defunct 4n(j jj gives splendid satisfactioii in fewr rods and i prepar a back For sale by John Boyden boilding to fit it wp for a residence. Thai it Son. $4. ;ktr j ; the t.eaclier of the primary A ctr'ain man living in Coalville has deimrtment o the Oakley school, been tor lome time trying epute activf and Sunday visiting in spent Saturday Sirs. 8. E, tilbbons (was called to the telephone to hear a selection by the Wail Lip bra- - lx nil. She wishes to thank them through The Trans for their On red J 4F 4 1 Year. W.B New ar Matinee, 15 ien & Sons. J pro-poro- us 1 OF ATLANTA a itjatr and a a marqiierade ball is billed fur J bd large round bell on when last seen. two-yeI old rctl heiler, January 4th, under the auspices of the brandcdCon left rilis, cropoff right ear. Ouetwo-jea- r old black nnd white heifer, on left ribf, James llopSTiTs, of Crovdcn, was Jn line Kick, branded under bits out of right and one cut town IvJklsg after his business in this J of left ear. One yearling he, ter, Jersey, spoiled, branded a M on left riba, two Mr. May, the night operator, is going J under bits off right nnd oueoutof left to his home in Iowa, to spend Chrietmaa j ear. Anyone jiutif ; ing or delivering same to undersigned will be liberally Uh his parents and relatives, ' 1 rewarded. Jokrch 1vaan, Coalville. The psy car was here Wcvlneeday and Mr. N.N. Osborn, well known at made the railroad laiy feel happy. Woudmoik, Midi., was troubled with a A great many Echo people will spend lame back, lie was persuaded to ure Chnftmas in Balt Lake and Ogden. Chainibcrlains Fain Balm. It gave A. U. Brim. him relief in one night. This remedy is . WAHSATCH.r also fatuous for its cures of rheumatism. - 7 e h-- Chri-tm- A Urgud ' ! -- Itock port. V. Thvron Rnynolus, of the L P. S. College, Thomas ami Gertie Reynolds, and Jessie Seauions of the University, are home spending the holiday vacation. Those who attended Hie Young Mens' 0 Mutual Improvement conference from re feel well paid for their trip, although it was a cold one. , . bnintis in In closing allow me to wish The Tikes staff ami also nr, a Merry Edio; Ray Brim is spending the holiday PLUNGER Trices. 35 and 50 cents. Children and 25 cts. Reserved seats at John teacher, Midway, also water lime, produced by baa gone to bis home in Murray to spend the water from the famous Hot Tots, the holiday. which is unexcelled in Utah, and brer L. D. S. McCorkte,. County Snperin- - 100 men from Heber alone are now in t dent of schools, vDited our school one the timber getting out logs for the saw day last week. milt located in the town. If the R. G. Mi a Ida Maker has reurnei home W. runs tfieir line through this section after iendind a week tailing in Cal-vil.- in me near future tbe wealth of this Miss Monk, il doing ' Even thing is frozen up in Even the town new . GRAND XMAS PERFORMANCE dj-tr- county time. Fqajtjog Salt Lake since my lasTwriiing. ill undent's traveling man was here the fore part of the week taking Christ- :n THE SLOPE FRIDAY MATINEE, DEC. 21,' ", w , rnpatjy. IfHDRSDAY NIGHT, DEC .83, school with relative4. 'James is in Echo Echo. cur couniv,nd other cour.ties, and at all seasons of the year, bar noticed a great difference in the way some districts are kept. With (he exception of a few short places, our county roads eoiny are favorably with adjoining coon-tiewjth 'one except ion, and that is in Wto Hand ii t, 011 the Provo river reaching from Mr. James Knights down to the Wasa'ch County line, a distance of about five tni'es. Considering the amount of travel and business done on this road, it is not in the condition that it should lie. The road is bad the yenr round, excepting wlmr covered with snow deep enough for sleighing, and has been for tli ree yea a. It was not long ago, since a bill way presented to the county Commissioners, by our Superintendent of Schools for (15 for one Pays travel over this road, to visit the Wood!. .ml school, he hav'ng broken down aud got stuck in the mud. will have a concert on the night of the 21th end a dance on Monday the 27tb. ; Chas Wen of Iloytsville in interest of his l.usinee. I , tow-aid- s BradtorcT, Editor fiuni HftTTie flbBeRT Chas. 11. West returned Sunday night the comfort and pleasure of trie widowr and fatherless fr )ui a two weeks business trip in Wasatch cou ty and reports good sleighwill reap their reward. lb R. E. Virk. ing there, and the people prospering, that vouuty wbwie having sold $4.5,000 KOCJtPOKT .j worth of ci tile this fall. '' They have HccKeoKTfi Utah, De . 2.1, 1897; ' one of the best cattle ranges in tbe Editor Tim kb: state. Two good creameries, one at The thermometep registered 11 below Charleston aud -- jue at Heber, the latter gero on Tnesdy, 21 -- t.i owned by, the people which made its Mr. Whitaker, the hardens maker, first run last wei k ; a email one at Cendoing quite a business here. .. , ter Creek, a first class cheese factory at who contribute Etna Echo, Utah, JVc . 9, 1SJ7, op N as J Year to all. home for ut TO $ 46 mas orders. having diad occasion, ihe past two years, to travel load districts of "through the diff-re- nt Y T?ff CO!MAGE OF SILVER, IS DECEMBER 34,1897 i 'Traction! Christmas Eve, The public are welcome runiwl lo Writ Atwab Utah, Ah, FRIDAY, cor-"responden- ts. entei-tiiumc- PfcOA, ! I.O.O.F. HtLls others gain. Mr. Nephi our alert one mans i OB' STJMMXT COXJ3STTY. 3 COUNTY, COALVILLE, SUMMIT VOL IV returned USTTEiR DEVOTED TO TICB PATROMIZE HOKE INDUSTRY. ..... W. ' notary Collections public, Henefer, Utah. 1 -- promptly made'. I |