Show t FOREIGN LIVE LIVESTOCK STOCK STOCKBy By Ily U u. u S. S S Department of ot Agriculture rr fl t 1 t GO CHICAGO Jul Jul July 1 t. U S S. S De De- Department Dep p of Agriculture logs Hogs Receipts 1000 fairly active mostly mo ty strong to higher hl her than TuesdaYs s average between In-between kinds kind up more morl bulk desirable 10 to lo 17 pound averages a 13 1375 bulk sorted to 17 pound kind 1400 top 1400 00 few lew 22 to 35 pound butchers a S 1365 65 tz 1385 bulk packing t sows HI 1125 f 1 1171 I slaughter pigs slow Ilow few CC strong stron weight 13 25 heavy heavyweight hea heavyweight weight hogs hogl 1270 1385 me me- medium lum 5 1 1 4 00 light S 1250 ti 1400 light light 21 1380 80 packing hogs smooth and rough 1175 1175 slaughter pigs 12 13 35 Cattle Receipt 1000 fed steers of o value alue to el sell 11 1100 00 up up- upward ward strong to 10 higher best matured steers Il ers 1325 13 26 long year jeor- yearlings car lings 1300 numerous loads load I 1271 Ci I lower lm er grades slow In-between In grades fat at cows and heifers dull dul weak bulls bul Ioler full ful steady mostly 1000 OH 41 1100 1100 packers paying upward to 1125 IJ 25 little l I 0 change In stock stock- stocker er en and an feeders mostly 15 7 00 few Cew 7 2 25 Sheep Receipts 16 slaughter h- h hIP ter IP lambs fair fairly active 25 to SOC lower sorts sons lorts considered choice western lambs lam b 16 1600 00 desirable natives 1575 few Cew loads to city butchers 1600 00 culls culs mostly 1001 1100 00 11 1129 25 early fat tat sheep scarce stead steady odd lots fat lat native nathe ewes ees e 18 KANSAS CITY July 1 I Cattle Receipts 1000 mItes calves cah cs 2500 grain fed steers and all yearlings active strong to 10 higher com com- few soles aies sale below 1050 10 60 numerous loads yearlings medium med ium weights and 1200 part load loat heavies leo les held higher b Ml wintered Kansas Kansa s otho-s othe 8 and grassers weak wak to lower bulk wintered Kansans Kansans 1050 four lour loads load Californians California 8 50 few early url cake grassers graspers 5 75 7 00 she nhe stock steady stead lo to iSo 1 ic lower bower grass cows 14 50 grass gral heifers helfer 1550 canners and cutters cutlers 3 3 75 bulls bul weak I to 10 o lOc JOc lower bologna bOlona mostly 4 50 calves calves stead stealy practical top veal seal eal 9 60 stockers and feeders scarce stead steady Hogs Receipts active mostly to 25 higher than Tuesdays Tuesday's s average erge a some ome tight light lights and mixed grades up Ut mor shipper r top lop 16 1365 13 6 packer top to 1360 bulk of sales 1360 bulk desirable ISO 10 to pounds pound average a S 13 1360 60 10 to Jo 10 pounds 13 1325 25 packing sows sons 1190 stock pigs pig steady study 13 1200 OU Sheep Receipts H lambs around SOc lower top natives 1475 75 better beter grades grade larg largI largely lv 14 25 14 5 i sheep h ep steady stady to lo lIc lower Texas 8 00 g i OMAHA Jul Jul July 1 hogs Hogs Re Re- HI- HI better beter grade butch butch- butchers ers era es fairly active fully SOc lOc higher medium grade offerings and pack pack- packing ing grade uneven une en slow bulk to pound butchers bulcher 13 1150 60 top 1355 13 55 desirable to pound weight 18 G 1325 15 few fe 10 to pound pound 30 ua- ua lection 1385 rough packing sows around 1100 OC smooth grade rade to 11 1175 75 bulk of sib all RI sales sales 1500 1350 top lop Tuesday 1365 average a cost U. U 12 1 72 weight w 24 Cattle Catte Receipts gool and choice fed Ced steers and year year- ear ear- lines Ings moderately mod active lOc be to higher plainer grades grade slow I uneven n mostly t steady bulk 00 12 1 1200 00 several everal e loads of ot t butchers butch rs 1240 12 40 weighty and long Jong yearlings 1260 12 60 50 she he stock slow stead steady to weak bulls bulu dull dul to 10 lower lal steady stockers and feeders teed rs scare scare- steady bulk butcher bulcher cows 15 25 7 00 heifers Mier 8 00 10 25 can can- canners canners canners ners and cutters 3 00 bo- bo bologna bologna logna ogna butts bulls buls t practical veal seal eal top lop 9 00 Sheep Receipts 7 lambs lamb stead steady to lo lower bulk fat tl range lambs lamb 1550 15 50 natives 8 1475 top 1500 00 fed Ced clipped lambs averaging 82 pounds pound 1375 1376 17 best yearlings 1225 sheep steady stead ewe le top pOI feeders steady early arl sales les rang rang- ranging rangIng ranging ing feeding lambs 13 13 oO oOST O. O ST sr JOSEPH J Mo July 1 I. I f Hogs HY Receipts oo to SIc higher top 13 1361 65 bulK bult 13 1300 0 13 60 0 Cattle Receipts steady to weak bulk buik of steers 8 85 1150 1150 top 1160 cows and helt- helt heifers ers era erl 51 1100 1100 calves 4 BOW 9 50 feeders 5 00 f Sheep Shep Receipts 2500 lambs to 10 SOC lower lowe sheep steady lambs 1400 1 1550 ewes 6 60 U 07 25 |